
14-letter words containing p, i, a

  • alluvial plain — a level or gently sloping surface formed of sediments laid down by streams, generally during flooding.
  • allyl sulphide — a colourless liquid that smells like garlic and is used as a flavouring. Formula: (CH2:CHCH2)2S; relative density: 0.888; boiling pt: 139°C
  • alpha centauri — a binary star, the brightest star in the constellation Centaurus: magnitude, -0.27: it is the nearest of the stars that are visible to the naked eye, except for the sun
  • alpha globulin — a blood plasma protein that is separable from other globulins by electrophoresis.
  • alpha particle — a helium-4 nucleus, containing two neutrons and two protons, emitted during some radioactive transformations
  • alpha virginis — spica
  • alphabetically — (manner) In an alphabetical manner.
  • alphanumerical — alphanumeric; characterized by having letters and numerals
  • alpine bistort — Also called snakeweed. a European plant, Polygonum bistorta, of the buckwheat family, having a twisted root, which is sometimes used as an astringent.
  • alpine currant — an ornamental shrub, Ribes alpinum, of Europe, having greenish-yellow flowers and scarlet fruit.
  • alpine glacier — a glacier that descends from a high valley
  • aluminum plant — a glossy green- or silver-leaved herb, Pilea cadierei, often grown as a houseplant.
  • ambassadorship — a diplomatic official of the highest rank, sent by one sovereign or state to another as its resident representative (ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary)
  • american party — an ignorant or totally uninformed person; ignoramus.
  • aminopeptidase — an enzyme produced by the glands of the small intestine
  • aminophenazone — a crystalline compound used to reduce pain and fever. Formula: C13H17N3O
  • amphiarthroses — a joint permitting only slight motion, as that between the vertebrae.
  • amphiarthrosis — a type of articulation permitting only slight movement, as between the vertebrae of the backbone
  • amphibiousness — The state or quality of being amphibious.
  • amphibological — (rare) of doubtful meaning, ambiguous, quibbling.
  • amphiprostylar — Amphiprostyle.
  • amphiprostyles — Plural form of amphiprostyle.
  • amphisbaenians — Plural form of amphisbaenian.
  • amphotericin b — an antibiotic compound, C46H73NO20, used in treating certain diseases caused by parasitic fungi, such as systemic candidiasis
  • amplexifoliate — having amplexicaul leaves.
  • amplifications — Plural form of amplification.
  • angiomyolipoma — (medicine) A common benign tumour of the kidney.
  • angle of pitch — the acute angle between the longitudinal axis of an aircraft or spacecraft and the direction of the wind relative to the vehicle.
  • animal spirits — cheerful and exuberant boisterousness
  • anopisthograph — a manuscript, parchment, or book having writing on only one side of the leaves.
  • antaphrodisiac — Capable of reducing the sex drive.
  • anteroparietal — situated in a forward part or on the wall of an organ or cavity.
  • anthropoid ape — any primate of the family Pongidae, having no tail, elongated arms, and a highly developed brain. The group includes gibbons, orang-utans, chimpanzees, and gorillas
  • anthropologist — a person who specializes in anthropology
  • anthropometric — the measurement of the size and proportions of the human body.
  • anthropopathic — Of or relating to anthropopathy.
  • anthropophobia — the fear of people and human companionship
  • anthropophobic — relating to the fear of people and human companionship
  • anthropophuism — the attribution of human qualities to gods
  • anti-apartheid — opposed to apartheid
  • anti-corporate — of, for, or belonging to a corporation or corporations: a corporate executive; She considers the new federal subsidy just corporate welfare.
  • anticapitalism — opposition to capitalism
  • anticapitalist — opposed to or against the principles or practice of capitalism
  • anticensorship — opposed to a policy or programme of censoring
  • anticipatingly — In an anticipating manner; looking forward; expectantly.
  • anticipatively — In an anticipative manner; expectantly.
  • anticipatorily — of, showing, or expressing anticipation.
  • anticorruption — the opposition to or prevention of corruption
  • antidepressant — An antidepressant is a drug which is used to treat people who are suffering from depression.
  • antidepression — alleviating or preventing depression
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