
18-letter words containing o

  • involuntary muscle — muscle: contracts involuntarily
  • iomega corporation — (company, storage)   A storage device manufacturer whose major products are the Zip and Jaz removable disk drives and Ditto tape drives. They became popular with an early product called the Bernoulli Box. These products fall in line with their focus set in 1994 "to help people manage their stuff". The company's stated aim is to create portable, fast, large and cheap storage solutions. Iomega's major competitor in the growing market for removable disks is SyQuest, who seem to always be a few weeks behind them. In general, Iomega target the Small Office/Home Office. They are also investigating the growing digital photography market which also needs large removable storage devices. Iomega's president and CEO is Kim Edwards. They have nearly 2000 employees in offices world-wide. Revenue for the quarter ending Dec 1996 was $371 million and net income was $20 million. Headquarters: Roy, Utah, USA.
  • ionization chamber — a device for detecting and measuring ionizing radiation, consisting of a tube containing a low pressure gas and two electrodes between which a high voltage is maintained. The current between the electrodes is a function of the intensity of the radiation
  • ionizing radiation — any radiation, as a stream of alpha particles or x-rays, that produces ionization as it passes through a medium.
  • ip next generation — Internet Protocol version 6
  • iron (ii) sulphate — an iron salt with a saline taste, usually obtained as greenish crystals of the heptahydrate, which are converted to the white monohydrate above 100°C: used in inks, tanning, water purification, and in the treatment of anaemia. Formula: FeSO4
  • irreconcilableness — The quality of being irreconcilable; irreconcilability; incompatibility; incongruity.
  • irreproachableness — The quality or state of being irreproachable; integrity; innocence.
  • irresponsibilities — said, done, or characterized by a lack of a sense of responsibility: His refusal to work shows him to be completely irresponsible.
  • isabella of france — 1292–1358, wife (1308–27) of Edward II of England, whom, aided by her lover, Roger de Mortimer, she deposed; mother of Edward III
  • isidore of sevilleSaint (Isidorus Hispalensis) a.d. c570–636, Spanish archbishop, historian, and encyclopedist.
  • isoamyl salicylate — a colorless, sometimes slightly yellow, synthetic oil, C 12 H 16 O 3 , having an orchidlike odor: used in perfumery.
  • isolation hospital — a hospital used to isolate or quarantine people with a contagious disease
  • isometric exercise — exercise or a program of exercises to strengthen specific muscles or shape the figure by pitting one muscle or part of the body against another or against an immovable object in a strong but motionless action, as by pressing the fist of one hand against the palm of the other or against a desk.
  • isometric joystick — (hardware)   Any kind of joystick where the input depends on the force exerted rather than the position of the control, e.g. TrackPoint.
  • isothermal process — a process that takes place without change in temperature.
  • isthmus of corinth — a narrow strip of land between the Gulf of Corinth and the Saronic Gulf: crossed by the Corinth Canal making navigation possible between the gulfs
  • italian corn salad — a southern European plant, Valerianella eriocarpa, of the valerian family, having edible, spoon-shaped, hairy leaves and dense clusters of pale-blue flowers.
  • italian provincial — designating or of a style of rural, Italian furniture of the 18th and 19th cent., with straight lines and simple decoration, usually of fruitwood or mahogany
  • italian somaliland — a former Italian colony and trust territory in E Africa: now part of the Democratic Somali Republic.
  • itemized deduction — tax: individually listed tax exempt expenditures
  • iverson's language — APL, which went unnamed for many years.
  • jack of all trades — a person who is adept at many different kinds of work.
  • jack-of-all-trades — a person who is adept at many different kinds of work.
  • jacksonville beach — a city in NE Florida.
  • jacobite rebellion — the unsuccessful Jacobite rising of 1715 led by James Francis Edward Stuart
  • james-lange theory — a theory that emotions are caused by bodily sensations; for example, we are sad because we weep
  • japanese andromeda — an Asian evergreen shrub, Pieris japonica, of the heath family, having broad, glossy leaves and drooping clusters of whitish blossoms.
  • japanese artichoke — Chinese artichoke.
  • japanese persimmon — the soft, orange or reddish, edible fruit of an Asian tree, Diospyros kaki.
  • jerusalem syndrome — a delusive condition affecting some visitors to Jerusalem in which the sufferer identifies with a major figure from his or her religious background
  • jewel in the crown — the most valuable, esteemed, or successful person or thing of a number
  • job classification — an arrangement of different types of employment within a company or industry, according to the skill, experience, or training required.
  • johanan ben zakkai — died a.d. c80, Palestinian rabbi who was a leading Pharisaic teacher: disciple of Hillel.
  • johannes gutenberg — Johannes [yoh-hahn-uh s] /yoʊˈhɑn əs/ (Show IPA), (Johann Gensfleisch) c1400–68, German printer: credited with invention of printing from movable type.
  • john birch society — an ultraconservative organization, founded in December 1958 by Robert Welch, Jr., chiefly to combat alleged Communist activities in the U.S.
  • johnny on the spot — a person who is ready and at hand whenever needed
  • johnny-come-lately — a late arrival or participant; newcomer: the Johnny-come-latelies producing space-war films after the trend had ended.
  • johnny-on-the-spot — a person who is on hand to perform a service, seize an opportunity, deal with an emergency, etc.
  • joint consultation — a formal system of communication between the management of an organization and the employees' representatives used prior to taking decisions affecting the workforce, usually effected through a joint consultative committee
  • joint life annuity — an annuity, the payments of which cease at the death of the first of two or more specified persons.
  • jose de san martin — José de [haw-se th e] /hɔˈsɛ ðɛ/ (Show IPA), 1778–1850, South American general and statesman, born in Argentina: leader in winning independence for Argentina, Peru, and Chile; protector of Peru 1821–22.
  • josephson junction — a high-speed switch, used in experimental computers, that operates on the basis of a radiative phenomenon (Jo·sephson effect) exhibited by a pair of superconductors separated by a thin insulator.
  • juan ponce de leonJuan [hwahn] /ʰwɑn/ (Show IPA), c1460–1521, Spanish explorer.
  • jump discontinuity — a discontinuity of a function at a point where the function has finite, but unequal, limits as the independent variable approaches the point from the left and from the right. Compare jump (def 52).
  • jump through hoops — If someone makes you jump through hoops, they make you do lots of difficult or boring things in order to please them or achieve something.
  • junior common room — (in certain universities and colleges) a common room for the use of students
  • junior heavyweight — a boxer weighing up to 190 pounds (85.5 kg), between light heavyweight and heavyweight.
  • junior high school — a school attended after elementary school and usually consisting of grades seven through nine.
  • junior lightweight — a boxer weighing up to 130 pounds (58.5 kg), between featherweight and lightweight.
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