
8-letter words containing n, y, s, e

  • smyrnean — of or relating to Smyrna, Turkey.
  • snailery — a place where snails are bred
  • snakefly — any neuropterous insect of the family Raphidiidae, of western North America, having an elongated prothorax resembling a neck.
  • sneakily — like or suggestive of a sneak; furtive; deceitful.
  • sneaksby — an insignificant or cowardly person
  • snickery — of, pertaining to, or resembling a snicker
  • snippety — sharp or curt, especially in a supercilious or haughty way; impertinent.
  • snobbery — snobbish character, conduct, trait, or act.
  • snottery — snot or filth
  • snuggery — a snug place or position.
  • solemnly — grave, sober, or mirthless, as a person, the face, speech, tone, or mood: solemn remarks.
  • solvency — solvent condition; ability to pay all just debts.
  • spinnery — a spinning mill.
  • spryness — active; nimble; agile; energetic; brisk.
  • spyplane — a military aeroplane used to spy on an enemy
  • sry gene — a sex-determining gene on the Y chromosome in mammals that determines maleness and is essential for development of the testes.
  • steinway — Henry Engelhard [eng-guh l-hahrd,, -hahrt] /ˈɛŋ gəlˌhɑrd,, -ˌhɑrt/ (Show IPA), (Heinrich Engelhard Steinweg) 1797–1871, U.S. piano manufacturer, born in Germany.
  • sternway — Nautical. the movement of a vessel backward, or stern foremost.
  • stonefly — any of numerous dull-colored primitive aquatic insects of the order Plecoptera, having a distinctive flattened body shape: a major food source for game fish, especially bass and trout, which makes them popular as models for fishing flies.
  • studenty — denoting or exhibiting the characteristics believed typical of an undergraduate student
  • subentry — an item shown or listed under a main entry, as in bookkeeping.
  • suddenly — happening, coming, made, or done quickly, without warning, or unexpectedly: a sudden attack.
  • suddenty — a sudden or unexpected occurrence, esp an attack
  • sullenly — showing irritation or ill humor by a gloomy silence or reserve.
  • sunberry — wonderberry.
  • supinely — lying on the back, face or front upward.
  • swannery — a place where swans are raised.
  • sycamine — a tree mentioned in the New Testament, probably the black mulberry.
  • sylvaner — a white grape grown in the Alsace region of France and in Switzerland, Germany, and Austria.
  • sylviine — (of a bird) belonging to the subfamily Sylviinae
  • symantec — (company)   Software manufacturer of utility and development applications for Windows and Macintosh platforms. Products include ACT!, Norton Utilities, Norton AntiVirus, Symantec AntiVirus for Macintosh, Symantec Cafe.
  • synaphea — a continuity of rhythm throughout a poem
  • synapses — a region where nerve impulses are transmitted and received, encompassing the axon terminal of a neuron that releases neurotransmitters in response to an impulse, an extremely small gap across which the neurotransmitters travel, and the adjacent membrane of an axon, dendrite, or muscle or gland cell with the appropriate receptor molecules for picking up the neurotransmitters.
  • syncline — a synclinal fold.
  • syndesis — synapsis (def 1).
  • syndetic — serving to unite or connect; connective; copulative.
  • syndeton — a syndetic construction
  • syndrome — Pathology, Psychiatry. a group of symptoms that together are characteristic of a specific disorder, disease, or the like.
  • synechia — any adhesion of parts of the body, as of the iris to the cornea.
  • synectic — the study of creative processes, especially as applied to the solution of problems by a group of diverse individuals.
  • synergic — the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements, contributions, etc.; synergism.
  • synergid — one of two small cells that lie inside the embryo sac of a flowering plant and nourish the ovum.
  • synfuels — synthetic fuel.
  • synopses — a brief or condensed statement giving a general view of some subject.
  • syntaxes — Linguistics. the study of the rules for the formation of grammatical sentences in a language. the study of the patterns of formation of sentences and phrases from words. the rules or patterns so studied: English syntax. a presentation of these: a syntax of English. an instance of these: the syntax of a sentence.
  • syntexis — the alteration of magma by assimilation of a different mineral or by melting
  • synthase — an enzyme that catalyses a process of synthesis
  • syphoned — a tube or conduit bent into legs of unequal length, for use in drawing a liquid from one container into another on a lower level by placing the shorter leg into the container above and the longer leg into the one below, the liquid being forced up the shorter leg and into the longer one by the pressure of the atmosphere.
  • syringes — a small device consisting of a glass, metal, or hard rubber tube, narrowed at its outlet, and fitted with either a piston or a rubber bulb for drawing in a quantity of fluid or for ejecting fluid in a stream, for cleaning wounds, injecting fluids into the body, etc.
  • tennysonAlfred, Lord (1st Baron) 1809–92, English poet: poet laureate 1850–92.
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