
18-letter words containing n, y, o, r, s

  • gamblers anonymous — an organization that holds group meetings to help people who are addicted to gambling
  • gastroduodenostomy — See under gastroenterostomy.
  • gensym corporation — (company)   A company that supplies software and services for intelligent operations management. Common applications include quality management, process optimisation, dynamic scheduling, network management, energy and environmental management, and process modelling and simulation. Their products include G2.
  • geodetic surveying — the surveying of the earth's surface, making allowance for its curvature and giving an accurate framework for smaller-scale surveys
  • give someone curry — to assault (a person) verbally or physically
  • go down in history — If someone or something goes down in history, people in the future remember them because of particular actions that they have done or because of particular events that have happened.
  • grand canyon state — Arizona (used as a nickname).
  • gray manganese ore — manganite.
  • green-eyed monster — jealousy: Othello fell under the sway of the green-eyed monster.
  • ha ha only serious — (SF fandom, originally as mutation of HHOK, "Ha Ha Only Kidding") A phrase (often seen abbreviated as HHOS) that aptly captures the flavour of much hacker discourse. Applied especially to parodies, absurdities, and ironic jokes that are both intended and perceived to contain a possibly disquieting amount of truth, or truths that are constructed on in-joke and self-parody. The Jargon File contains many examples of ha-ha-only-serious in both form and content. Indeed, the entirety of hacker culture is often perceived as ha-ha-only-serious by hackers themselves; to take it either too lightly or too seriously marks a person as an outsider, a wannabee, or in larval stage. For further enlightenment on this subject, consult any Zen master. See also AI koan.
  • have eyes only for — the organ of sight, in vertebrates typically one of a pair of spherical bodies contained in an orbit of the skull and in humans appearing externally as a dense, white, curved membrane, or sclera, surrounding a circular, colored portion, or iris, that is covered by a clear, curved membrane, or cornea, and in the center of which is an opening, or pupil, through which light passes to the retina.
  • homeowner's policy — a form of home insurance that provides compensation for damage, loss, or injury of property, personal belongings, or persons due to fire, theft, accidents, etc.
  • honorary secretary — a unpaid person who is one of the managers of an organization
  • hungry programmers — (body)   A group of programmers producing free software.
  • hydrofluorocarbons — Plural form of hydrofluorocarbon.
  • hydroxytryptamines — Plural form of hydroxytryptamine.
  • hyperaldosteronism — aldosteronism.
  • hypermodern school — a style of chess characterized by control of the centre from the flanks
  • hypernationalistic — a person devoted to nationalism.
  • hypersensitization — Photography. to treat (a film or emulsion) so as to increase its speed.
  • hypersexualisation — Alternative spelling of hypersexualization.
  • hypersexualization — The act or process of hypersexualizing.
  • hypodermic syringe — a small glass piston or barrel syringe having a detachable, hollow needle for use in injecting solutions subcutaneously.
  • hysterical reasons — (Or "hysterical raisins") A variant on the stock phrase "for historical reasons", indicating specifically that something must be done in some stupid way for backward compatibility, and moreover that the feature it must be compatible with was the result of a bad design in the first place. "All IBM PC video adaptors have to support MDA text mode for hysterical reasons." Compare bug-for-bug compatible.
  • in praise of folly — Latin Moriae Encomium. a prose satire (1509) by Erasmus, written in Latin and directed against theologians and church dignitaries.
  • in your mind's eye — If you see something in your mind's eye, you imagine it and have a clear picture of it in your mind.
  • incommensurability — not commensurable; having no common basis, measure, or standard of comparison.
  • information system — a computer system or set of components for collecting, creating, storing, processing, and distributing information, typically including hardware and software, system users, and the data itself: the use of information systems to solve business problems.
  • infrared astronomy — the study of infrared radiation emitted by celestial objects.
  • involuntary muscle — muscle: contracts involuntarily
  • james-lange theory — a theory that emotions are caused by bodily sensations; for example, we are sad because we weep
  • jerusalem syndrome — a delusive condition affecting some visitors to Jerusalem in which the sufferer identifies with a major figure from his or her religious background
  • john birch society — an ultraconservative organization, founded in December 1958 by Robert Welch, Jr., chiefly to combat alleged Communist activities in the U.S.
  • keep your shirt on — refrain from losing your temper (often used as an exhortation to another)
  • known lazy bastard — (abuse)   (KLB) A term, used among technical support staff, for a user who repeatedly asks for help with problems whose solutions are clearly explained in the documentation, and persists in doing so after having been told to RTFM. KLBs are singled out for special treatment (i.e. ridicule), especially if they have been heard to say "It's so boring to read the manual! Why don't you just tell me?". The deepest pit in Hell is reserved for KLBs whose questions reveal total ignorance of the basic concepts (e.g., "How do I make a font in Excel?", "Where do I turn on my RAM?"), and who refuse to accept that their questions are neither simple nor well-formed.
  • lay down your arms — If soldiers lay down their arms, they stop fighting and give up their weapons.
  • lincoln's birthday — February 12, a legal holiday in some states of the U.S., in honor of the birth of Abraham Lincoln.
  • locked-in syndrome — a condition in which a person is conscious but unable to move any part of the body except the eyes: results from damage to the brainstem
  • lonely hearts club — a club for people who are trying to find a lover or a friend
  • long-stay car park — a car park (eg at an airport) where cars can be left for a long time
  • magnetocrystalline — (physics) Describing the interaction between the magnetization and the crystal structure of a material.
  • maternity hospital — birthing facility
  • meniere's syndrome — a disease of the labyrinth of the ear, characterized by deafness, ringing in the ears, dizziness, and nausea.
  • metabolic syndrome — Pathology. a group of medical conditions present simultaneously in a patient, as high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol levels, and an excess of abdominal fat, that increases a person's risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Also called insulin resistance syndrome.
  • methylprednisolone — A synthetic glucocorticoid drug, with chemical formula C22H30O5.
  • methyltestosterone — a synthetic androgenic steroid drug, C 2 0 H 3 0 O 2 , used for its anabolic properties in males in the treatment of hypogonadism and other androgen-deficiency disease states, and in females in the treatment of breast cancer.
  • microcrystallinity — The condition of being microcrystalline.
  • minority president — (in the US) a president who has been elected by the largest number of votes cast but not by a majority of the electorate
  • monophosphorylated — (biochemistry) phosphorylated with a single unit of phosphoric acid.
  • moog (synthesizer) — an early musical synthesizer
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