
18-letter words containing p, a, l, u

  • rural municipality — any lightly settled area in Canada lacking a local elected government and administered directly by a provincial government.
  • salt of phosphorus — a colorless, odorless, crystalline, water-soluble solid, NaNH 4 HPO 4 ⋅4H 2 O, originally obtained from human urine: used as a blowpipe flux in testing metallic oxides.
  • sampling equipment — Sampling equipment is equipment which is used to remove small amounts of something for analysis and monitoring.
  • sampling frequency — sample rate
  • scripting language — a language that is used to write scripts, or executable sections of code that automate tasks.
  • sea-level pressure — the atmospheric pressure, at any elevation, reduced by formula to a value approximating the pressure at sea level.
  • self-preoccupation — the state of being preoccupied.
  • sell someone a pup — to swindle someone by selling him something worthless
  • separate but equal — pertaining to a racial policy, formerly practiced in some parts of the United States, by which black people could be segregated if granted equal opportunities and facilities, as for education, transportation, or jobs.
  • simple enumeration — a procedure for arriving at empirical generalizations by haphazard accumulation of positive instances.
  • sit up like jackie — to sit bolt upright, esp cheekily
  • slow on the uptake — slow to understand or learn
  • sodium-vapour lamp — a type of electric lamp consisting of a glass tube containing neon and sodium vapour at low pressure through which an electric current is passed to give an orange light. They are used in street lighting
  • southampton island — an island in N Canada, in the Northwest Territories at the entrance to Hudson Bay. 19,100 sq. mi. (49,470 sq. km).
  • spackling compound — spackle
  • speak for yourself — If you say 'Speak for yourself' when someone has said something, you mean that what they have said is only their opinion or applies only to them.
  • special prosecutor — (formerly) an independent counsel.
  • status epilepticus — a condition in which repeated epileptic seizures occur without the patient gaining consciousness between them. If untreated for a prolonged period it can lead to long-term disability or death
  • subatomic particle — physics:
  • super giant slalom — a slalom race in which the course is longer and has more widely spaced gates than in a giant slalom.
  • super royal octavo — a book size, 63⁄4 by 101⁄4 inches
  • super royal quarto — a book size, 101⁄4 by 131⁄2 inches
  • superciliary ridge — browridge.
  • supraorbital ridge — browridge.
  • surgical appliance — a specialized device used by somebody to relieve a particular medical condition
  • temporal summation — the act or process of summing.
  • the general public — the people in a society; people in general
  • thiosulphuric acid — an unstable acid known only in solutions and in the form of its salts. Formula: H2S2O3
  • to hold your peace — If you hold or keep your peace, you do not speak, even though there is something you want or ought to say.
  • to play favourites — to display favouritism
  • to plough a furrow — If you say that someone ploughs a particular furrow or ploughs their own furrow, you mean that their activities or interests are different or isolated from those of other people.
  • to pull a fast one — If you say that someone has pulled a fast one on you, you mean that they have cheated or tricked you.
  • to take the plunge — If you take the plunge, you decide to do something that you consider difficult or risky.
  • truck center plate — one of a pair of plates that fit together and support the body of a car on a truck, while allowing the truck to rotate with respect to the body. One plate (body center plate) is attached to the underside of the car body and the other (truck center plate) is part of the car truck.
  • unit magnetic pole — the unit of magnetic pole strength equal to the strength of a magnetic pole that repels a similar pole with a force of one dyne, the two poles being placed in a vacuum and separated by a distance of one centimeter.
  • universal coupling — a coupling between rotating shafts set at an angle to one another, allowing for rotation in three planes.
  • unpledged delegate — (in the US) a delegate at a national party convention who is free to vote for any candidate
  • up someone's alley — suited to someone's tastes or abilities
  • up to the eyeballs — You use up to the eyeballs to emphasize that someone is in an undesirable state to a very great degree.
  • upper klamath lake — See under Klamath Lakes.
  • upper middle class — wealthy, highly-educated people
  • upper palaeolithic — the latest of the three periods of the Palaeolithic, beginning about 40 000 bc and ending, in Europe, about 12 000 bc: characterized by the emergence of modern man, Homo sapiens
  • upper partial tone — overtone (def 1).
  • valle de la pascua — a city in N Venezuela.
  • venture capitalist — funds invested or available for investment in a new or unproven business enterprise.
  • vulcan nerve pinch — (jargon)   (Or "three-finger salute", Vulcan death grip; from the old "Star Trek" TV series via Commodore Amiga hackers) The keyboard combination that forces a soft boot or jump to ROM monitor (on machines that support such a feature). On an Amiga this is done with Ctrl/Right Amiga/Left Amiga; on IBM PCs and many microcomputers it is Ctrl/Alt/Del; on Suns, L1-A; on some Macintoshes, it is -! Silicon Graphics users are obviously the most dextrous however, as these machines use the five-finger combination: Left Shift/Left Ctrl/Left Alt/Keypad Divide/F12. Compare quadruple bucky.
  • west puente valley — a town in SW California.
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