
8-letter words containing o, p, e, i

  • mopiness — languishing, listless, droopy, or glum.
  • morphine — a white, bitter, crystalline alkaloid, C 1 7 H 1 9 NO 3 ⋅H 2 O, the most important narcotic and addictive principle of opium, obtained by extraction and crystallization and used chiefly in medicine as a pain reliever and sedative.
  • neapolis — a port in E Greece, in Macedonia East and Thrace region on the Bay of Kaválla an important Macedonian fortress of the Byzantine empire; ceded to Greece by Turkey after the Balkan War (1912–13). Pop: 58 576 (1991)
  • neohippy — A new age hippy.
  • nephroid — kidney-shaped
  • nepionic — of or relating to the juvenile period in the life cycle of an organism
  • nepotism — patronage bestowed or favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship, as in business and politics: She was accused of nepotism when she made her nephew an officer of the firm.
  • nepotist — patronage bestowed or favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship, as in business and politics: She was accused of nepotism when she made her nephew an officer of the firm.
  • neuropil — A dense network of interwoven nerve fibers and their branches and synapses, together with glial filaments.
  • occupied — to take or fill up (space, time, etc.): I occupied my evenings reading novels.
  • occupier — to take or fill up (space, time, etc.): I occupied my evenings reading novels.
  • occupies — to take or fill up (space, time, etc.): I occupied my evenings reading novels.
  • oedipean — of, relating to, or characteristic of Oedipus or the Oedipus complex.
  • oilpaper — a paper made waterproof and translucent by treatment with oil.
  • opalized — made into an opal
  • open die — a die of flat, concave, or hollow V shape that only minimally restricts lateral flow.
  • open pit — An open pit is a mine where the coal, metal, or minerals are near the surface and underground passages are not needed.
  • open-air — existing in, taking place in, or characteristic of the open air; outdoor: The orchestra gave three open-air concerts last summer.
  • open-pit — noting or pertaining to a type of surface mining in which massive, usually metallic mineral deposits are removed by cutting benches in the walls of a broad, deep funnel-shaped excavation.
  • openbill — Either of two species of bird in the genus Anastomus of the stork family Ciconiidae, with a distinctive gap between the mandibles of the closed bill.
  • openings — Plural form of opening.
  • openside — (rugby), the space on the side of the pitch with the larger distance between the breakdown/set piece and the touchline; compare blindside.
  • operatic — of or relating to opera: operatic music.
  • opificer — someone who makes something; a craftsman
  • opinable — thinkable or able to be an opinion
  • oppilate — to stop up; fill with obstructing matter; obstruct.
  • opposite — situated, placed, or lying face to face with something else or each other, or in corresponding positions with relation to an intervening line, space, or thing: opposite ends of a room.
  • opsonize — to increase the susceptibility of (bacteria) to ingestion by phagocytes.
  • optative — designating or pertaining to a verb mood, as in Greek, that has among its functions the expression of a wish, as Greek íoimen “may we go, we wish we might go.”.
  • optimate — a Roman aristocrat
  • optimise — to make as effective, perfect, or useful as possible.
  • optimize — to make as effective, perfect, or useful as possible.
  • optioned — the power or right of choosing.
  • optionee — a person who acquires or holds a legal option.
  • opus dei — an international Roman Catholic organization of lay people and priests founded in Spain in 1928 by Josemaria Escrivá de Balaguer (1902–75), with the aim of spreading Christian principles
  • orpiment — a mineral, arsenic trisulfide, As 2 S 3 , found usually in soft, yellow, foliated masses, used as a pigment.
  • osipenko — former name of Berdyansk.
  • outprice — To sell at a lower price than (another seller).
  • outprize — to prize more highly than or beyond the proper value of
  • overpaid — to pay more than (an amount due): I received a credit after overpaying the bill.
  • overripe — too ripe; more than ripe: overripe tomatoes.
  • overskip — to skip over
  • overslip — to leave out; miss.
  • overspin — topspin.
  • overtrip — to tread lightly over
  • palinode — a poem in which the poet retracts something said in an earlier poem.
  • parodied — a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing: his hilarious parody of Hamlet's soliloquy.
  • paroemia — a proverb; an axiom
  • patootie — buttocks; bottom
  • pavonine — of or like a peacock.
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