
17-letter words containing o, c, n, r

  • continental crust — that part of the earth's crust that underlies the continents and continental shelves
  • continental drift — Continental drift is the slow movement of the Earth's continents towards and away from each other.
  • contingent worker — a temporary or contract worker, especially one hired for one task or project.
  • continuous cutter — any of various machines that can remove coal from the mine face and load it into cars or conveyors.
  • contour ploughing — ploughing following the contours of the land, to minimize the effects of erosion
  • contraband of war — war materiel, as ammunition or weapons, which, by international law, may rightfully be intercepted and seized by either belligerent when shipped to the other one by a neutral country
  • contract practice — the medical treatment of a group of persons by a physician or physicians with fees and services mutually agreed upon in advance.
  • contracting party — a person, company, etc, entering into a legal contract
  • contraction joint — a joint between two parts of a structure, designed to compensate for the contraction to which either part may be subject.
  • contradictoriness — asserting the contrary or opposite; contradicting; inconsistent; logically opposite: contradictory statements.
  • contradistinction — a distinction made by contrasting different qualities
  • contradistinctive — distinction by opposition or contrast: plants and animals in contradistinction to humans.
  • contradistinguish — to differentiate by means of contrasting or opposing qualities
  • contraflow system — a system of traffic lanes whose normal direction is reversed to allow traffic to move during repairs or an accident
  • contraindications — Plural form of contraindication.
  • contrasuggestible — responding or tending to respond to a suggestion by doing or believing the opposite
  • control character — a character in a data stream that signals the device receiving the data to perform a particular control function, as changing the line spacing on a printer from single to double-spaced.
  • control electrode — an electrode to which a varying signal is applied to vary the output of a transistor or vacuum tube.
  • control structure — (programming)   One of the instructions, statements or groups of statements in a programming language which determines the sequence of execution of other instructions or statements (the control flow). In assembly language this typically consists of jumps and conditional jumps along with procedure call and return though some architectures include other constructs such as an instruction which skips the following instruction depending on some condition (PDP?), various kinds of loop instructions (later Motorola 680x0) or conditional execution of all instructions (Advanced RISC Machine). Basic control structures (whatever their names in particular languages) include "if CONDITION then EXPRESSION else EXPRESSION", the switch statement, "while CONDITION do EXPRESSION", "gosub", the suspect "goto" and the much-feared "come from". Other constructs handle errors and exceptions such as traps and interrupts.
  • controlling image — a literary device employing repetition so as to stress the theme of a work or a particular symbol.
  • controversialness — The state or quality of being controversial.
  • convection heater — A convection heater is a heater that heats a room by means of hot air.
  • convenience store — A convenience store is a shop which sells mainly food and which is usually open until late at night.
  • convention center — a large civic building or group of buildings designed for conventions, industrial shows, and the like, having large unobstructed exhibit areas and often including conference rooms, hotel accommodations, restaurants, and other facilities.
  • convention centre — a place where conventions are held
  • converged network — (networking)   A single network that can carry voice, video and data.
  • conversationalist — A good conversationalist is someone who talks about interesting things when they have conversations.
  • converter reactor — a nuclear reactor for converting one fuel into another, esp one that transforms fertile material into fissionable material
  • cook island māori — a dialect of Māori spoken in the Cook Islands
  • coordinate clause — one of two or more clauses in a sentence having the same status and introduced by coordinating conjunctions
  • coordinate system — a system of coordinates that uses numbers to represent a point, line, or the like.
  • copernican system — the theory published in 1543 by Copernicus which stated that the earth and the planets rotated around the sun and which opposed the Ptolemaic system
  • coral honeysuckle — trumpet honeysuckle.
  • corday (d'armont) — (Marie Anne) Charlotte1768-93; Fr. Girondist sympathizer: assassin of Marat
  • corel corporation — (company)   A software publisher best known for the CorelDraw application. Founded in June 1985 by Dr. Michael Cowpland, Corel Corporation was originally a systems integration company. In January 1989, however they entered the software publishing market with the introduction of CorelDraw. Corel became the second largest maker of personal productivity software in January 1996 when they purchased the WordPerfect family of software from Novell, Inc..
  • corner the market — dominate trade
  • coronal consonant — a consonant articulated with the tip of the tongue against the upper front teeth, or the gum just above it
  • coronary arteries — either of two arteries that originate in the aorta and supply the heart muscle with blood.
  • corporate sponsor — a business that sponsors a particular type of event
  • corpus cavernosum — either of two masses of erectile tissue in the penis of mammals
  • corpus spongiosum — a mass of tissue that, with the corpora cavernosa, forms the erectile tissue of the penis of mammals
  • correlation ratio — the ratio of the variance between arrays of data within a sample to the variance of the whole sample.
  • correspondentship — The role or status of correspondent.
  • cost-plus pricing — the setting of prices at the cost price plus a percentage
  • council of europe — an association of European states, established in 1949 to promote unity between its members, defend human rights, and increase social and economic progress
  • counter-complaint — an expression of discontent, regret, pain, censure, resentment, or grief; lament; faultfinding: his complaint about poor schools.
  • counter-espionage — Counter-espionage is the same as counter-intelligence.
  • counter-influence — the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others: He used family influence to get the contract.
  • counter-migration — a migration in the opposite direction.
  • counter-signature — a signature added by way of countersigning.
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