
15-letter words containing o, n, l, i

  • extraordinarily — In an extraordinary manner.
  • factor analysis — the use of one of several methods for reducing a set of variables to a lesser number of new variables, each of which is a function of one or more of the original variables.
  • fahnestock clip — a type of terminal using a spring that clamps readily onto a connecting wire.
  • fair employment — the policy or practice of employing people on the basis of their capabilities only, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability.
  • fallopian tubes — one of a pair of long, slender ducts in the female abdomen that transport ova from the ovary to the uterus and, in fertilization, transport sperm cells from the uterus to the released ova; the oviduct of higher mammals.
  • familiarisation — Alternative spelling of familiarization.
  • familiarization — to make (onself or another) well-acquainted or conversant with something.
  • family division — a division of the High Court of Justice dealing with divorce, the rights of access to children, etc
  • family grouping — a system, used usually in the infant school, of grouping children of various ages together, esp for project work
  • family skeleton — a closely guarded family secret
  • fantasmagorical — Alternative form of phantasmagorical.
  • fashionableness — The state of being fashionable; stylishness; elegance.
  • fatal exception — (programming, operating system)   A program execution error which is trapped by the operating system and which results in abrupt termination of the program. It may be possible for the program to catch some such errors, e.g. a floating point underflow; others, such as an invalid memory access (an attempt to write to read-only memory or an attempt to read memory outside of the program's address space), may always cause control to pass to the operating system without allowing the program an opportunity to handle the error. The details depend on the language's run-time system and the operating system. See also: fatal error.
  • fauntleroy suit — a formal outfit for a boy composed of a hip-length jacket and knee-length pants, often in black velvet, and a wide, lacy collar and cuffs, usually worn with a broad sash at the waist and sometimes a large, loose bow at the neck, popular in the late 19th century.
  • ferrihemoglobin — methemoglobin.
  • fetal diagnosis — prenatal determination of genetic or chemical abnormalities in a fetus, esp by amniocentesis
  • field of honour — the place or scene of a battle or duel, esp of jousting tournaments in medieval times
  • field of vision — the entire view encompassed by the eye when it is trained in any particular direction.
  • field woundwort — the plant Stachys arvensis
  • fifth columnist — A fifth columnist is someone who secretly supports and helps the enemies of the country or organization they are in.
  • filling station — service station (def 1).
  • flamingo-flower — a central American plant, Anthurium scherzeranum, of the arum family, having a red, coiled spadix and a bright red, shiny, heart-shaped spathe, grown as an ornamental.
  • flange coupling — a driving coupling between rotating shafts that consists of flanges (or half couplings) one of which is fixed at the end of each shaft, the two flanges being bolted together with a ring of bolts to complete the drive
  • flapping router — (networking)   A router that transmits routing updates alternately advertising a destination network first via one route, then via a different route. Flapping routers are identified on more advanced protocol analysers such as the Network General (TM) Sniffer.
  • flavourdynamics — as in quantum flavour dynamics, a mathematical model used to describe the interaction of flavoured particles (weak force) through the exchange of intermediate vector bosons
  • flight of fancy — An idea or statement that is very imaginative but complicated, silly, or impractical can be referred to as a flight of fancy.
  • flight shooting — competitive shooting for distance only.
  • flirtatiousness — The quality of being flirtatious.
  • floating charge — an unsecured charge on the assets of an enterprise that allows such assets to be used commercially until the enterprise ceases to operate or the creditor intervenes to demand collateral
  • floating island — a dessert consisting of boiled custard with portions of meringue, whipped cream, or whipped egg whites and sometimes jelly floating upon it or around it.
  • floating policy — (in marine insurance) a policy that provides protection of a broad nature for shipments of merchandise and that is valid continuously until canceled.
  • floating screed — Building Trades. screed (def 3).
  • floating supply — the aggregate supply of ready-to-market goods or securities.
  • flood insurance — insurance covering loss or damage to property arising from a flood, flood tide, or the like.
  • florida current — the part of the Gulf Stream which extends from the Florida Strait to Cape Hatteras.
  • floriferousness — Quality of being floriferous, or bearing many flowers.
  • flowerhorn fish — a brightly coloured cichlid fish with a large protuberance on the head
  • flowering maple — any of various shrubs belonging to the genus Abutilon, of the mallow family, having large, bright-colored flowers.
  • flowering plant — a plant that produces flowers, fruit, and seeds; angiosperm.
  • flowering shrub — any shrub that produces flowers
  • flowers of zinc — a white or yellowish-white, amorphous, odorless, water-insoluble powder, ZnO, used chiefly as a paint pigment, in cosmetics, dental cements, matches, white printing inks, and opaque glass, and in medicine in the treatment of skin conditions.
  • fluoridationist — One who supports the addition of fluoride to the public water supply.
  • fluorine dating — a method of determining the relative age of fossil bones found in the same excavation by comparing their fluorine content.
  • fluoroquinolone — Any of a class of therapeutic antibiotics that are active against a range of bacteria associated with human and animal diseases. Their use in livestock has sparked concerns about the spread of bacteria resistant to them in humans.
  • flying fortress — a heavy bomber, the B-17, with four radial piston engines, widely used over Europe and the Mediterranean by the U.S. Air Force in World War II.
  • flying jib boom — an extension on a jib boom, to which a flying jib is fastened.
  • focal infection — an infection in which bacteria are localized in some region, as the tonsils or the tissue around a tooth, from which they may spread to some other organ or structure of the body.
  • formation fluid — Formation fluid is fluid in the pores (=tiny holes) of a rock.
  • formation rules — the set of rules that specify the syntax of a formal system; the algorithm that generates the well-formed formulae
  • formularization — The act of formularizing; a formularized or formulated statement or exhibition.
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