
19-letter words containing o, h, a, r

  • fernando de noronha — an island in the S Atlantic, about 125 miles (200 km) E of easternmost tip of Brazil: a Brazilian penal colony. 10 sq. mi. (26 sq. km).
  • first-past-the-post — A first-past-the-post system for choosing members of parliament or other representatives is one in which the candidate who gets most votes wins.
  • flame-of-the-forest — a leguminous tree, Butea frondosa, native to E India and Myanmar, having hanging clusters of scarlet flowers
  • flannelmouth sucker — a sucker, Catostomus latipinnis, of the Colorado River and its tributaries.
  • flavor of the month — Informal. the subject of intense, usually temporary interest; the current fashion.
  • fluophosphoric acid — fluorophosphoric acid.
  • fluoride toothpaste — toothpaste containing a small amount of fluoride as protection against tooth decay
  • focal plane shutter — an opaque shield in a camera, lying in the focal plane of the lens, that, when tripped, admits light to expose the film or plate for a predetermined period, usually a fraction of a second
  • focal-plane shutter — a camera shutter situated directly in front of the film.
  • for all it is worth — If someone does something for all it is worth, they do it as much as possible and for as long as they can get benefit from it.
  • for all sb is worth — If you do something for all you are worth, you do it with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.
  • for the sake of sth — If you do something for the sake of something, you do it for that purpose or in order to achieve that result. You can also say that you do it for something's sake.
  • for what it's worth — good or important enough to justify (what is specified): advice worth taking; a place worth visiting.
  • forensic psychiatry — the use of psychiatric knowledge and techniques in questions of law, as in determining legal insanity.
  • frameshift mutation — a mutation caused by frameshift.
  • free alongside ship — (of a shipment of goods) delivered to the dock without charge to the buyer, but excluding the cost of loading onto the vessel
  • freedom of the seas — the doctrine that ships of neutral countries may sail anywhere on the high seas without interference by warring powers.
  • french north africa — the former French possessions of Algeria, French Morocco, and Tunisia
  • from rags to riches — a worthless piece of cloth, especially one that is torn or worn.
  • general of the army — the highest ranking military officer; the next rank above general.
  • geothermal gradient — the increase in temperature with increasing depth within the earth.
  • giant silkworm moth — any silkworm moth of the family Saturniidae.
  • glottochronological — Of or pertaining to glottochronology.
  • go on a/the rampage — If people go on a rampage, they rush around in a wild or violent way, causing damage or destruction.
  • go to great lengths — If you say that someone goes to great lengths to achieve something, you mean that they try very hard and perhaps do extreme things in order to achieve it.
  • go under the hammer — to be offered for sale by an auctioneer
  • goldbach conjecture — an unproved theorem that every even integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers.
  • grand duke nicholas — of Cusa [kyoo-zuh] /ˈkyu zə/ (Show IPA), 1401–1464, German cardinal, mathematician, and philosopher. German Nikolaus von Cusa.
  • grandfather's clock — a pendulum floor clock having a case as tall as or taller than a person; tall-case clock; long-case clock.
  • grandmother's clock — a pendulum clock similar to a grandfather's clock but shorter.
  • graphic workstation — (graphics, computer)   A workstation specifically configured for graphics works such as image manipulation, bitmap graphics ("paint"), and vector graphics ("draw") type applications. Such work requires a powerful CPU and a high resolution display. A graphic workstation is very similar to a CAD workstation and, given the typical specifications of personal computers currently available in 1999, the distinctions are very blurred and are more likely to depend on availability of specific software than any detailed hardware requirements.
  • grasshopper sparrow — a brown and white North American sparrow, Ammodramus savannarum, having a buffy breast and a buzzing insectlike song.
  • grasshopper warbler — a Eurasian warbler Locustella naevia
  • great idaean mother — Cybele.
  • great wall of china — a system of fortified walls with a roadway along the top, constructed as a defense for China against the nomads of the regions that are now Mongolia and Manchuria: completed in the 3rd century b.c., but later repeatedly modified and rebuilt. 2000 miles (3220 km) long.
  • grocer's apostrophe — an apostrophe placed before a final s intended to indicate the plural but in fact forming the possessive
  • hamiltonian problem — (computability)   (Or "Hamilton's problem") A problem in graph theory posed by William Hamilton: given a graph, is there a path through the graph which visits each vertex precisely once (a "Hamiltonian path")? Is there a Hamiltonian path which ends up where it started (a "Hamiltonian cycle" or "Hamiltonian tour")? Hamilton's problem is NP-complete. It has numerous applications, sometimes completely unexpected, in computing.
  • handlebar moustache — a man's moustache having long, curved ends that resemble the handlebars of a bicycle.
  • hang five (or ten) — to ride a surfboard with the toes of one (or both) feet draped over the front edge of the board
  • harbinger-of-spring — a North American umbelliferous herb, Erigenia bulbosa, having white flowers that bloom early in the spring.
  • harmonic distortion — distortion caused by nonlinear characteristics of electronic apparatus, esp of audio amplifiers, that generate unwanted harmonics of the input frequencies
  • haul over the coals — a black or dark-brown combustible mineral substance consisting of carbonized vegetable matter, used as a fuel. Compare anthracite, bituminous coal, lignite.
  • haute vulgarisation — vulgarization, or popularization, on a higher level, esp. as done by academics, scholars, etc.
  • have a nose for sth — If you say that someone has a nose for something, you mean that they have a natural ability to find it or recognize it.
  • have a problem with — to be unable to understand or do
  • have a weakness for — be fond of
  • have an ax to grind — an instrument with a bladed head on a handle or helve, used for hewing, cleaving, chopping, etc.
  • health professional — a person trained to work in any field of physical or mental health.
  • heart in your mouth — If your heart is in your mouth, you feel very excited, worried, or frightened.
  • heavy-water reactor — a nuclear reactor that uses heavy water as moderator
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