
13-letter words containing p, a, n

  • comprovincial — belonging to the same province
  • compsognathus — any bipedal carnivorous dinosaur of the genus Compsognathus, of late Jurassic age, having a slender body that reached a length of 30 inches (76 cm).
  • computational — Computational means using computers.
  • concept album — an album that has a unifying theme or that tells a single story
  • conceptualise — to form into a concept; make a concept of.
  • conceptualism — the philosophical theory that the application of general words to a variety of objects reflects the existence of some mental entity through which the application is mediated and which constitutes the meaning of the term
  • conceptualist — any of several doctrines existing as a compromise between realism and nominalism and regarding universals as concepts. Compare nominalism, realism (def 5).
  • conceptuality — a conceptualization
  • conceptualize — If you conceptualize something, you form an idea of it in your mind.
  • concert party — a musical entertainment popular in the early 20th century, esp one at a British seaside resort
  • concord grape — a variety of grape with purple-black fruit covered with a bluish bloom
  • conspiracists — Plural form of conspiracist.
  • conspiratress — a woman who conspires
  • conspurcation — the act of defiling
  • constupration — the act of raping or violating
  • contact paper — Photography. sensitized paper on which a contact print is made.
  • contact patch — the area of contact between a tire on an automotive vehicle and the road surface.
  • contact print — a photographic print made by exposing the printing paper through a negative placed directly onto it
  • contact sport — a sport that involves physical contact between participants, such as rugby
  • containerport — a shipping port specially equipped to handle containerized cargo
  • containership — a ship specially designed or equipped for carrying containerized cargo
  • contemplating — to think studiously; meditate; consider deliberately.
  • contemplation — thoughtful or long consideration or observation
  • contemplatist — a contemplator
  • contemplative — Someone who is contemplative thinks deeply, or is thinking in a serious and calm way.
  • contemplators — Plural form of contemplator.
  • contents page — the page in a book that shows the table of contents
  • contracepting — to prevent the conception of (offspring).
  • contraception — Contraception refers to methods of preventing pregnancy.
  • contraceptive — A contraceptive method or device is a method or a device which a woman uses to prevent herself from becoming pregnant.
  • contrapuntist — a composer skilled in counterpoint
  • contre-partie — (in buhlwork) an inlay composed of a design in tortoise shell on a background of brass.
  • control panel — the part of a machine or piece of equipment that houses the controls
  • convertiplane — an aircraft that can land and take off vertically by temporarily directing its propulsive thrust downwards
  • convexo-plane — plano-convex
  • copartnership — a partnership or association between two equals, esp in a business enterprise
  • copper-fasten — to make (a bargain or agreement) binding
  • copy negative — master (def 21).
  • cor pulmonale — pulmonary heart disease: a serious heart condition in which there is enlargement and failure of the right ventricle resulting from lung disease
  • coral springs — city in SE Fla.: pop. 118,000
  • cornish pasty — A Cornish pasty is a small pie with meat and vegetables inside.
  • coronagraphic — Of, pertaining to, or employing a coronagraph.
  • corporateness — the state of being a corporate body
  • corporational — an association of individuals, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members. See also municipal corporation, public corporation.
  • corporealness — The state or quality of being corporeal.
  • corporisation — The forming into one body; embodiment.
  • corsican pine — a pine tree, a variant of the black pine Pinus nigra var maritime, originally native to Corsica and neighbouring Mediterranean regions
  • corticospinal — Of, or pertaining to, or connecting the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord.
  • cosmopolitans — Plural form of cosmopolitan.
  • cotransporter — (biochemistry) An integral membrane protein that actively transports molecules by using the concentration gradient of one molecule or ion concentration to force the other molecule or ion against its gradient.
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