
8-letter words containing o, v, t, e

  • totitive — a number less than, and having no common factors with, a given number
  • travelog — a lecture, slide show, or motion picture describing travels.
  • trouvere — one of a class of medieval poets who flourished in northern France during the 12th and 13th centuries, wrote in langue d'oïl, and composed chiefly the chansons de geste and works on the themes of courtly love.
  • trouveur — trouvère.
  • truelove — a sweetheart; a truly loving or loved person.
  • turnover — an act or result of turning over; upset.
  • tv movie — a film made specifically for television, and not intended for release in cinemas
  • twelvemo — duodecimo
  • undevout — devoted to divine worship or service; pious; religious: a devout Catholic.
  • vector c — (language)   A variant of C from CMU(?), similar to ACTUS.
  • velation — pronunciation with velar articulation.
  • velocity — rapidity of motion or operation; swiftness; speed: a high wind velocity.
  • venation — the arrangement of veins, as in a leaf or in the wing of an insect.
  • venosity — the state or quality of being venous.
  • ventouse — an apparatus sometimes used to assist the delivery of a baby, consisting of a cup which is attached to the fetal head by suction, and a chain by which traction can be exerted in order to draw out the baby
  • ventrous — adventurous
  • verboten — forbidden, as by law; prohibited.
  • vermouth — an aromatized white wine in which herbs, roots, barks, bitters, and other flavorings have been steeped.
  • vertisol — a clay-rich soil in which deep cracks form during the dry season.
  • vest top — a sleeveless top; a top with thin shoulder straps
  • vexation — the act of vexing.
  • vexatory — vexing, inconvenient, or irritating
  • viatores — a wayfarer; traveler.
  • victoire — a female given name, French form of Victoria.
  • videofit — a computer-generated picture of a person sought by the police, created by combining facial characteristics on the basis of witnesses' descriptions
  • videotex — an electronic information transmission and retrieval technology enabling interactive communication, for such purposes as data acquisition and dissemination and electronic banking and shopping, between typically large and diverse computer databases and users of home or office display terminals connected to telephone or cable-television lines, or through use of broadcast television signals.
  • vietcong — a Communist-led army and guerrilla force in South Vietnam that fought its government and was supported by North Vietnam.
  • vinolent — fond of wine; drunken
  • violated — to break, infringe, or transgress (a law, rule, agreement, promise, instructions, etc.).
  • violetta — a female given name.
  • vitreous — of the nature of or resembling glass, as in transparency, brittleness, hardness, glossiness, etc.: vitreous china.
  • vocative — Grammar. (in certain inflected languages, as Latin) noting or pertaining to a case used to indicate that a noun refers to a person or thing being addressed.
  • volatile — evaporating rapidly; passing off readily in the form of vapor: Acetone is a volatile solvent.
  • volitate — to flutter
  • volitive — Grammar. expressing a wish or permission: a volitive construction.
  • volsteadAndrew Joseph, 1860–1946, U.S. legislator.
  • voltaire — (François Marie Arouet) 1694–1778, French philosopher, historian, satirist, dramatist, and essayist.
  • vomitive — to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth; regurgitate; throw up.
  • vonnegutKurt, Jr. 1922–2007, U.S. novelist.
  • vortices — a plural of vortex.
  • votaress — a woman who is a votary.
  • votaries — a person who is bound by solemn religious vows, as a monk or a nun.
  • vote out — If people vote out a particular person or political party, they give that person or party so few votes in an official election that they no longer hold a position of power.
  • voteable — capable of being voted upon; subject to a vote: a votable issue.
  • voteless — lacking or without a vote.
  • wavetops — Plural form of wavetop.
  • zemstvos — Plural form of zemstvo.
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