
18-letter words containing o

  • work-study program — a program enabling high-school or college students to combine academic work with actual job experience.
  • work-study student — a student who is permitted to work while studying, and use the money earned to pay for their studies
  • working hypothesis — See under hypothesis (def 1).
  • working men's club — A working men's club is a place where working people, especially men, can go to relax, drink alcoholic drinks, and sometimes watch live entertainment.
  • world championship — an international competition in a particular sport or activity for people all around the world
  • world of one's own — a state of mental detachment from other people
  • world trade center — New York: business district
  • wrangell mountains — a mountain range in SE Alaska, extending into the Yukon, Canada. Highest peak: Mount Blackburn, 5037 m (16 523 ft)
  • writ of assistance — a writ issued by a superior colonial court authorizing officers of the British crown to summon aid and enter and search any premises.
  • writ of attachment — a document by which a court orders the seizing of property in order to ensure satisfaction of a judgement
  • writ of certiorari — certiorari.
  • wrongful dismissal — the act of making someone redundant for reasons which are illegal or unjust
  • x-ray spectrometer — a spectrometer using x-rays to activate the inner electrons of an atom in order to separate and identify the chemical constituents of a substance and their concentrations.
  • x-ray spectrometry — the use of an x-ray spectrometer.
  • xenon hexafluoride — a colorless, crystalline compound, XeF 6 , that melts at 50°C to a yellow liquid, and boils at 75°C.
  • yell bloody murder — Law. the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. In the U.S., special statutory definitions include murder committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation or occurring during the commission of another serious crime, as robbery or arson (first-degree murder) and murder by intent but without deliberation or premeditation (second-degree murder)
  • yellow book cd-rom — A CD-ROM format which is ISO 9660 compliant and uses mode 1 addressing. Discs of this type can be played on most drives and would be appropriate for most multimedia applications which have been developed for personal computers.
  • yellow honeysuckle — a spreading, twining vine, Lonicera flava, of the southern and eastern U.S., having fragrant, tubular, orange-yellow flowers.
  • yellow-green algae — a group of common single-celled and colonial algae of the phylum Chrysophyta, having mostly yellow and green pigments, occurring in soil and on moist rocks and vegetation and also as a slime or scum on ponds and stagnant waters.
  • yelloweye rockfish — a red rockfish, Sebastes ruberrimus, of waters along the Pacific coast of North America, having eyes that are yellow and possessed of strong, sawlike bony ridges on the head.
  • yerkes observatory — an astronomical observatory located in Williams Bay, Wisconsin, affiliated with the University of Chicago, and having a 40-inch (102-cm) refracting telescope, the largest refractor in the world.
  • you never can tell — If you say 'You never can tell', you mean that the future is always uncertain and it is never possible to know exactly what will happen.
  • young conservative — a member of the youth section of the United Kingdom Conservative Party
  • zermelo set theory — (mathematics)   A set theory with the following set of axioms: Extensionality: two sets are equal if and only if they have the same elements. Union: If U is a set, so is the union of all its elements. Pair-set: If a and b are sets, so is {a, b}. Foundation: Every set contains a set disjoint from itself. Comprehension (or Restriction): If P is a formula with one free variable and X a set then {x: x is in X and P(x)}. is a set. Infinity: There exists an infinite set. Power-set: If X is a set, so is its power set. Zermelo set theory avoids Russell's paradox by excluding sets of elements with arbitrary properties - the Comprehension axiom only allows a property to be used to select elements of an existing set.
  • zion national park — a park in SW Utah. 148 sq. mi. (383 sq. km).
  • zone of saturation — the ground below the water table
  • zorrilla (y moral) — Joˈsé (hɔˈsɛ ) ; h^ōseˈ) 1817-93; Sp. poet & playwright
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