
15-letter words containing n, p, t, i, m

  • complementizers — Plural form of complementizer.
  • completion date — (in Britain) the date on which the sale of a piece of property is final
  • complicatedness — composed of elaborately interconnected parts; complex: complicated apparatus for measuring brain functions.
  • complimentaries — of the nature of, conveying, or expressing a compliment, often one that is politely flattering: a complimentary remark.
  • complimentarily — of the nature of, conveying, or expressing a compliment, often one that is politely flattering: a complimentary remark.
  • composing stick — a metal holder of adjustable width in which a compositor sets a line of type at a time by hand; now rarely used
  • composite print — a photograph characterized by overlapping or juxtaposed images resulting from a multiple exposure or the combining of negatives (composite print)
  • compositionally — in a compositional manner
  • compotationship — the state of being a compotator or drinking companion
  • computationally — from a computational point of view
  • computer dating — the use of computers by dating agencies to match their clients
  • computer vision — a robot analogue of human vision in which information about the environment is received by one or more video cameras and processed by computer: used in navigation by robots, in the control of automated production lines, etc.
  • computerisation — (chiefly, British) alternative spelling of computerization.
  • computerization — to control, perform, process, or store (a system, operation, or information) by means of or in an electronic computer or computers.
  • consumption tax — a tax, as a sales tax, levied on consumer goods or services at the time of sale.
  • contemplatively — given to or characterized by contemplation: a contemplative mind.
  • contemporaneity — living or occurring during the same period of time; contemporary.
  • contemptibility — The quality of being contemptible.
  • cosmopolitanism — free from local, provincial, or national ideas, prejudices, or attachments; at home all over the world.
  • cosmopolitanize — to make cosmopolitan.
  • countercampaign — a campaign responding to another campaign
  • country bumpkin — an awkward, simple, rustic person
  • craftswomanship — The body of skills, techniques, and expertise of (a) feminine craft(s).
  • creeping myrtle — any of several Eurasian apocynaceous evergreen plants of the genus Vinca, such as V. minor (lesser periwinkle) and V. major (greater periwinkle), having trailing stems and blue flowers
  • decompositional — Of or pertaining to decomposition.
  • departmentalism — division into departments, esp when resulting in impaired efficiency
  • departmentalize — to organize into departments, esp excessively
  • deputy minister — (in Canada) the senior civil servant in a government department
  • digital mapping — a method of preparing maps in which the data is stored in a computer for ease of access and updating
  • disappointments — Plural form of disappointment.
  • disimprisonment — the act of disimprisoning
  • draughtsmanship — (British) alternative spelling of draftsmanship.
  • dumpster diving — the practice of foraging in garbage that has been put out on the street in dumpsters, garbage cans, etc., for discarded items that may still be valuable, useful, or fixable.
  • durchkomponiert — having a different tune for each section rather than having repeated melodies
  • dutchman's-pipe — a climbing vine, Aristolochia durior, of the birthwort family, having large, heart-shaped leaves and brownish-purple flowers of a curved form suggesting a tobacco pipe.
  • edriophthalmian — edriophthalmous
  • emancipationist — An advocate of the emancipation of slaves.
  • enamel painting — the art or process of decorating an object made of metal, porcelain, etc. using enamel paint
  • enantiomorphism — (chemistry) The relationship exhibited by a pair of enantiomorphs.
  • enantiomorphous — Of or pertaining to enantiomorphs or enantiomorphism; enantiomorphic.
  • entrance permit — a permit issued by the government of a country allowing nationals of other countries to enter
  • entrepreneurism — Synonym of entrepreneurialism.
  • exemplification — The act of exemplifying; a showing or illustrating by example.
  • experientialism — (philosophy) The theory that experience is the source of knowledge.
  • experimentalism — An experimental practice or tendency, especially in the arts.
  • experimentalist — One who performs experiments.
  • experimentalize — (transitive) To make experiments upon.
  • experimentation — The act of experimenting; practice by experiment.
  • experimentative — having a tendency to experiment; experimental; of the nature of an experiment
  • extemporisation — Alternative spelling of extemporization.
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