
15-letter words containing p, a, l, o, c

  • decompositional — Of or pertaining to decomposition.
  • demographically — of or relating to demography, the science of vital and social statistics.
  • dephlogisticate — to reduce or remove inflammation from
  • deprovincialize — to make provincial in character.
  • dermatoglyphics — the lines forming a skin pattern, esp on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet
  • diastrophically — in a diastrophic fashion
  • dolichocephalic — long-headed; having a cephalic index of 75 and under.
  • double saucepan — a cooking utensil consisting of two saucepans, one fitting inside the other. The bottom saucepan contains water that, while boiling, gently heats food in the upper pan
  • eclipse scotoma — a blind spot; a permanent or temporary area of depressed or absent vision caused by viewing the sun directly
  • egyptian clover — a Mediterranean clover, Trifolium alexandrinum, grown as a forage crop and to improve the soil in the southwestern US and the Nile valley
  • electing a pope — (electronics, humour)   (From the smoke signals given out when the guys in funny hats choose a new Pope) Causing an integrated circuit or other electronic component to emit smoke by passing too much current through it. See magic smoke.
  • electra complex — the sexual attachment of a female child to her father
  • electra paradox — the supposed paradox that one may know something to be true of an object under one description but not another, as when Electra knew that Orestes was her brother but not that the man before her was her brother although he was Orestes. This shows the predicate "knows" to be intensional, that Electra's knowledge here is de dicto, and that the statement of it yields an opaque context
  • electromyograph — A device used in electromyography to generate electromyograms.
  • elegiac couplet — a couplet composed of a dactylic hexameter followed by a dactylic pentameter
  • encephalization — (biology) the amount of brain mass exceeding that related to an animal's total body mass.
  • encephalography — Any of various techniques for recording the structure or electrical activity of the brain.
  • encephalopathic — Relating to encephalopathy.
  • encyclopaedical — Of or pertaining to encyclopaediae.
  • epeirogenically — in the manner of epeirogeny
  • epidemiological — Of or pertaining to epidemiology.
  • epistemological — Of or pertaining to epistemology or theory of knowledge, as a field of study.
  • escape velocity — great enough speed to escape gravity
  • exceptionalness — The quality of being exceptional.
  • exemplification — The act of exemplifying; a showing or illustrating by example.
  • fahnestock clip — a type of terminal using a spring that clamps readily onto a connecting wire.
  • fasciolopsiasis — a parasitic disease caused by flukes of the genus Fasciolopsis and characterized by abdominal pain and diarrhea: common in the Far East.
  • fatal exception — (programming, operating system)   A program execution error which is trapped by the operating system and which results in abrupt termination of the program. It may be possible for the program to catch some such errors, e.g. a floating point underflow; others, such as an invalid memory access (an attempt to write to read-only memory or an attempt to read memory outside of the program's address space), may always cause control to pass to the operating system without allowing the program an opportunity to handle the error. The details depend on the language's run-time system and the operating system. See also: fatal error.
  • flange coupling — a driving coupling between rotating shafts that consists of flanges (or half couplings) one of which is fixed at the end of each shaft, the two flanges being bolted together with a ring of bolts to complete the drive
  • floating policy — (in marine insurance) a policy that provides protection of a broad nature for shipments of merchandise and that is valid continuously until canceled.
  • flock wallpaper — a type of wallpaper with a raised pattern
  • foolscap octavo — a book size, 41⁄4 by 63⁄4 inches
  • foolscap quarto — a book size, 63⁄4 by 81⁄2 inches (foolscap quarto)
  • fusospirochetal — Relating to fusospirochetes.
  • galvanic couple — voltaic couple.
  • geneva protocol — the agreement in 1925 to ban the use of asphyxiating, poisonous, or other gases in war. It does not ban the development or manufacture of such gases
  • geostrophically — By means of, or in terms of, geostrophy.
  • gila woodpecker — a dull-colored woodpecker, Melanerpes uropygialis, of the southwestern U.S. and Mexico.
  • glossographical — relating to glossography
  • gramophonically — in a gramophonic manner
  • graph colouring — (application)   A constraint-satisfaction problem often used as a test case in research, which also turns out to be equivalent to certain real-world problems (e.g. register allocation). Given a connected graph and a fixed number of colours, the problem is to assign a colour to each node, subject to the constraint that any two connected nodes cannot be assigned the same colour. This is an example of an NP-complete problem. See also four colour map theorem.
  • graphologically — In terms of or by means of graphology.
  • grecian profile — a profile distinguished by the absence of the hollow between the upper ridge of the nose and the forehead, thereby forming a straight line.
  • haulage company — a firm that transports goods by lorry
  • hepaticological — of or relating to hepaticology
  • hexachlorophene — a white, crystalline powder, C 13 Cl 6 H 6 O 2 , insoluble in water: used as an antibacterial agent chiefly in toothpastes and soaps.
  • histopathologic — the science dealing with the histological structure of abnormal or diseased tissue; pathological histology.
  • holding company — a company that controls other companies through stock ownership but that usually does not engage directly in their productive operations (distinguished from parent company).
  • holding paddock — a paddock in which cattle or sheep are kept temporarily, as before shearing, etc
  • holographically — In a holographic way.
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