
14-letter words containing o, v, e, r, s, n

  • rose of heaven — a plant, Lychnis coeli-rosa, of the pink family, native to the Mediterranean region, having solitary terminal, rose-pink flowers.
  • sand lovegrass — any grass of the genus Eragrostis, as E. curvula (weeping lovegrass) and E. trichodes (sand lovegrass) cultivated as forage and ground cover.
  • screw conveyor — a device for moving loose materials, consisting of a shaft with a broad, helically wound blade rotating in a tube or trough.
  • second service — the communion service: so called because it follows Morning Prayer.
  • secondary wave — a transverse earthquake wave that travels through the interior of the earth and is usually the second conspicuous wave to reach a seismograph.
  • self-governing — governed by itself or having self-government, as a state or community; independent.
  • self-provision — a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc., providing for a particular matter; stipulation; proviso.
  • semistarvation — the state of being nearly starved.
  • senior service — the Royal Navy
  • seroconversion — the process of producing antibodies in response to a specific antigen
  • seronegativity — the quality or state of being seronegative
  • servomechanism — an electronic control system in which a hydraulic, pneumatic, or other type of controlling mechanism is actuated and controlled by a low-energy signal.
  • seventy-fourth — next after the seventy-third; being the ordinal number for 74.
  • seville orange — a globose, reddish-yellow, bitter or sweet, edible citrus fruit.
  • short covering — purchases that close out short sales on stocks or commodities.
  • silver protein — any of several colloidal silver solutions containing silver and a protein, as albumin: formerly used in treating inflammation of mucous membranes
  • silver-spooned — born into, of, or relating to a wealthy upper-class family
  • silver-tongued — persuasive; eloquent: a silver-tongued orator.
  • sliding vector — a vector having specified magnitude and lying on a given line.
  • sound archives — official records or files (as in a library) of sound recordings, broadcasts, or performances, esp those from radio programmes
  • southern slavs — one of a group of peoples in eastern, southeastern, and central Europe, including the Russians and Ruthenians (Eastern Slavs) the Bulgars, Serbs, Croats, Slavonians, Slovenes, etc. (Southern Slavs) and the Poles, Czechs, Moravians, Slovaks, etc. (Western Slavs)
  • souvenir sheet — a single stamp or a pair, block, or set of stamps having the same or different designs commemorating a stamp exhibition or other event and having inscriptions in one or all four margins.
  • sovereign debt — the debt of a national government, esp debt that is issued in a foreign currency
  • stanovoi range — a mountain range in SE Russia; forms part of the watershed between rivers flowing to the Arctic and the Pacific. Highest peak: Mount Skalisty, 2482 m (8143 ft)
  • stock turnover — the rate at which stock is sold and replenished
  • sub-government — the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community, etc.; political administration: Government is necessary to the existence of civilized society.
  • superelevation — bank1 (def 6).
  • superovulation — to produce more than the normal number of ova at one time, as through hormone treatment.
  • supportiveness — giving support.
  • swinging voter — a person who does not vote consistently for any single political party
  • tergiversation — to change repeatedly one's attitude or opinions with respect to a cause, subject, etc.; equivocate.
  • transformative — to change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose.
  • turn of events — If there is a particular turn of events, a particular series of things happen.
  • unconservative — disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
  • unconstructive — helping to improve; promoting further development or advancement (opposed to destructive): constructive criticism.
  • undiscoverable — unable to be discovered or found out
  • undiscoverably — in an undiscoverable manner
  • universal soul — Brahman in its aspect as the sacred syllable Om, the eternal and spiritual principle that permeates the universe
  • unresolvedness — the state of being unresolved or irresolute
  • unresponsively — in an unresponsive manner
  • valerianaceous — belonging to the plant family Valerianaceae.
  • van conversion — van2 (def 4).
  • vapour density — the ratio of the density of a gas or vapour to that of hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure
  • varicose veins — swollen blood vessels
  • vaulting horse — a padded, somewhat cylindrical floor-supported apparatus, braced horizontally at an adjustable height, used for hand support and pushing off in vaulting.
  • vernix caseosa — the fatty matter, consisting chiefly of dead epidermal cells and sebaceous secretions, covering the skin of a fetus and newborn.
  • vespertilionid — any of a large family (Vespertilionidae) of long-tailed bats that are widely distributed, esp. in temperate regions, including most of the small, insect-eating species
  • villa cisneros — former name of Dakhla (def 2).
  • virgin's-bower — any of several American clematis plants, esp Clematis virginiana, of E North America, which has clusters of small white flowers
  • voice response — output of information from a computer system in the form of speech rather than displayed text
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