
21-letter words containing o, g, r, i

  • rutherford scattering — the scattering of an alpha particle through a large angle with respect to the original direction of motion of the particle, caused by an atom (Rutherford atom) with most of the mass and all of the positive electric charge concentrated at a center or nucleus.
  • salam-weinberg theory — the electroweak theory.
  • sampling distribution — the distribution of a statistic based on all possible random samples that can be drawn from a given population.
  • san gabriel mountains — a mountain range in S California, N of Los Angeles. Highest peak, San Antonio Peak, 10,080 feet (3072 meters).
  • san gorgonio mountain — a mountain in S California: highest peak in the San Bernardino Mountains. 11,502 feet (3506 meters).
  • satisficing behaviour — the form of behaviour demonstrated by firms who seek satisfactory profits and satisfactory growth rather than maximum profits
  • saving your reverence — a form of apology for using an obscene or taboo expression
  • schlieren photography — a type of photography which records schlieren
  • schoolgirl complexion — a smooth, clear complexion, such as schoolgirls are considered to have
  • secure hash algorithm
  • serbia and montenegro — a former country in SE Europe, consisting of the republics of Serbia and Montenegro; replaced the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 2003, and dissolved in 2006 following Montenegro’s decision to secede
  • short message service — (messaging)   (SMS) A message service offered by the GSM digital mobile telephone system. Using SMS, a short alphanumeric message (160 alphanumeric characters) can be sent to a mobile phone to be displayed there, much like in an alphanumeric pager system. The message is buffered by the GSM network until the phone becomes active.
  • signal-to-noise ratio — the ratio of one parameter, such as power of a wanted signal to the same parameter of the noise at a specified point in an electronic circuit, etc
  • simple actor language — (language)   (SAL) A minimal actor language, used for teaching in:
  • sing for one's supper — to obtain something by performing a service
  • single spanish burton — a tackle having a runner as well as the fall supporting the load, giving a mechanical advantage of three, neglecting friction.
  • sir roger de coverleySir Roger de, a literary figure representing the ideal of the early 18th-century squire in The Spectator, by Addison and Steele.
  • siren call/siren song — A siren call or siren song is the appeal that something has although it is harmful or dangerous.
  • snap one's fingers at — any of the terminal members of the hand, especially one other than the thumb.
  • social anthropologist — an anthropologist who deals with cultural and social phenomena such as kinship systems or beliefs, esp of nonliterate peoples
  • someone's strong suit — a person's greatest talent, most conspicuous character trait, etc.
  • something for nothing — If you say that someone is getting something for nothing, you disapprove of the fact that they are getting what they want without doing or giving anything in return.
  • south gloucestershire — a unitary authority of SW England, in Gloucestershire: formerly (1975–96) part of the county of Avon. Pop: 246 800 (2003 est). Area: 510 sq km (197 sq miles)
  • sovereign wealth fund — an investment fund created using the financial assets of a national government
  • spark ignition engine — A spark ignition engine is an engine running on the Otto cycle.
  • spin angular momentum — to make (yarn) by drawing out, twisting, and winding fibers: Pioneer women spun yarn on spinning wheels.
  • strategic air command — a U.S. Air Force command charged with intercontinental air strikes, especially nuclear attacks.
  • strike the right note — to behave appropriately
  • suction and curettage — a technique involving extraction of the fetus through a suction tube, used to perform abortions during the early stages of pregnancy.
  • supergranulation cell — one of a number of large convection cells in the photosphere and chromosphere of the sun, each having a diameter of 10,000–20,000 miles (16,000–32,000 km) and lasting longer than a day.
  • surface friction drag — the part of the drag on a body moving through a fluid that is dependent on the nature of the surface of the body
  • synchronized shifting — gear shifting in which the gears to be meshed are made to rotate at the same speed.
  • synchronized swimming — a sport growing out of water ballet in which swimmers, in solo, duet, and team efforts, complete various required figures by performing motions in relatively stationary positions, along with a freestyle competition, with the contestants synchronizing movements to music and being judged for body position, control, and the degree of difficulty of the moves.
  • take one's finger out — stop delaying or procrastinating
  • tape operating system — (operating system)   (TOS) An IBM operating system for System 360, used in the early days around 1965 to support the IBM 360 model 30 et al. TOS was a predecessor to IBM's Disk Operating System. TOS died out really early as disks such as the 2311 and 2314 became common with the IBM 360 whereas thet had been a real luxury on the IBM 7090.
  • teleological argument — the argument purporting to prove the existence of God from empirical facts, the premise being that the universe shows evidence of order and hence design
  • the acting profession — actors considered as a group
  • the moral high ground — If you say that someone has taken the moral high ground, you mean that they consider that their policies and actions are morally superior to the policies and actions of their rivals.
  • the origin of species — (On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life) a treatise (1859) by Charles Darwin setting forth his theory of evolution.
  • the rock of gibraltar — a limestone promontory at the tip of S Spain
  • the shipping forecast — a radio broadcast made by the BBC of weather reports and forecasts for the seas around the British Isles
  • there's nothing to it — If you say 'There's nothing to it', 'There's not much to it', or 'That's all there is to it', you are emphasizing how simple you think something is.
  • threatening behaviour — intimidation or intentional behaviour that causes another person to fear injury or harm
  • threshold wage policy — a policy whereby wages are increased in accordance with inflation
  • tide-generating force — the difference between the force of gravity exerted by the moon or the sun on a particle of water in the ocean and that exerted on an equal mass of matter at the centre of the earth. The lunar tide-generating forces are about 2.2 times greater than are the solar ones
  • to be arrayed against — to be opposed to
  • to be killed outright — If someone is killed outright, they die immediately, for example in an accident.
  • to cross your fingers — If you cross your fingers, you put one finger on top of another and hope for good luck. If you say that someone is keeping their fingers crossed, you mean they are hoping for good luck.
  • to get into high gear — if people or an activity go into high gear, moves into high gear, etc, people do what they were doing more intensely, or the activity becomes more intense
  • to have green fingers — If someone has green fingers, they are very good at gardening and their plants grow well.
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