
16-letter words containing p, a, r, l

  • programme seller — someone who sells written or printed lists of the events, performers, etc, in a theatre performance
  • project planning — project management
  • projective plane — (mathematics)   The space of equivalence classes of vectors under non-zero scalar multiplication. Elements are sets of the form {kv: k != 0, k scalar, v != O, v a vector} where O is the origin. v is a representative member of this equivalence class. The projective plane of a vector space is the collection of its 1-dimensional subspaces. The properties of the vector space induce a topology and notions of smoothness on the projective plane. A projective plane is in no meaningful sense a plane and would therefore be (but isn't) better described as a "projective space".
  • prolonged-action — sustained-release.
  • promotional code — A promotional code is a code offered by retailers to customers who can use it to receive a discounted price when buying products online.
  • prophylactically — defending or protecting from disease or infection, as a drug.
  • proposal writing — Extension of Fortran for proposal writing.
  • propylthiouracil — a white crystalline compound, C 7 H 1 0 N 2 OS, that interferes with the synthesis of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland: used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.
  • proslambanomenos — the lowest note of the scale in ancient Greek music
  • proto-algonquian — the unattested parent language from which the Algonquian languages are descended.
  • pseudo-realistic — interested in, concerned with, or based on what is real or practical: a realistic estimate of costs; a realistic planner.
  • pseudo-spiritual — of, relating to, or consisting of spirit; incorporeal.
  • pseudohistorical — of, pertaining to, treating, or characteristic of history or past events: historical records; historical research.
  • pseudoperipteral — having a freestanding colonnade at each end, with engaged columns at the sides.
  • public relations — (used with a plural verb) the actions of a corporation, store, government, individual, etc., in promoting goodwill between itself and the public, the community, employees, customers, etc.
  • public transport — fare-paying travel
  • puddling-furnace — the act of a person or thing that puddles.
  • pullorum disease — a highly contagious, frequently fatal disease of young poultry caused by the bacterium Salmonella gallinarum (pullorum), transmitted by the infected hen during egg production, and characterized by weakness, loss of appetite, and diarrhea.
  • pulmonary artery — an artery conveying venous blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs.
  • pure watercolour — water-soluble pigment, applied in transparent washes and without the admixture of white pigment in the lighter tones
  • purple gallinule — a purple, blue, green, and white gallinule, Porphyrula martinica, inhabiting warmer areas of the New World, having a bright red, yellow, and blue bill, and lemon-yellow legs and feet.
  • purple sandpiper — a sandpiper, Calidris maritima, of arctic regions of the New and Old World, having in winter a slate-gray back with purplish reflections.
  • pyramidal orchid — a chalk-loving orchid, Anacamptis pyramidalis, bearing a dense cone-shaped spike of purplish-pink flowers with a long curved spur
  • pyruvic aldehyde — a yellow, liquid compound, C 3 H 4 O 2 , containing both an aldehyde and a ketone group, usually obtained in a polymeric form: used chiefly in organic synthesis.
  • quasi-compulsory — required; mandatory; obligatory: compulsory education.
  • query by example — (database, language)   (QBE) A user-friendly query language developed by Moshé Zloof of IBM in 1975.
  • racial profiling — the use of personal characteristics or behavior patterns to make generalizations about a person, as in gender profiling.
  • radial paralysis — paralysis of a forelimb as a result of loss of function of the radial nerve, usually following traumatic injury
  • radiographically — the production of radiographs.
  • ramen profitable — If a startup business is ramen profitable, it is barely profitable, just enough to allow the founder to live on the cheapest diet.
  • rape of the lock — a mock-epic poem (1712) by Alexander Pope.
  • raspberry sawfly — a black sawfly, Monophadnoides geniculatus, the larvae of which feed on the leaves of the raspberry and blackberry.
  • real-time pascal — (language)   A later name for Pascal-80 by RC International, Denmark.
  • recapitalization — a revision of a corporation's capital structure by an exchange of securities.
  • reconceptualized — to form into a concept; make a concept of.
  • redemption value — the price at which the issuing company may choose to repurchase a security before its maturity date
  • reflection plane — a plane through a crystal that divides the crystal into two halves that are mirror images of each other.
  • reinsurance pool — the grouping of insurers that provide partial or complete insurance coverage to other insurers for (a risk on which a policy has already been issued)
  • relative pronoun — one of the pronouns who, whom, which, what, their compounds with -ever or -soever, or that used as the subordinating word to introduce a subordinate clause, especially such a pronoun referring to an antecedent.
  • relatively prime — (mathematics)   Having no common divisors (greater than 1). Two numbers are said to be relativey prime if there is no number greater than unity that divides both of them evenly. For example, 10 and 33 are relativly prime. 15 and 33 are not relatively prime, since 3 is a divisor of both.
  • replacement cost — fee to obtain new version of sth
  • replacement part — a part of (an engine, device, etc) used to replace or substitute an older or broken part
  • reporting clause — A reporting clause is a clause which indicates that you are talking about what someone said or thought. For example, in 'She said that she was hungry', 'She said' is a reporting clause.
  • representational — of or relating to representation.
  • representatively — a person or thing that represents another or others.
  • republican party — one of the two major political parties in the U.S.: originated 1854–56.
  • republican river — a river flowing E from E Colorado through Nebraska and Kansas into the Kansas River. 422 miles (680 km) long.
  • restriction play — a limited number of opening moves that are predetermined by their chance selection from an accepted list.
  • reversal process — a process for converting the negative on a film or plate to a positive by bleaching and redeveloping.
  • rhine palatinate — See under Palatinate (def 1).
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