
15-letter words containing p, a, c, h

  • phase-switching — a technique used in radio interferometry in which the signal from one of the two antennae is periodically reversed in phase before being multiplied by the signal from the other antenna
  • pheasant coucal — a brown and black, red-eyed Australian bird, Centropus phasianinus, with a pheasantlike tail.
  • phenakistoscope — an early form of a zoetrope in which figures are depicted in different poses around the edge of a disc. When the disc is spun, and the figures observed through the apertures around the edge of the disc, they appear to be moving
  • phenomenalistic — the doctrine that phenomena are the only objects of knowledge or the only form of reality.
  • philanthropical — of, pertaining to, engaged in, or characterized by philanthropy; benevolent: a philanthropic foundation.
  • philosophically — of or relating to philosophy: philosophical studies.
  • phonautographic — relating to a phonautograph or a piece of equipment that records sound visually by detecting the sound waves and indicating them on a graph
  • phonemicization — a grouping of phonemes
  • phoneticization — the representation of speech in writing using a system in which individual symbols reflect speech sounds in a regular manner
  • phonocardiogram — the graphic record produced by a phonocardiograph.
  • phonogramically — in a phonogramic manner
  • phosphocreatine — a compound, C 4 H 1 0 O 5 N 3 P, found chiefly in muscle, formed by the enzymatic interaction of an organic phosphate and creatine, the breakdown of which provides energy for muscle contraction.
  • phosphoric acid — any of three acids, orthophosphoric acid, H 3 PO 4 , metaphosphoric acid, HPO 3 , or pyrophosphoric acid, H 4 P 2 O 7 , derived from phosphorus pentoxide, P 2 O 5 , and various amounts of water.
  • photoactivation — the activation or control of a chemical, chemical reaction, or organism by light, as the activation of chlorophyll by sunlight during photosynthesis.
  • photodissociate — to split or break up molecules as a result of the absorption of photons
  • photoelasticity — the phenomenon of double refraction of polarized light by a transparent substance under elastic stress, used to measure strain in elastic, transparent materials.
  • photoexcitation — the creation of an increase in energy in atoms, molecules or ions caused by the absorption of a photon
  • photomacrograph — a photograph showing a subject at actual size or somewhat larger.
  • photomechanical — noting or pertaining to any of various processes for printing from plates or surfaces prepared by the aid of photography.
  • photomicrograph — a photograph taken through a microscope.
  • photorefractive — of or relating to a change in the index of refraction by spatial variations of the light intensity, as in a laser.
  • phototactically — in a phototactic manner
  • phototropically — in a phototropic manner
  • phrenologically — in a manner relating to phrenology
  • physical change — a usually reversible change in the physical properties of a substance, as size or shape: Freezing a liquid is a physical change.
  • physical memory — (memory management)   The memory hardware (normally RAM) installed in a computer. The term is only used in contrast to virtual memory.
  • physical optics — the branch of optics concerned with the wave properties of light, the superposition of waves, the deviation of light from its rectilinear propagation in a manner other than that considered by geometrical optics, the interaction of light with matter, and the quantum, corpuscular aspects of light.
  • physicalization — to express in physical terms; give form or shape to: The dancers physicalized the mood of the music.
  • physicochemical — physical and chemical: the physicochemical properties of an isomer.
  • physiologically — of or relating to physiology.
  • phytochemically — in a phytochemical manner
  • phytopathogenic — of, possessing the properties of, or relating to a phytopathogen
  • pick and choose — to choose or select from among a group: to pick a contestant from the audience.
  • pick up the tab — If you pick up the tab, you pay a bill on behalf of a group of people or provide the money that is needed for something.
  • pick-and-shovel — marked by drudgery; laborious: the pick-and-shovel work necessary to get a political campaign underway.
  • pied flycatcher — a small black and white migratory bird of Europe and western Asia, Ficedula hypoleuca
  • pinball machine — the tablelike, usually coin-operated machine on which pinball is played.
  • pinochet ugarte — Augusto [ou-goos-taw] /aʊˈgus tɔ/ (Show IPA), 1915–2006, Chilean army general and political leader: president 1973–90.
  • pistachio green — a light or medium shade of yellow green.
  • pitch blackness — extreme darkness; lack of light
  • pithecanthropus — a former genus of extinct hominids whose members have now been assigned to the proposed species Homo erectus.
  • plain chocolate — dark eating chocolate
  • plainclothesman — a police officer, especially a detective, who wears ordinary civilian clothes while on duty.
  • planter's punch — a punch made with rum, lime juice, sugar, and water or soda.
  • play havoc with — bring chaos to
  • pleochroic halo — a dark-colored, microscopic ring around a minute radioactive particle in certain mineral crystals, used in estimating the age of the rocks containing these crystals
  • polychlorinated — having multiple chlorine atoms
  • polymorphically — in a polymorphic manner
  • posthemorrhagic — occurring after a haemorrhage
  • power macintosh — Power Mac
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