
15-letter words containing o, g, l

  • geotectonically — from a geotectonic point of view
  • get a handle on — that which may be held, seized, grasped, or taken advantage of in effecting a purpose: The clue was a handle for solving the mystery.
  • get a wiggle on — to hurry up
  • get hold of sth — If you get hold of an object or information, you obtain it, usually after some difficulty.
  • get one's lumps — a piece or mass of solid matter without regular shape or of no particular shape: a lump of coal.
  • get out of jail — to get out of a difficult situation
  • get the feel of — If you get the feel of something, for example a place or a new activity, you become familiar with it.
  • ghetto fabulous — pertaining to or noting a lifestyle of showy but superficial glamour and luxury that is sometimes adopted by people in or from an urban ghetto: That man is just ghetto-fabulous; his bling wears bling!
  • ghetto-fabulous — pertaining to or noting a lifestyle of showy but superficial glamour and luxury that is sometimes adopted by people in or from an urban ghetto: That man is just ghetto-fabulous; his bling wears bling!
  • giant sunflower — a composite plant, Helianthus giganteus, of eastern North America, growing nearly 12 feet (4 meters) high and having very large yellow flower heads.
  • gibraltar board — a type of lining board with a cardboard surface and a gypsum core
  • gibson, william — William Gibson
  • gila woodpecker — a dull-colored woodpecker, Melanerpes uropygialis, of the southwestern U.S. and Mexico.
  • give the lie to — a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. Synonyms: prevarication, falsification. Antonyms: truth.
  • glass harmonica — a musical instrument composed of a set of graduated, revolving glass bowls, the rims of which are moistened and set in vibration by friction from the fingertips.
  • glazier's point — a small, pointed piece of sheet metal, for holding a pane of glass in a sash until the putty has hardened.
  • glen canyon damAdam Clayton, Jr. 1908–72, U.S. clergyman, politician, and civil-rights leader: congressman 1945–67, 1969–71.
  • globe artichoke — artichoke (defs 1, 2).
  • globe lightning — ball lightning.
  • globus pallidus — anatomy: part of the brain
  • glossographical — relating to glossography
  • gloucester city — a city in W New Jersey, on the Delaware River.
  • gloucestershire — a county in SW England. 1255 sq. mi. (2640 sq. km). County seat: Gloucester.
  • glucocorticoids — Plural form of glucocorticoid.
  • gluconeogenesis — glucose formation in animals from a noncarbohydrate source, as from proteins or fats.
  • gluconeogenetic — Of or pertaining to gluconeogenesis.
  • glucuronic acid — Biochemistry. an acid, C 6 H 10 O 7 , formed by the oxidation of glucose, found combined with other products of metabolism in the blood and urine.
  • glycogenic acid — gluconic acid.
  • glyconeogenesis — gluconeogenesis.
  • glycuronic acid — glucuronic acid.
  • gnotobiological — relating to gnotobiology
  • go into details — If someone does not go into details about a subject, or does not go into the detail, they mention it without explaining it fully or properly.
  • go like a dream — to move, develop, or work very well
  • go through hell — If you go through hell, or if someone puts you through hell, you have a very difficult or unpleasant time.
  • go to the block — to be beheaded
  • go to the devil — Theology. (sometimes initial capital letter) the supreme spirit of evil; Satan. a subordinate evil spirit at enmity with God, and having power to afflict humans both with bodily disease and with spiritual corruption.
  • go up in flames — be burned
  • goal difference — the number of goals scored by a team minus the number of goals it has conceded
  • gödel's theorem — either of two theorems published by the mathematician Kurt Gödel in 1931 that prove all mathematical systems are incomplete in that their truth or consistency can only be proved using a system of a higher order
  • gold prospector — a person who searches for the natural occurrence of gold
  • golden boy/girl — If you refer to a man as a golden boy or a woman as a golden girl, you mean that they are especially popular and successful.
  • golden eardrops — a Californian plant, Dicentra chrysantha, of the fumitory family, having bluish-green foliage and branched clusters of yellow flowers.
  • golden nematode — a yellowish nematode, Heterodera rostochiensis, that is parasitic on the roots of potatoes, tomatoes, and other solanaceous plants.
  • golden pheasant — an Asiatic pheasant, Chrysolophus pictus, having brilliant scarlet, orange, gold, green, and black plumage.
  • golden samphire — a Eurasian coastal plant, Inula crithmoides, with fleshy leaves and yellow flower heads: family Asteraceae (composites)
  • golden starfish — an award given to a bathing beach that meets EU standards of cleanliness
  • golden triangle — (sometimes lowercase) an area of Southeast Asia encompassing parts of Burma, Laos, and Thailand, significant as a major source of opium and heroin.
  • goldenrain tree — a small, deciduous Asian tree (Koelreuteria paniculata) of the soapberry family having small yellow flowers and papery fruit pods
  • goldilocks zone — a zone around a star having temperatures and other conditions that can support life on planets: Mars is thought to lie on the outer edge of the sun's Goldilocks zone.
  • golgi apparatus — an organelle, consisting of layers of flattened sacs, that takes up and processes secretory and synthetic products from the endoplasmic reticulum and then either releases the finished products into various parts of the cell cytoplasm or secretes them to the outside of the cell.
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