
11-letter words containing o, a, t, h, s

  • solar-month — Also called calendar month. any of the twelve parts, as January or February, into which the calendar year is divided.
  • sonofabitch — an abusive term of address or of description
  • soothfastly — in a soothfast manner
  • soothsaying — the practice or art of foretelling events.
  • sophistical — of the nature of sophistry; fallacious.
  • sore throat — a painful or sensitive condition of the throat exaggerated by swallowing or talking, usually caused by bacteria or viruses; laryngitis; pharyngitis; tonsillitis.
  • sothic year — the fixed year of the ancient Egyptians, determined by the heliacal rising of Sirius, and equivalent to 365 days.
  • south korea — a country in E Asia: formed 1948 after the division of the former country of Korea at 38° N. 36,600 sq. mi. (94,795 sq. km). Capital: Seoul. Compare Korea.
  • south miami — a town in S Florida.
  • south sudan — a landlocked republic in NE Africa, in the Sahel region; formerly part of Sudan: became independent after a referendum in 2011, following a long civil war. Languages: English, Arabic. Religions: Christian, animist. Currency: South Sudanese Pound. Capital: Juba. Pop: 11 090 104 (2013 est). Area: 644 329 sq km (248 777 sq miles)
  • south wales — an area of Wales bordered by England and the Bristol Channel to the east and south, and Mid Wales and West Wales to the north and west. Includes the capital city, Cardiff, as well as Swansea and Newport. Welsh name: De Cymru
  • southampton — Henry Wriothesley [rahy-uh ths-lee] /ˈraɪ əθs li/ (Show IPA), 3rd Earl of, 1573–1624, English nobleman, soldier, and patron of writers, including William Shakespeare.
  • southeaster — a wind or storm from the southeast.
  • southlander — a person from the south
  • southwardly — toward the south
  • spathaceous — of the nature of or resembling a spathe.
  • spheroplast — a Gram-negative bacterial cell with a cell wall that has been altered or is partly missing, resulting in a spherical shape.
  • spirochaete — any of various spiral-shaped motile bacteria of the family Spirochaetaceae, certain species, as Treponema, Leptospira, and Borrelia, being pathogenic to humans and other animals, and other species being free-living, saprophytic, or parasitic.
  • sponge bath — a bath in which the bather is cleaned by a wet sponge or washcloth dipped in water, without getting into a tub of water.
  • sports hall — venue for physical activities
  • stadtholder — stadholder.
  • stag's horn — the antlers of a stag used as a material for carved implements
  • stake horse — a horse that is regularly entered in stake races.
  • stakeholder — the holder of the stakes of a wager.
  • stallholder — A stallholder is a person who sells goods at a stall in a market.
  • standoffish — somewhat aloof or reserved; cold and unfriendly.
  • stasimorphy — structural modification by arrested development
  • state coach — a horse-drawn coach used by royalty on state occasions
  • state house — the building in which the legislature of a state sits; the capitol of a state.
  • statehooder — a person who supports or advocates the attainment of statehood for a territory, colony, or the like, especially for Puerto Rico.
  • steak house — A steak house is a restaurant that serves mainly steaks.
  • steatorrhea — the presence of excess fat in the stools, usually caused by disease of the pancreas or intestine, and characterized by chronic diarrhea and weight loss.
  • stenobathic — of or relating to marine or freshwater life that can tolerate only limited changes in depth (opposed to eurybathic).
  • stenography — the art of writing in shorthand.
  • stenohaline — (of an aquatic organism) unable to withstand wide variation in salinity of the surrounding water.
  • stephanotis — any vine belonging to the genus Stephanotis, of the milkweed family, having fragrant, waxy, white flowers and leathery leaves.
  • stereograph — a single or double picture for a stereoscope.
  • stockhausen — Karlheinz [kahrl-hahynts] /ˈkɑrlˌhaɪnts/ (Show IPA), 1928–2007, German composer.
  • stomachache — pain in the stomach or abdomen; colic.
  • stomachless — lacking or not having a stomach
  • stone china — hard earthenware containing china stone.
  • stonewashed — to wash (cloth) with pebbles or stones so as to give the appearance of wear.
  • storm watch — watch (def 20).
  • stylography — the art of writing, tracing, drawing, etc., with a style.
  • sulphurator — an apparatus used in treating anything with sulphur or sulphur fumes, such as in fumigating
  • switchboard — a structural unit on which are mounted switches and instruments necessary to complete telephone circuits manually.
  • sycophantic — a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.
  • syngnathous — (of fish) having a tubular snout, e.g. pipefish, seahorse
  • szombathely — a city in W Hungary: founded a.d. 48.
  • tachysterol — an isomer of ergosterol, C28H44O, formed during the production of calciferol by the irradiation of ergosterol
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