
15-letter words containing p, h, o, t, s, y

  • nonpsychiatrist — a person who is not a psychiatrist
  • nonpsychoactive — Not psychoactive.
  • null hypothesis — (in the statistical testing of a hypothesis) the hypothesis to be tested.
  • onychocryptosis — a form of nail disease in which nails are ingrown
  • orthopsychiatry — an approach to psychiatry concerned with the study and treatment of behavioral disorders, especially of young people.
  • pathophysiology — the physiology of abnormal or diseased organisms or their parts; the functional changes associated with a disease or syndrome.
  • phosphorylation — to introduce the phosphoryl group into (an organic compound).
  • phosphorylative — of or relating to phosphorylation
  • photoelasticity — the phenomenon of double refraction of polarized light by a transparent substance under elastic stress, used to measure strain in elastic, transparent materials.
  • photosynthesize — to produce carbohydrates by photosynthesis: Plants with light green leaves don't photosynthesize as well as those with darker leaves.
  • phototypesetter — a machine for phototypesetting
  • physical optics — the branch of optics concerned with the wave properties of light, the superposition of waves, the deviation of light from its rectilinear propagation in a manner other than that considered by geometrical optics, the interaction of light with matter, and the quantum, corpuscular aspects of light.
  • physicalization — to express in physical terms; give form or shape to: The dancers physicalized the mood of the music.
  • physiopathology — pathophysiology.
  • physiotherapist — physical therapy.
  • plethysmography — the tracking of changes measured in bodily volume
  • polyphemus moth — a large, yellowish-brown American silkworm moth, Antheraea polyphemus, having a prominent eyespot on each hind wing and feeding on cherry, apple, and other trees.
  • postsynchronize — to add sound, such as dubbing, to a film or video after shooting is completed
  • property rights — a legal right to or in a particular property.
  • psychoacoustics — the study of sound perception.
  • psychobiologist — the use of biological methods to study normal and abnormal emotional and cognitive processes, as the anatomical basis of memory or neurochemical abnormalities in schizophrenia.
  • psychochemistry — the treatment of mental illnesses by drugs
  • psychogeriatric — the psychology of old age.
  • psychohistorian — a person who writes psychohistory
  • psychopathology — the science or study of mental disorders.
  • psychophysicist — a person who specializes in psychophysics
  • psychosynthesis — a theoretical effort to reconcile components of the unconscious, including dreams, with the rest of the personality.
  • psychotherapist — the treatment of psychological disorders or maladjustments by a professional technique, as psychoanalysis, group therapy, or behavioral therapy.
  • psychotomimetic — (of a substance or drug) tending to produce symptoms like those of a psychosis; hallucinatory.
  • saprophytically — any organism that lives on dead organic matter, as certain fungi and bacteria.
  • self-hypnotized — hypnotized by oneself.
  • somatic therapy — any of a group of treatments presumed to act on biological factors leading to mental illness.
  • sophisticatedly — (of a person, ideas, tastes, manners, etc.) altered by education, experience, etc., so as to be worldly-wise; not naive: a sophisticated young socialite; the sophisticated eye of an experienced journalist.
  • spanish bayonet — any of certain plants belonging to the genus Yucca, of the agave family, having narrow, spine-tipped leaves and a cluster of white flowers.
  • staphylorrhaphy — repair of a cleft palate by means of staphyloplasty and suturing
  • strephosymbolia — a condition of perceiving objects as their mirror image and, specifically, having difficulty in distinguishing letters in words
  • superheterodyne — denoting, pertaining to, or using a method of processing received radio or video signals in which an incoming modulated wave is changed by the heterodyne process into a lower-frequency wave and then subjected to amplification and subsequent detection.
  • sycophantically — a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.
  • sympathetectomy — sympathectomy.
  • sympathomimetic — mimicking stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.
  • symphony writer — a composer of an extended large-scale orchestral composition, usually with several movements, at least one of which is in sonata form
  • thalassotherapy — the use of sea water and marine products as a therapeutic treatment
  • theory of types — a theory advanced by Bertrand Russell to avoid the liar paradox, Russell's paradox, etc, in which a class of expressions or of the entities they represent can all enter into the same syntactic relations
  • toxic psychosis — a psychosis resulting from the toxic effect of chemicals, drugs, or certain intrinsic metabolic states.
  • turkish cypriot — denoting ethnically Turkish inhabitants of Cyprus
  • ultrasonography — a diagnostic imaging technique utilizing reflected high-frequency sound waves to delineate, measure, or examine internal body structures or organs.
  • zoophysiologist — an expert in zoophysiology
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