
14-letter words containing o, h, a, r, e

  • heath robinson — (of a mechanical device) absurdly complicated in design and having a simple function
  • heavy hydrogen — either of the heavy isotopes of hydrogen, especially deuterium.
  • heavy nitrogen — the stable isotope of nitrogen having a mass number of 15.
  • helicopter dad — a style of child rearing in which an overprotective mother or father discourages a child's independence by being too involved in the child's life: In typical helicopter parenting, a mother or father swoops in at any sign of challenge or discomfort.
  • helicopter pad — landing area
  • heliocentrical — Alternative form of heliocentric.
  • hello, sailor! — (jargon)   Occasional West Coast equivalent of hello, world; seems to have originated at SAIL, later associated with the game Zork (which also included "hello, aviator" and "hello, implementor"). Originally from the traditional hooker's greeting to a swabbie fresh off the boat, of course.
  • hemerocallises — Plural form of hemerocallis.
  • hemoglobinuria — the presence of hemoglobin pigment in the urine.
  • hepatocellular — pertaining to or affecting liver cells.
  • hepatopancreas — a large gland of shrimps, lobsters, and crabs that combines the functions of a liver and pancreas.
  • herbaceousness — The state or quality of being herbaceous.
  • heresiographer — a person who writes about heresy
  • hermaphrodites — Plural form of hermaphrodite.
  • hermaphroditic — an individual in which reproductive organs of both sexes are present. Compare pseudohermaphrodite.
  • hermaphroditus — a son of Hermes and Aphrodite who merged with the nymph Salmacis to form one body
  • hero's formula — the formula for the area of a triangle when the sides are given: for a triangle with sides a, b, and c, the area is equal to , where s is equal to one half the perimeter of the triangle.
  • herpetological — Of or relating to herpetology, the study of reptiles.
  • heteroaromatic — a heterocyclic aromatic compound.
  • heteroclitical — (obsolete) Anomalous, heteroclite.
  • heterographies — Plural form of heterography.
  • heterokaryosis — condition in which a binucleate or multinucleate cell contains genetically dissimilar nuclei.
  • heterokaryotic — condition in which a binucleate or multinucleate cell contains genetically dissimilar nuclei.
  • heterolecithal — having an unequal distribution of yolk, as certain eggs or ova.
  • heteroplasties — Plural form of heteroplasty.
  • heteroromantic — Romantically attracted to those of the opposite gender.
  • heterosexually — In a heterosexual way.
  • heterosomatous — (of fish) having an abnormal or asymmetrical body type
  • hieroglyphical — Hieroglyphic: related to or resembling hieroglyphs.
  • hierogrammatic — of or relating to a hierogram
  • hierographical — hierographic
  • historicalness — The quality of being historical.
  • hither and yon — Hither and thither means in many different directions or places, and in a disorganized way. In American English, the expression hither and yon is sometimes used.
  • holiday resort — self-contained vacation spot
  • holy sacrament — sacrament (def 2).
  • home insurance — Home insurance is insurance coverage for your home, its contents, and your possessions.
  • home secretary — the secretary of state for the Home Office.
  • homeward bound — going home
  • homework diary — a record of homework that has been set
  • honourableness — Alternative spelling of honorableness.
  • hooded warbler — a wood warbler, Wilsonia citrina, of the U.S., olive-green above, yellow below, and having a black head and throat with a yellow face.
  • horace greeleyHorace, 1811–72, U.S. journalist, editor, and political leader.
  • horizontalness — The property of being horizontal.
  • hornyhead chub — a small N American fish, Nocomis biguttatus
  • hors de combat — disabled or injured
  • horse mackerel — bluefin tuna.
  • horse vaulting — gymnastics performed on horseback
  • horsehair worm — any long, slender worm of the phylum Nematomorpha, developing parasitically on insects and crustaceans, and free-living as adults in streams and ponds.
  • horseshoe arch — an arch with the intrados widening above the springing and then narrowing to a rounded crown.
  • horseshoe back — a bow back having a slight outward splay at its bottom.
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