
10-letter words containing n, y, s, e

  • pensionary — a pensioner.
  • pentastyle — having five columns.
  • perigynous — situated around the pistil on the edge of a cuplike receptacle, as stamens or petals.
  • person-day — a unit of measurement, especially in accountancy, based on an ideal amount of work done by one person in one working day.
  • personably — of pleasing personal appearance; handsome or comely; attractive.
  • personally — through direct contact; in person; directly: I will thank him personally.
  • personalty — personal estate or property.
  • pheasantry — a place where pheasants are bred or are kept together
  • phenocryst — any of the conspicuous crystals in a porphyritic rock.
  • phenotypes — the observable constitution of an organism.
  • pinocytose — (of a cell) to take within by means of pinocytosis.
  • planlessly — in a planless or aimless manner
  • pleasantly — pleasing, agreeable, or enjoyable; giving pleasure: pleasant news.
  • pleasantry — good-humored teasing; banter.
  • polygenism — the theory that the human race has descended from two or more ancestral types.
  • polygenist — a person who advocates polygenism
  • polygenous — polygenetic
  • polylysine — a type of synthetic polypeptide used to enable adhesion of cells to microscope slides
  • polynesian — of or relating to Polynesia, its inhabitants, or their languages.
  • polysemant — a word with multiple meanings
  • post entry — a late entry, as a horse in a horse show or race.
  • predestiny — predestination; pre-determined destiny
  • prepensely — in a premeditated way
  • presidency — the office, function, or term of office of a president.
  • presignify — to signify or indicate beforehand; foretell.
  • princessly — resembling a princess
  • pristinely — in a pristine manner
  • propensely — with propensity
  • propensity — a natural inclination or tendency: a propensity to drink too much.
  • protensity — the actuality of duration
  • pumy stone — a piece of pumice stone
  • push money — a cash inducement provided by a manufacturer or distributor for a retailer or his staff, to reward successful selling
  • pycnostyle — having an intercolumniation of 1½ diameters.
  • pyogenesis — the generation of pus; the process of the formation of pus.
  • pyranoside — a glycoside containing a pyran ring structure.
  • pyrogenous — pyrogenic (def 2).
  • quiescency — Quiescence: the state of being quiescent, or at rest.
  • ravenously — extremely hungry; famished; voracious: feeling ravenous after a hard day's work.
  • re-analyse — to analyse (something) again
  • reanalysis — the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis).
  • reasonably — agreeable to reason or sound judgment; logical: a reasonable choice for chairman.
  • rescrutiny — a searching examination or investigation; minute inquiry.
  • resignedly — submissive or acquiescent.
  • resiliency — the power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity.
  • resonantly — resounding or echoing, as sounds: the resonant thundering of cannons being fired.
  • responsory — an anthem sung after a lection by a soloist and choir alternately.
  • roystering — roister.
  • safety man — safety (def 6c).
  • safety net — a large net rigged between a person, as a trapeze performer, and the ground as protection in a fall.
  • safety pin — pin with covered point
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