
18-letter words containing o

  • condensation point — a point of which every neighborhood contains an uncountable number of points of a given set.
  • condensation trail — contrail.
  • conditional access — the encryption of television programme transmissions so that only authorized subscribers with suitable decoding apparatus may have access to them
  • conditionalization — the derivation from an argument of a conditional statement with the conjunction of the premises as antecedent and the conclusion as consequent. If the argument is valid, conditionalization yields a truth
  • conditioned reflex — a reflex in which the response (e.g., secretion of saliva in a dog) is occasioned by a secondary stimulus (e.g., the ringing of a bell) repeatedly associated with the primary stimulus (e.g., the sight of meat)
  • conductivity water — water that has a conductivity of less than 0.043 × 10–6 S cm–1
  • configuration item — (jargon)   Hardware or software, or an aggregate of both, which is designated by the project configuration manager (or contracting agency) for configuration management.
  • congregate housing — a type of housing in which each individual or family has a private bedroom or living quarters but shares with other residents a common dining room, recreational room, or other facilities.
  • congregationalists — a form of Protestant church government in which each local religious society is independent and self-governing.
  • congress of vienna — the European conference held at Vienna from 1814–15 to settle the territorial problems left by the Napoleonic Wars
  • conjugate solution — a system of liquids, each partially miscible in the other, existing with a common interface, consisting of a saturated solution of one in the other.
  • conjugated protein — a biochemical compound consisting of a sequence of amino acids making up a simple protein to which another nonprotein group (a prosthetic group), such as a carbohydrate or lipid group, is attached
  • connected subgraph — (mathematics)   A connected graph consisting of a subset of the nodes and edges of some other graph.
  • consecrated ground — ground that has been made or declared sacred or holy, and is therefore suitable for Christian burial
  • consensus sequence — a DNA sequence common to different organisms and having a similar function in each
  • consequential loss — A consequential loss is a loss that follows another loss that is caused by a danger that has been insured against.
  • conservation grade — relating to food produced using traditional methods where possible, and following strict specifications regarding animal feeds and welfare, the use of chemical fertilizers, wildlife conservation, and land management
  • conservative party — The Conservative Party is the main right-of-centre party in Britain.
  • considered harmful — (programming, humour)   A type of phrase based on the title of Edsger W. Dijkstra's famous note in the March 1968 Communications of the ACM, "Goto Statement Considered Harmful", which fired the first salvo in the structured programming wars. Amusingly, the ACM considered the resulting acrimony sufficiently harmful that it will (by policy) no longer print articles taking so assertive a position against a coding practice. In the ensuing decades, a large number of both serious papers and parodies bore titles of the form "X considered Y". The structured-programming wars eventually blew over with the realisation that both sides were wrong, but use of such titles has remained as a persistent minor in-joke.
  • consolato del mare — a code of maritime law compiled in the Middle Ages: it drew upon ancient law and has influenced modern law.
  • consolidation loan — a single loan which is taken out to pay off several separate existing loans
  • constituency party — a branch of a political party operating within a constituency
  • constitution clock — an American banjo clock having depicted on its lower part the battle in the War of 1812 between the U.S. frigate Constitution and the British frigate Guerrière.
  • constitution state — Connecticut (used as a nickname).
  • constitutional law — the body of law that evolves from a constitution, setting out the fundamental principles according to which a state is governed and defining the relationship between the various branches of government within the state.
  • constitutionalized — Simple past tense and past participle of constitutionalize.
  • construction paper — Construction paper is a type of stiff, colored paper that children use for drawing and for making things.
  • constructive proof — (mathematics)   A proof that something exists that provides an example or a method for actually constructing it. For example, for any pair of finite real numbers n < 0 and p > 0, there exists a real number 0 < k < 1 such that f(k) = (1-k)*n + k*p = 0. A constructive proof would proceed by rearranging the above to derive an equation for k: k = 1/(1-n/p) From this and the constraints on n and p, we can show that 0 < k < 1. A few mathematicians actually reject *all* non-constructive arguments as invalid; this means, for instance, that the law of the excluded middle (either P or not-P must hold, whatever P is) has to go; this makes proof by contradiction invalid. See intuitionistic logic. Constructive proofs are popular in theoretical computer science, both because computer scientists are less given to abstraction than mathematicians and because intuitionistic logic turns out to be an appropriate theoretical treatment of the foundations of computer science.
  • consumer terrorism — the practice of introducing dangerous substances to foodstuffs or other consumer products, esp to extort money from the manufacturers
  • contact dermatitis — dermatitis caused by direct contact with an irritating substance, as an allergen or chemical
  • contact inhibition — the cessation of movement, growth, and division in cells that touch each other.
  • container terminal — a transport terminal that handles containerized cargo
  • content data model — (standard, documentation, language)   (CDM) An SGML-based specification for interactive maintenance manuals, developed by the Air Force Human Resourceas Laboratory (AFHRL) with assistance from RJO Enterprises, Incorporated. CDM models data hierachically and data are identified by their content structure with SGML mark-up used to identify information classes such as "system information", "functions", "tasks" and "steps".
  • contents insurance — the insurance for the personal property in a household
  • continental celtic — Celtic as spoken and written in ancient times on the mainland of Europe.
  • continental divide — the watershed of a continent, esp (often caps.) the principal watershed of North America, formed by the Rocky Mountains
  • continental margin — the offshore zone, consisting of the continental shelf, slope, and rise, that separates the dry-land portion of a continent from the deep ocean floor.
  • continental shield — any of the large, low-lying areas in the Earth's crust that are composed of Precambrian crystalline rocks
  • continental system — French system.
  • continuation sheet — (in a document) a page that continues from the one before it, containing similar information
  • continued fraction — a number plus a fraction whose denominator contains a number and a fraction whose denominator contains a number and a fraction, and so on
  • continuous casting — a technique of casting ingots, bars, etc., in which the metal is poured into an open-ended mold, being withdrawn as it solidifies so that the solid portion of the piece retains the fluid portion within the mold.
  • continuous process — A continuous process is a process in which the product comes out without interruption and not in groups.
  • contract furniture — furniture designed and manufactured for commercial installation, as in offices, waiting rooms, or lobbies.
  • contradistinctions — Plural form of contradistinction.
  • contrastive stress — a stress imposed on a word or syllable contrary to its normal accentuation in order to contrast it with an alternative word or syllable or to focus attention on it, as the stress given to the normally unstressed word of in government of the people, by the people, for the people in order to point up the parallel between of, by, and for and to distinguish of from words such as over or against.
  • control experiment — an experiment designed to check or correct the results of another experiment by removing the variable or variables operating in that other experiment. The comparison obtained is an indication or measurement of the effect of the variables concerned
  • controllable-pitch — (of a marine or aircraft propeller) having blades whose pitch can be changed during navigation or flight; variable-pitch.
  • controlled-release — A controlled-release drug or preparation is released into the body in specified amounts over a specified period of time.
  • convenience market — the area of business which involves selling convenience foods
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