
13-letter words containing o, u, e, s, a, n

  • tenaciousness — holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold (often followed by of): a tenacious grip on my arm; tenacious of old habits.
  • tetradynamous — having four long and two short stamens, as a cruciferous flower.
  • that's enough — You say 'that's enough' to tell someone, especially a child, to stop behaving in a silly, noisy, or unpleasant way.
  • the consulate — the consular government of France from 1799 to 1804
  • treasury bond — any of various interest-bearing bonds issued by the U.S. Treasury Department, usually maturing over a long period of time.
  • treasury note — a note or bill issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, receivable as legal tender for all debts except as otherwise expressly provided.
  • tseng kuo-fan — 1811–72, Chinese general and statesman.
  • un-personable — of pleasing personal appearance; handsome or comely; attractive.
  • unadventurous — inclined or willing to engage in adventures; enjoying adventures.
  • uncompensated — to recompense for something: They gave him ten dollars to compensate him for his trouble.
  • unconsecrated — to make or declare sacred; set apart or dedicate to the service of a deity: to consecrate a new church building.
  • unconstrained — forced, compelled, or obliged: a constrained confession.
  • unconsummated — to bring to a state of perfection; fulfill.
  • uncontestable — a race, conflict, or other competition between rivals, as for a prize.
  • unconversable — inappropriate for conversation
  • undated stock — stock that has no definitive repayment commitment
  • undiagnosable — unable to be diagnosed
  • undiscouraged — to deprive of courage, hope, or confidence; dishearten; dispirit.
  • undissociated — not dissociated, especially into ions or into simpler molecules.
  • undomesticate — to make wild
  • unencompassed — to form a circle about; encircle; surround: He built a moat to encompass the castle.
  • unfashionable — observant of or conforming to the fashion; stylish: a fashionable young woman.
  • unforeseeable — to have prescience of; to know in advance; foreknow.
  • unforeseeably — to have prescience of; to know in advance; foreknow.
  • unimpassioned — not filled with passion or affected by strong emotion
  • unmetabolised — not metabolised
  • unpostponable — to put off to a later time; defer: He has postponed his departure until tomorrow.
  • unscholarlike — not befitting a scholar; ungentlemanly
  • unsensational — not sensational
  • unsmotherable — unquenchable
  • unspontaneous — coming or resulting from a natural impulse or tendency; without effort or premeditation; natural and unconstrained; unplanned: a spontaneous burst of applause.
  • unstercorated — not stercorated or covered in dung
  • unsupportable — capable of being supported; endurable; maintainable.
  • untransformed — not transformed; not having been transformed
  • unwomanliness — the quality or state of being unwomanly
  • ustilagineous — belonging to the Ustilaginales, an order of fungi that cause plant disease
  • vapourishness — the quality or state of being vapourish
  • veraciousness — characterized by truthfulness; true, accurate, or honest in content: a veracious statement; a veracious account.
  • vicariousness — performed, exercised, received, or suffered in place of another: vicarious punishment.
  • vivaciousness — lively; animated; spirited: a vivacious folk dance.
  • voluntariness — done, made, brought about, undertaken, etc., of one's own accord or by free choice: a voluntary contribution.
  • wages council — (formerly, in Britain) a statutory body empowered to fix minimum wages in an industry; abolished in 1994
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