
14-letter words containing o, b, e, l, u, s

  • insurmountable — incapable of being surmounted, passed over, or overcome; insuperable: an insurmountable obstacle.
  • leukocytoblast — the precursor cell to a mature leukocyte
  • libidinousness — full of sexual lust; lustful; lewd; lascivious.
  • lugubriousness — The property of being lugubrious.
  • lumbersomeness — the state of being lumbersome
  • marsupial bone — epipubis.
  • micropublisher — a publisher of material in microfilm
  • middlesborough — a city in SE Kentucky.
  • mound builders — a member of any of the early American Indian peoples who built the burial mounds, fortifications, and other earthworks found in the Midwest and the Southwest
  • neurobiologist — the branch of biology that is concerned with the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.
  • neuroblastomas — Plural form of neuroblastoma.
  • non-adjustable — capable of being adjusted: adjustable seat belts.
  • non-consumable — able or meant to be consumed, as by eating, drinking, or using: consumable goods.
  • non-diffusible — capable of being diffused.
  • noncombustible — not flammable.
  • nonjusticiable — capable of being settled by law or by the action of a court: a justiciable dispute.
  • nonsustainable — Not sustainable.
  • nursing bottle — a bottle with a rubber nipple, from which an infant sucks milk, water, etc.
  • oblique stroke — (character)   "/". Common names include: (forward) slash; stroke; ITU-T: slant; oblique stroke. Rare: diagonal; solidus; over; slak; virgule; INTERCAL: slat. Commonly used as the division operator in programming, and to separate the components in Unix pathnames, and hence also in URLs. Also used to delimit regular expressions in several languages.
  • obstreperously — resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner; unruly.
  • omnibus clause — a clause, especially in an automobile liability policy, extending coverage to persons other than the insured named in the policy.
  • omnibus volume — a collection of works by one author or several works on a similar topic, reprinted in one volume
  • plumbosolvency — the ability to dissolve lead
  • plumbous oxide — litharge.
  • pneumobacillus — a bacterium, Klebsiella pneumoniae, causing a type of pneumonia and associated with certain other diseases, especially of the respiratory tract.
  • probable cause — reasonable ground for a belief, as, in a criminal case, that the accused was guilty of the crime, or, in a civil case, that grounds for the action existed: used especially as a defense to an action for malicious prosecution.
  • pseudo-liberal — favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
  • purple boneset — joe-pye weed (def 1).
  • queens problem — eight queens puzzle
  • rabble-rousing — of, relating to, or characteristic of a rabble-rouser.
  • rebelliousness — defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel.
  • rediscountable — able to be rediscounted
  • ribonucleoside — a ribonucleotide precursor that contains ribose and a purine or pyrimidine base.
  • runcible spoon — a forklike utensil with two broad prongs and one sharp, curved prong, as used for serving hors d'oeuvres.
  • self-oblivious — unmindful; unconscious; unaware (usually followed by of or to): She was oblivious of his admiration.
  • semilunar bone — lunate (def 2).
  • serum globulin — the blood serum component consisting of proteins with a larger molecular weight than serum albumin
  • shoot the bull — exaggerations; lies; nonsense.
  • shoulder blade — the scapula.
  • shoulder board — one of a pair of narrow, stiff, cloth patches bearing an insignia of rank and worn on the shoulders by a commissioned officer.
  • shower cubicle — a shower enclosure
  • skilled labour — labour or work that demands skill and which you usually have to be trained for, or the workers that provide this labour
  • soluble tablet — A soluble tablet is a tablet that is designed to be dissolved in water before it is swallowed.
  • squeeze bottle — a flexible plastic bottle the contents of which can be forced out by squeezing.
  • stumble across — to strike the foot against something, as in walking or running, so as to stagger or fall; trip.
  • sub-peritoneal — the serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and investing its viscera.
  • subcontinental — a large, relatively self-contained landmass forming a subdivision of a continent: the subcontinent of India.
  • subcutaneously — situated or lying under the skin, as tissue.
  • subdevelopment — a development within a larger or more important development
  • subproletariat — the poorest group within the working class
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