
27-letter words containing o, s, t, e, g

  • language acquisition device — a hypothesized innate mental faculty present in infants that enables them to construct and internalize the grammar of their native language on the basis of the limited and fragmentary language input to which they are exposed. Abbreviation: LAD.
  • link state routing protocol — (networking, communications)   A routing protocol such as OSPF which permits routers to exchange information with one another about the reachability of other networks and the cost or metric to reach the other networks. The cost/metric is based on number of hops, link speeds, traffic congestion, and other factors as determined by the network designer. Link state routers use Dijkstra's algorithm to calculate shortest (lowest cost) paths, and normally update other routers with whom they are connected only when their own routing tables change. Link state routing is an improvement over distance-vector routing protocols such as RIP which normally use only a single metric (such as hop count) and which exchange all of their table information with all other routers on a regular schedule. Link state routing normally requires more processing but less transmission overhead.
  • magnetostrictive delay line — (storage, history)   An early storage device that used tensioned wires of nickel alloy carrying longitudinal waves produced and detected electromagnetically. They had better storage behaviour than mercury delay lines.
  • management information base — (networking)   (MIB) A database of managed objects acessed by network management protocols. An SNMP MIB is a set of parameters which an SNMP management station can query or set in the SNMP agent of a network device (e.g. router). Standard minimal MIBs have been defined, and many hardware (and certain software, e.g. DBMS) providers have developed private MIBs in ASN.1 format allowing them to be compiled for use in a Network Management System. In theory, any SNMP manager can talk to any SNMP agent with a properly defined MIB. See also client-server model.
  • memorandum of understanding — a document that describes the general principles of an agreement between parties, but does not amount to a substantive contract
  • memory type range registers — (architecture, video)   (MTRR) Registers in the Pentium Pro and Pentium II processors that can be used to specify a strategy for communication with the external memory and caches for a number of physical address ranges. Strategies include write-through, write-back, or uncached(?). Such control is useful where the memory is located on a device and is accessed via some kind of device bus, e.g. a PCI or AGP graphics card, where caching would be of no benefit.
  • natural language processing — (artificial intelligence)   (NLP) Computer understanding, analysis, manipulation, and/or generation of natural language. This can refer to anything from fairly simple string-manipulation tasks like stemming, or building concordances of natural language texts, to higher-level AI-like tasks like processing user queries in natural language.
  • neurolinguistic programming — a therapy designed to alter behaviour by reprogramming unconscious patterns of thought
  • newton's law of gravitation — the principle that two particles attract each other with forces directly proportional to the product of their masses divided by the square of the distance between them
  • not go amiss/not come amiss — If you say that something would not go amiss or would not come amiss, you mean that it would be pleasant and useful.
  • on the understanding (that) — If you agree to do something on the understanding that something else will be done, you do it because you have been told that the other thing will definitely be done.
  • open distributed processing — (standard)   (ODP) An attempt to standardise an OSI application layer communications architecture. ODP is a natural progression from OSI, broadening the target of standardisation from the point of interconnection to the end system behaviour. The objective of ODP is to enable the construction of distributed systems in a multi-vendor environment through the provision of a general architectural framework that such systems must conform to. One of the cornerstones of this framework is a model of multiple viewpoints which enables different participants to observe a system from a suitable perspective and a suitable level of abstraction.
  • open scripting architecture — (OSA) A CIL approach to the coexistence of multiple scripting systems.
  • oscillating universe theory — the theory that the universe is oscillating between periods of expansion and collapse
  • outline planning permission — a permission for building on land which sets out general but not yet detailed guidelines
  • perfect programmer syndrome — Arrogance; the egotistical conviction that one is above normal human error. Most frequently found among programmers of some native ability but relatively little experience (especially new graduates; their perceptions may be distorted by a history of excellent performance at solving toy problems). "Of course my program is correct, there is no need to test it." "Yes, I can see there may be a problem here, but *I'll* never type "rm -r /" while in root mode."
  • post-viral fatigue syndrome — Post-viral fatigue syndrome is a long-lasting illness that is thought to be caused by a virus. Its symptoms include feeling tired all the time and muscle pain.
  • potassium hydrogen tartrate — a colourless or white soluble crystalline salt used in baking powders, soldering fluxes, and laxatives. Formula: KHC4H4O6
  • press/push the right button — If you say that someone presses the right button or pushes the right button, you mean that they get what they want from a particular situation or person by behaving in a clever way.
  • public broadcasting service — a network of independent, noncommercial television stations that operate with public and government funding instead of with revenues from advertising. Abbreviation: PBS.
  • public service broadcasting — publicly-funded broadcasting
  • rough endoplasmic reticulum — a network of tubular membranes within the cytoplasm of the cell, occurring either with a smooth surface (smooth endoplasmic reticulum) or studded with ribosomes (rough endoplasmic reticulum) involved in the transport of materials.
  • satellite navigation system — a computer-operated system of navigation that uses signals from orbiting satellites and mapping data to pinpoint the user's position and plot a subsequent course
  • senile macular degeneration — a type of macular degeneration that is one of the leading causes of blindness in the elderly and in which tiny blood vessels grow into the macula of the retina, obscuring vision. Abbreviation: SMD.
  • serial storage architecture — (storage)   (SSA) IBM's proposed ANSI standard for a standard high-speed interface to disk clusters and arrays. SSA allows full-duplex packet multiplexed serial data transfers at rates of 20Mb/sec in each direction. According to John Taylor, programme manager at IBM's Storage Division at Havant, SSA will be used in arrays of discs working with high-end computers ranging from mainframes down to LAN servers. Taylor said that SSA differs from the IEEE proposed P1394 serial interface specification in its ability to offer simultaneous multiplexed transfers from more than one disk or array. IBM also supports the P1394 standard which will be used primarily by desktop PCs for multimedia applications. SSA has received backing from a number of companies including connector makers Molex, ITT Cannon and AMP, disk drive makers Conner and Western Digital and RAID array suppliers like Dynatech and NCR. IBM expects to see the first SSA products released at Comdex in Autumn 1994 but it will be 1995 before the products ship in volume. Under an agreement signed with ASIC maker and ARM licencee VLSI Technology, IBM will use ARM-based chips made by VLSI to implement the SSA interface and VLSI will make these cores available to third parties as one of its Functional System Blocks.
  • set someone's teeth on edge — to make someone acutely irritated or uncomfortable
  • single connector attachment — Single Connection Attach
  • sonnets from the portuguese — a sonnet sequence (1850) by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
  • stand someone in good stead — to be of benefit or advantage to someone
  • stock market closing report — a summary of the prices of stocks and shares at the end of trading including information about their gains or losses over the trading period
  • storage management services — (storage)   (SMS) Software that enables network administrators to route backup data from various devices on a network to another device such as a server or a magnetic tape backup unit. This is done either to make use of a high-capacity storage system such as a tape juke-box or for disaster protection.
  • take advantage of something — If you take advantage of something, you make good use of it while you can.
  • take exception to something — If you take exception to something, you feel offended or annoyed by it, usually with the result that you complain about it.
  • take someone's fingerprints — If the police take someone's fingerprints, they make that person press their fingers onto a pad covered with ink, and then onto paper, so that they know what that person's fingerprints look like.
  • take something upon oneself — to assume the right to do or responsibility for (something)
  • teach an old dog new tricks — to induce a person of settled habits to adopt new methods or ideas
  • telephone answering machine — answering machine.
  • the long and (the) short of — the whole story of in a few words; gist or point of
  • the shape of things to come — If you say that something is the shape of things to come, you mean that it is the start of a new trend or development, and in future things will be like this.
  • the tail is wagging the dog — If you say that the tail is wagging the dog, you mean that a small or unimportant part of something is becoming too important and is controlling the whole thing.
  • throw one's hat in the ring — a shaped covering for the head, usually with a crown and brim, especially for wear outdoors.
  • thyroid stimulating hormone — thyrotropin. Abbreviation: TSH.
  • thyroid-stimulating hormone — thyrotropin. Abbreviation: TSH.
  • to be bursting at the seams — to be very full
  • to breathe a sigh of relief — If people breathe or heave a sigh of relief, they feel happy that something unpleasant has not happened or is no longer happening.
  • to give someone a free hand — If someone gives you a free hand, they give you the freedom to use your own judgment and to do exactly as you wish.
  • to give something houseroom — If you say that you wouldn't give something houseroom, you are emphasizing that you do not want it or do not like it at all.
  • to go into the record books — to achieve one of the best results that have ever been achieved in a particular sport or activity, for example the fastest time, the furthest distance, or the greatest number of victories
  • to know something backwards — In British English, if you say that someone knows something backwards, you are emphasizing that they know it very well. In American English, you say that someone knows something backward and forward.
  • to nip something in the bud — If you nip something such as bad behaviour in the bud, you stop it before it can develop very far.
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