
11-letter words containing o, s, t, p, l

  • polyestrous — having several estrus cycles annually or during a breeding season.
  • polyglotism — able to speak or write several languages; multilingual.
  • polyhistory — the quality of a polyhistor
  • polylithism — (programming)   A property of a data-object that can exist in many shapes and sizes, but not simultaneously; which distinguishes it from a union. It is often implemented as a set of classes (or structs) derived from a common base class (or with a common header, as in the case of structs), typically without any methods. It has been loosely described as polymorphic data.
  • polyphonist — a musical composer of or theorist in polyphony
  • polysorbate — any of a class of emulsifying and dispersing agents used in various foods and pharmaceutical preparations.
  • polystyrene — a clear plastic or stiff foam, a polymer of styrene, used chiefly as an insulator in refrigerators and air conditioners.
  • pontificals — of, relating to, or characteristic of a pontiff; papal.
  • popish plot — an imaginary conspiracy against the crown of Great Britain on the part of English Roman Catholics, fabricated in 1678 by Titus Oates as a means of gaining power.
  • possibilist — of or relating to the geographical theory of possibilism
  • possibility — the state or fact of being possible: the possibility of error.
  • post-bellum — of or during the period after a war, esp the American Civil War
  • post-coital — sexual intercourse, especially between a man and a woman.
  • post-cyclic — denoting rules that apply only after the transformations of a whole cycle
  • post-holder — a person who has a particular job or position
  • post-larval — of, relating to, or in the form of a larva.
  • post-racial — characterized by the absence of racial discord, discrimination, or prejudice previously or historically present: post-racial politics; the post-racial era.
  • postal card — a card sold by the post office with a stamp already printed on it.
  • postal code — British. postcode.
  • postal vote — a voting slip that can be filled in at home and sent by post
  • postcollege — an institution of higher learning, especially one providing a general or liberal arts education rather than technical or professional training. Compare university.
  • postcranial — located posterior to the head.
  • postcubital — Anatomy, Zoology. pertaining to, involving, or situated near the cubitus.
  • postel, jon — Jon Postel
  • posteriorly — situated behind or at the rear of; hinder (opposed to anterior).
  • postexilian — being or occurring subsequent to the exile of the Jews in Babylonia 597–538 b.c.
  • postglacial — after a given glacial epoch, especially the Pleistocene.
  • postholiday — occurring after a holiday
  • postillator — a writer of postils; an annotator, a postiller
  • postlanding — occurring after a landing (of an aircraft, shuttle, etc)
  • postmarital — occurring, effective, or provided after marriage
  • postnatally — after birth, following a birth
  • postnuptial — subsequent to marriage: postnuptial adjustments.
  • postorbital — located behind the orbit or socket of the eye.
  • postpyloric — the opening between the stomach and the duodenum.
  • postulating — to ask, demand, or claim.
  • postulation — to ask, demand, or claim.
  • postulatory — of or relating to a postulate or assumption
  • postvocalic — immediately following a vowel.
  • potableness — the quality of being potable or drinkable
  • potash alum — alum1 (def 1).
  • preselector — a preamplifier between the antenna and receiving circuit, used to improve reception.
  • presolution — the act of solving a problem, question, etc.: The situation is approaching solution.
  • priest-hole — a secret chamber in certain houses in England, built as a hiding place for Roman Catholic priests when they were proscribed in the 16th and 17th centuries
  • pronatalism — the policy or practice of encouraging the bearing of children, especially government support of a higher birthrate.
  • pronatalist — the policy or practice of encouraging the bearing of children, especially government support of a higher birthrate.
  • proselyting — a person who has changed from one opinion, religious belief, sect, or the like, to another; convert.
  • proselytism — the act or fact of becoming a proselyte; conversion.
  • proselytize — try to attract converts
  • proteolysis — the breaking down of proteins into simpler compounds, as in digestion.
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