
14-letter words containing o, s, t, e, g

  • outer garments — the garments that are worn over a person's other clothes
  • outrageousness — of the nature of or involving gross injury or wrong: an outrageous slander.
  • overestimating — Present participle of overestimate.
  • overgenerosity — the quality of being too generous
  • overland stage — a stagecoach used in the western U.S. during the middle of the 19th century.
  • overnight stay — in hospital or hotel
  • oversaturating — to cause (a substance) to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance, through solution, chemical combination, or the like.
  • oyster farming — the activity of cultivating oysters for food or pearls
  • palaebiologist — a person who studies or is an expert in palaebiology
  • paleobiologist — the branch of paleontology dealing with fossil life forms, especially with reference to their origin, structure, evolution, etc.
  • paleoecologist — the branch of ecology dealing with the relations and interactions between ancient life forms and their environment.
  • paleomagnetism — Geology. magnetic polarization acquired by the minerals in a rock at the time the rock was deposited or solidified.
  • paleontologist — the science of the forms of life existing in former geologic periods, as represented by their fossils.
  • photogeologist — a person who studies or has a profession in photogeology
  • pigeon-chested — having a narrow chest that sticks out at the front in an unusual way
  • piston-engined — powered by a piston engine
  • pleasant grove — a town in central Utah.
  • plethysmograph — a device for measuring and recording changes in the volume of the body or of a body part or organ.
  • plotting sheet — a blank chart having only a compass rose and latitude lines, longitude lines, or both, marked and annotated, as required, by a navigator.
  • pneumonologist — an expert or specialist in the respiratory system
  • polygraph test — a test carried out using a polygraph, esp used by the police to try to find out whether somebody is telling the truth
  • porter's lodge — a room near the entrance of a public building such as a college, which is occupied by the porter
  • position angle — the direction in which one object lies relative to another on the celestial sphere, measured in degrees from north in an easterly direction
  • positive organ — a small pipe organ of the Middle Ages.
  • post-pregnancy — the state, condition, or quality of being pregnant.
  • postcollegiate — denoting something that takes place after college or among those that are no longer at college
  • pound sterling — pound2 (def 3).
  • power steering — an automotive steering system in which the engine's power is used to supplement the driver's effort in turning the steering wheel.
  • power struggle — fight to take control
  • predesignation — to designate beforehand.
  • predesignatory — in the terminology of Sir William Hamilton, (of a sign) affixed to a proposition or term to indicate quantity
  • prepositioning — to position in advance or beforehand: to preposition troops in anticipated trouble spots.
  • printing house — a company engaged in the business of producing printed matter
  • priority guest — A priority guest at a hotel is a regular guest who has special rights, such as early check-in and discounts on food.
  • processing tax — a tax levied by the government at an intermediate stage in the production of goods.
  • profit-seeking — attempting to make a profit or financial gains
  • progenitorship — parenthood; the position of being a progenitor
  • progestational — prepared for pregnancy, as the lining of the uterus prior to menstruation or in the early stages of gestation itself; progravid.
  • progressionist — a person who believes in progress, as of humankind or society.
  • progressivists — the principles and practices of progressives.
  • prostate gland — an organ that surrounds the urethra of males at the base of the bladder, comprising a muscular portion, which controls the release of urine, and a glandular portion, which secretes an alkaline fluid that makes up part of the semen and enhances the motility and fertility of sperm.
  • pseudopregnant — relating to the state of pseudopregnancy
  • psychogenetics — the study of internal or mental states
  • pumped storage — a system for generating hydroelectric power for peak periods by pumping water from a lower to a higher reservoir during low-demand periods and then releasing it during peak periods.
  • pygmy marmoset — a related form, Cebuella pygmaea: the smallest monkey, inhabiting tropical forests of the Amazon
  • pythagoreanism — the doctrines of Pythagoras and his followers, especially the belief that the universe is the manifestation of various combinations of mathematical ratios.
  • rags to riches — You use rags to riches to describe the way in which someone quickly becomes very rich after they have been quite poor.
  • random testing — (programming, testing)   A black-box testing approach in which software is tested by choosing an arbitrary subset of all possible input values. Random testing helps to avoid the problem of only testing what you know will work.
  • regasification — Regasification is the process of returning LNG to its gaseous state.
  • remote sensing — the science of gathering data on an object or area from a considerable distance, as with radar or infrared photography, to observe the earth or a heavenly body.
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