
22-letter words containing p, i, e, c

  • absorption coefficient — a measure of the rate of decrease in the intensity of electromagnetic radiation, as light, as it passes through a given substance.
  • abstract expressionism — a school of painting in New York in the 1940s that combined the spontaneity of expressionism with abstract forms in unpremeditated, apparently random, compositions
  • acceleration principle — the principle that an increase in the demand for a finished product will create a greater demand for capital goods.
  • account representative — (job)   A person in a company who identifies new accounts, analyses customer needs, proposes business solutions, negotiates and oversees the implementation of new projects.
  • acoustic spectrography — a technique for analyzing sound by separating it into its component frequencies.
  • american water spaniel — any of a breed of spaniel with a curly, reddish or dark-brown coat, used as a retriever, esp. of waterfowl
  • amperometric titration — titration in which the end point is determined by measuring the amperage of an electric current of given voltage that is passed through the solution.
  • anankastic personality — a personality syndrome characterized by obsessional or compulsive traits.
  • antediluvian patriarch — See under patriarch (def 1).
  • antisocial personality — a personality disorder, beginning early in life, characterized by chronic and continuous antisocial behavior in which the rights of others are violated, as by lying, stealing, or aggressive sexual behavior.
  • apprentice electrician — a trainee electrician
  • approved social worker — (in England) a qualified social worker specially trained in mental-health work, who is approved by his employing local authority to apply for a mentally disordered person to be admitted to hospital and detained there, or to apply for the person to be received into the guardianship of the local authority
  • arab republic of egyptArab Republic of. a republic in NE Africa. 386,198 sq. mi. (1,000,252 sq. km). Capital: Cairo. Formerly (1958–71) United Arab Republic.
  • arithmetic progression — a sequence of numbers or quantities, each term of which differs from the succeeding term by a constant amount, such as 3,6,9,12
  • armed response vehicle — (in Britain) a police vehicle carrying armed officers who are trained to respond to incidents involving firearms
  • articulatory phonetics — the branch of phonetics concerned with the production of speech sounds
  • artificial respiration — Artificial respiration is the forcing of air into the lungs of someone who has stopped breathing, usually by blowing through their mouth or nose, in order to keep them alive and to help them to start breathing again.
  • astronomical telescope — any telescope designed and mounted for use in astronomy. Such telescopes usually form inverted images
  • audience participation — the active involvement of an audience in a live show or broadcast
  • autokinetic phenomenon — the apparent movement of a fixed point of light when observed in a darkened room. The effect is produced by small eye movements for which the brain is unable to compensate, having no other reference points
  • axiom of comprehension — (logic)   An axiom schema of set theory which states: if P(x) is a property then {x : P} is a set. I.e. all the things with some property form a set. Acceptance of this axiom leads to Russell's Paradox which is why Zermelo set theory replaces it with a restricted form.
  • axonometric projection — a geometric drawing of an object, such as a building, in three dimensions showing the verticals and horizontals projected to scale but with diagonals and curves distorted, so that the whole appears inclined
  • bank deposit insurance — the protection of bank deposits against the insolvency of banks in the U.S., up to a specified maximum per account that is revised periodically, under special insurance through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
  • bankrupt's certificate — a document given to a bankrupt with the consent of their creditors, stating that the bankrupt has disclosed and surrendered all his property
  • bankruptcy proceedings — the legal business of a bankruptcy case
  • basic operating system — (operating system)   (BOS) An early [when?] IBM operating system. According to folklore, BOS was the predecessor to TOS on the IBM 360 and it was IPL'd from a card reader. It may have been intended for very small 360's with no disks and limited tape drives. BOS died out really early [when?] as disks such as the 2311 and 2314 became common with the IBM 360, whereas disks had been a real luxury on the IBM 7090.
  • being from outer space — a monster; an imaginary creature
  • bidirectional printing — (hardware)   A feature of a printer whose printer head can print both when moving left to right and when moving right to left. Also known as "boustrophedonic".
  • birthright citizenship — the practice of automatically granting citizenship to a child born in a particular country, regardless of the citizenship status of the parent or parents: an end to birthright citizenship.
  • black-capped chickadee — any of several North American birds of the genus Parus, of the titmouse family, especially P. atricapillus (black-capped chickadee) having the throat and top of the head black.
  • block diagram compiler — (simulation, language)   (BDL) A block diagram simulation tool, with associated language.
  • brachiocephalic artery — a major artery, arising from the arch of the aorta, that supplies blood to the right arm and the head.
  • bug-for-bug compatible — Same as bug-compatible, with the additional implication that much tedious effort went into ensuring that each (known) bug was replicated.
  • business reply service — a service involving reply-paid envelopes
  • c programmer's disease — (programming)   The tendency of the undisciplined C programmer to set arbitrary but supposedly generous static limits on table sizes (defined, if you're lucky, by constants in header files) rather than taking the trouble to do proper dynamic storage allocation. If an application user later needs to put 68 elements into a table of size 50, the afflicted programmer reasons that he or she can easily reset the table size to 68 (or even as much as 70, to allow for future expansion) and recompile. This gives the programmer the comfortable feeling of having made the effort to satisfy the user's (unreasonable) demands, and often affords the user multiple opportunities to explore the marvellous consequences of fandango on core. In severe cases of the disease, the programmer cannot comprehend why each fix of this kind seems only to further disgruntle the user.
  • categorical imperative — (in the ethics of Kant) the unconditional moral principle that one's behaviour should accord with universalizable maxims which respect persons as ends in themselves; the obligation to do one's duty for its own sake and not in pursuit of further ends
  • central african empire — a former name (1976–79) of Central African Republic.
  • ceramic pin grid array — (hardware, processor)   (CPGA) A form of Pin Grid Array package used by Cyrix III processors. Compare PPGA and FC-PGA.
  • certificate of deposit — a negotiable certificate issued by a bank in return for a deposit of money for a term of up to five years
  • chemical sympathectomy — the chemical destruction of one or more parts of the sympathetic nervous system
  • chemical-sympathectomy — sympathectomy (def 2).
  • chip off the old block — a person who resembles one of his or her parents in behaviour
  • chip on one's shoulder — an inclination to fight or quarrel
  • client-centred therapy — a form of psychotherapy in which the therapist makes no attempt to interpret what the patient says but encourages him or her to develop his or her own attitudes and insights, often by questioning
  • cockpit voice recorder — a device which records conversations in and communications from the cockpit of an aircraft
  • collective pitch lever — a lever in a helicopter to change the angle of attack of all the rotor blades simultaneously, causing it to rise or descend
  • color graphics adapter — (hardware, graphics)   (CGA) One of IBM's earliest hardware video display standards for use in IBM PCs. CGA can display 80*25 or 40*25 text in 16 colors, 640*200 pixels of graphics in two colors or 320*200 in four colors (IBM PC video modes 0-6). It is now obsolete.
  • come up with the goods — If you deliver the goods or come up with the goods, you do what is expected or required of you.
  • common situs picketing — the picketing of an entire construction project by a union having a dispute with only one subcontractor working at the site.
  • common snapping turtle — a large aggressive North American river turtle, Chelydra serpentina, having powerful hooked jaws and a rough shell

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