
11-letter words containing p, e, t, i, s

  • foetiparous — (of a marsupial) bearing young before they are fully developed.
  • foretopsail — (nautical) the sail draped from the foretopmast.
  • fortepianos — Plural form of fortepiano.
  • free spirit — a person with a highly individual or unique attitude, lifestyle, or imagination; nonconformist.
  • genioplasty — Mentoplasty.
  • geopolitics — the study or the application of the influence of political and economic geography on the politics, national power, foreign policy, etc., of a state.
  • geostrophic — of or relating to the balance between the Coriolis force and the horizontal pressure force in the atmosphere.
  • giant steps — a children's game in which a leader calls upon individual players to advance toward him or her in a given number and variety of steps, the object being for one person to tag the leader and for all of them to run back to the starting line without being caught by the leader. Any player who is caught becomes the leader.
  • grapefruits — Plural form of grapefruit.
  • graptolites — Plural form of graptolite.
  • greasepaint — an oily mixture of melted tallow or grease and a pigment, used by actors, clowns, etc., for making up their faces.
  • guttersnipe — a person belonging to or characteristic of the lowest social group in a city.
  • haemoptysis — (British spelling) alternative spelling of hemoptysis.
  • haruspicate — of or relating to a haruspex
  • headstripes — Plural form of headstripe.
  • helicopters — Plural form of helicopter.
  • heliophytes — a plant that grows best in full sunlight.
  • heliotropes — Plural form of heliotrope.
  • hemipterans — Plural form of hemipteran.
  • hemipterous — belonging or pertaining to the Hemiptera, an order of insects having forewings that are thickened and leathery at the base and membranous at the apex, comprising the true bugs.
  • hepatitis a — a normally minor form of hepatitis caused by an RNA virus that does not persist in the blood: usually transmitted by ingestion of contaminated food or water.
  • hepatitis b — a form of hepatitis caused by a DNA virus (hepatitis B virus, or HBV) that persists in the blood, characterized by a long incubation period: usually transmitted by sexual contact or by injection or ingestion of infected blood or other bodily fluids.
  • hepatitis c — a form of hepatitis with clinical effects similar to those of hepatitis B, caused by a blood-borne retrovirus (hepatitis C virus) that may be of the hepatitis non-A, non-B type.
  • heptarchies — Plural form of heptarchy.
  • heptarchist — A ruler of one division of a heptarchy.
  • heptastichs — Plural form of heptastich.
  • heteroptics — incorrect or perverted perception of what is seen; hallucinatory vision.
  • hierophants — Plural form of hierophant.
  • high priest — a chief priest.
  • hip-shooter — a person who acts or talks in a rash, impetuous way
  • hippeastrum — any plant of the South American amaryllidaceous genus Hippeastrum: cultivated for their large funnel-shaped typically red flowers
  • hippocrates — ("Father of Medicine") c460–c377 b.c, Greek physician.
  • hipsterisms — a usually young person who is trendy, stylish, or progressive in an unconventional way; someone who is hip.
  • hospitalise — (British spelling) alternative spelling of hospitalize.
  • hospitalize — to place in a hospital for medical care or observation: The doctor hospitalized grandfather as soon as she checked his heart.
  • hospitaller — a member of the religious and military order (Knights Hospitalers or Knights of St. John of Jerusalem) originating about the time of the first Crusade (1096–99) and taking its name from a hospital at Jerusalem.
  • hyperbolist — One who uses hyperbole; an exaggerator.
  • hyperscript — Informix. The object-based programming language for Wingz, used for creating charts, graphs, graphics, and customised data entry.
  • hyperstatic — redundant (def 5b).
  • hyperstrict — A function which is hyperstrict in some argument will fully evaluate that argument. To fully evaluate an object, evaluate it to WHNF and if it is a constructed data object (e.g. a list or tuple) then fully evaluate every component and so on recursively. Thus a hyperstrict function will fail to terminate if its argument or any component or sub-component of its argument fails to terminate (i.e. if its argument is not "total").
  • hypesthesia — an abnormally weak sense of pain, heat, cold, or touch.
  • hypocretins — Plural form of hypocretin.
  • hypohalites — Plural form of hypohalite.
  • hypostasize — to assume the reality of (an idea, proposition, etc.); hypostatize.
  • hypostatise — to treat or regard (a concept, idea, etc.) as a distinct substance or reality.
  • hypostatize — to treat or regard (a concept, idea, etc.) as a distinct substance or reality.
  • hyposthenia — abnormal lack of strength; weakness.
  • hyposulfite — Also called hydrosulfite. a salt of hyposulfurous acid.
  • hypotension — decreased or lowered blood pressure.
  • hypotensive — characterized by or causing low blood pressure, as shock.
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