
15-letter words containing o, b, t, a

  • it's a good job — If you say it's a good thing, or in British English it's a good job, that something is the case, you mean that it is fortunate.
  • jack-in-the-box — a toy consisting of a box from which an enclosed figure springs up when the lid is opened.
  • job enlargement — a widening of the range of tasks performed by an employee in order to provide variety in the activities undertaken
  • keep tabs on sb — If someone keeps tabs on you, they make sure that they always know where you are and what you are doing, often in order to control you.
  • knight bachelor — bachelor (def 3).
  • labor relations — worker-employer relationship
  • labor-intensive — requiring or using a large supply of labor, relative to capital.
  • labour shortage — a shortage or insufficiency of qualified candidates for employment (in an economy, country, etc)
  • labyrinthodonts — Plural form of labyrinthodont.
  • ladies'-tobacco — pussy-toes.
  • largemouth bass — a North American freshwater game fish, Micropterus salmoides, having an upper jaw extending behind the eye and a broad, dark, irregular stripe along each side of the body. Compare smallmouth bass.
  • leaf-footed bug — any of numerous plant-sucking or predaceous bugs of the family Coreidae, typically having leaflike legs: several species are pests of food crops.
  • league football — rugby league football
  • liberalizations — Plural form of liberalization.
  • library edition — an edition of a book prepared for library use, especially with a library binding.
  • low bandwidth x — (networking)   (LBX) An implementation of the X Window System designed to improve performance over ISDN, WAN, and serial lines.
  • low earth orbit — (communications)   (LEO) The kind of orbit used by communications satellites that will offer high bandwidth for video on demand, television, and Internet communications. A satellite in LEO, in contrast to one in a geostationary orbit, is not in a fixed position relative to the Earth's surface so several satellites are required to provide continuous service.
  • lubricating oil — an oily substance that is used to cover or treat machinery so as to lessen friction
  • luncheon basket — a basket that you put food in and take somewhere for a picnic
  • lutzow-holm bay — an inlet of the Indian Ocean on the coast of Antarctica between Queen Maud Land and Enderby Land.
  • magnetic bottle — Physics. a magnetic field so shaped that it can confine a plasma: used in a proposed design for fusion reactors.
  • make a habit of — If you make a habit of doing something, you do it regularly or often.
  • maldistribution — bad or unsatisfactory distribution, as of wealth, among a population or members of a group.
  • manoeuvrability — The quality of being manoeuvrable.
  • māori battalion — the Māori unit of the 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force in World War II
  • matrix bar code — a type of 2D bar code that stores data in a matrix of geometrically shaped dark and light cells that represent bits. See also QR code.
  • maxilloturbinal — (anatomy) Pertaining to the maxillary and turbinal regions of the skull.
  • medieval breton — the Breton language of the Middle Ages, usually dated from the 12th to the mid-17th centuries.
  • medulloblastoma — (oncology) A malignant type of brain tumour that originates in the cerebellum.
  • megalithic tomb — a burial chamber constructed of large stones, either underground or covered by a mound and usually consisting of long transepted corridors (gallery graves) or of a distinct chamber and passage (passage graves). The tombs may date from the 4th millennium bc
  • member of staff — an employee of a particular organization
  • methylcobalamin — A cobalamin used to treat neuropathies.
  • microsoft basic — (language)   (MS-BASIC) A dialect of BASIC from Microsoft, originally developed by Bill Gates in a garage back in the CP/M days. It was originally known as GWBasic, then QBASIC and finally MS-BASIC. When the MS-DOS operating system came out, it incorporated the GWBASIC.EXE or BASICA.EXE interpreters. GWBASIC ("Gee Whiz") incorporated graphics and a screen editor and was compatible with earlier BASICs. QBASIC was more sophisticated. Version 4.5 had a full screen editor, debugger and compiler. The compiler could also produce executable files but to run these a utility program (BRUN44.EXE) had to be present. Thus source code could be kept private. From DOS 5.0 or 6.0 onward, MS-BASIC was standard. Version 1.1 produced stand-alone executables and could display graphics.
  • moderate breeze — a wind of 13–18 miles per hour (5.8–8 m/sec).
  • monosyllabicity — The state or characteristic of being monosyllabic.
  • morale-boosting — A morale-boosting action or event makes people feel more confident and cheerful.
  • morbidity table — A morbidity table is a statistical table that shows the proportion of people that are expected to become sick or injured at each age.
  • moreton bay ash — an Australian eucalyptus tree, E. tessellaris, having drooping branches and grey bark
  • moreton bay bug — a flattish edible shellfish, Thenus orientalis, of Northern Australian waters
  • moreton bay fig — a large Australian fig tree, Ficus macrophylla, having glossy leaves and smooth bark
  • mortality table — an actuarial table showing the percentage of persons who die at any given age, compiled from statistics on selected population groups or on former policyholders.
  • mortgage broker — agent who matches house buyer with mortgage lender
  • most honourable — a courtesy title applied to marquesses and members of the Privy Council and the Order of the Bath
  • motorola 14500b — (processor)   (MC14500B) A 1-bit ICU from Motorola. Probably the limit in small processors, the 14500B had a 4-bit instruction and controlled a single data read/write line, used for application control. It had no address bus - that was an external unit that was added on. Another CPU could be used to feed control instructions to the 14500B in an application. It had only 16 pins, less than a typical RAM chip, and ran at 1 MHz.
  • mount blackburn — a mountain in SE Alaska, the highest peak in the Wrangell Mountains. Height: 5037 m (16 523 ft)
  • mount suribachi — a volcanic hill in the Volcano Islands, on Iwo Jima: site of a US victory (1945) over the Japanese in World War II
  • mountain beaver — a burrowing rodent, Aplodontia rufa, of W North America: family Aplodontidae
  • myofibroblastic — Relating to myofibroblasts.
  • nanofabrication — the design and manufacture of products and structures, especially electronic devices, with dimensions measured in nanometers.
  • nathaniel baconFrancis (Baron Verulam, Viscount St. Albans) 1561–1626, English essayist, philosopher, and statesman.
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