
13-letter words containing o, u, e, s, a, n

  • beauteousness — The state or quality of being beauteous.
  • bignoniaceous — of, relating to, or belonging to the Bignoniaceae, a chiefly tropical family of trees, shrubs, and lianas, including jacaranda, bignonia, and catalpa
  • boardinghouse — a private house in which accommodation and meals are provided for paying guests
  • boraginaceous — of, relating to, or belonging to the Boraginaceae, a family of temperate and tropical typically hairy-leaved flowering plants that includes forget-me-not, lungwort, borage, comfrey, and heliotrope
  • bounced flash — a flash bounced off a reflective surface, as a ceiling or wall, to illuminate a subject indirectly.
  • bouncy castle — A bouncy castle is a large object filled with air, often in the shape of a castle, which children play on at a fairground or other outdoor event.
  • brain surgeon — a surgeon who specializes in brain surgery
  • buenas noches — good night
  • bums on seats — If the organizers of an event such as a concert want to put bums on seats, they want a lot of people to attend it.
  • businesswoman — A businesswoman is a woman who works in business.
  • calf's tongue — a molding having pendent, tonguelike members in relief against a flat or molded surface.
  • capaciousness — capable of holding much; spacious or roomy: a capacious storage bin.
  • carbon tissue — a sheet of paper coated with pigmented gelatine, used in the carbon process
  • carbon-tissue — paper faced with a preparation of carbon or other material, used between two sheets of plain paper in order to reproduce on the lower sheet that which is written or typed on the upper.
  • carboniferous — yielding coal or carbon
  • carillonneurs — Plural form of carillonneur.
  • cat and mouse — Also called cat and rat. a children's game in which players in a circle keep a player from moving into or out of the circle and permit a second player to move into or out of the circle to escape the pursuing first player.
  • cat-and-mouse — denoting a fight or contest in which participants attempt to confuse or deceive each other in a cruel or teasing way, esp before a final act of cruelty or unkindness
  • caudine forks — a narrow pass in the Apennines, in S Italy, between Capua and Benevento: scene of the defeat of the Romans by the Samnites (321 bc)
  • cause offence — If you cause offence or give offence to someone, you say or do something rude which upsets or embarrasses them.
  • cauterisation — Alt form cauterization.
  • cavernicolous — inhabiting caves or cavelike places
  • ceruloplasmin — a protein responsible for copper detoxification, found in the blood
  • chaise longue — A chaise longue is a kind of sofa with only one arm and usually a back along half its length.
  • chaise lounge — A chaise lounge is the same as a chaise longue.
  • charnel house — A charnel house is a place where the bodies and bones of dead people are stored.
  • chestnut coal — anthracite coal in sizes ranging from 1 3/16 to 1 5/8 inch (3 to 4 cm).
  • cinchonaceous — relating to cinchona
  • clamorousness — The state or quality of being clamorous.
  • clearinghouse — If an organization acts as a clearinghouse, it collects, sorts, and distributes specialized information.
  • commensurable — having a common factor
  • commensurably — In a commensurable manner; so as to be commensurable.
  • commensurated — Simple past tense and past participle of commensurate.
  • commensurates — Third-person singular simple present indicative form of commensurate.
  • communalities — the state or condition of being communal.
  • conceptualise — to form into a concept; make a concept of.
  • conceptualism — the philosophical theory that the application of general words to a variety of objects reflects the existence of some mental entity through which the application is mediated and which constitutes the meaning of the term
  • conceptualist — any of several doctrines existing as a compromise between realism and nominalism and regarding universals as concepts. Compare nominalism, realism (def 5).
  • conchylaceous — Of or relating to shells; resembling a shell.
  • confusticated — Simple past tense and past participle of confusticate.
  • congratulates — Third-person singular simple present indicative form of congratulate.
  • conjugateness — The quality of being conjugate.
  • consanguineal — having the same ancestry or descent; related by blood.
  • consectaneous — following logically; consequent
  • consentaneous — accordant or consistent (with)
  • consequential — Consequential means the same as consequent.
  • consuetudinal — According to custom; customary; usual.
  • contextualise — to put (a linguistic element, an action, etc.) in a context, especially one that is characteristic or appropriate, as for purposes of study.
  • contextualism — (in motion-picture criticism) the theory that all incidents in a film must be viewed in the social, political, and cultural context with which the film concerns itself and in which it was made.
  • contextualist — (in motion-picture criticism) the theory that all incidents in a film must be viewed in the social, political, and cultural context with which the film concerns itself and in which it was made.
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