
13-letter words containing n, p, t, i, m

  • omnipresently — In an omnipresent manner.
  • onomatopoeial — (obsolete, rare) Of or pertaining to onomatopoeia.
  • onomatopoeias — Plural form of onomatopoeia.
  • onomatopoetic — the formation of a word, as cuckoo, meow, honk, or boom, by imitation of a sound made by or associated with its referent.
  • open-timbered — constructed so that the timbers are exposed.
  • optimizations — Plural form of optimization.
  • organotropism — Physiology. the attraction of microorganisms or chemical substances to particular organs or tissues of the body.
  • outmanipulate — to surpass in manipulation
  • outperforming — Present participle of outperform.
  • over-shipment — an act or instance of shipping freight or cargo.
  • painted woman — a prostitute; slut.
  • paleomagnetic — Geology. magnetic polarization acquired by the minerals in a rock at the time the rock was deposited or solidified.
  • palmification — the fertilization of date palms artificially
  • pan-teutonism — Pan-Germanism.
  • panaesthetism — the belief that consciousness may be present in all matter
  • pangrammatist — a writer of pangrams
  • panradiometer — an instrument used for measuring radiant heat independently of wavelength
  • pantagruelism — (in Rabelais' Pantagruel) the huge son of Gargantua, represented as dealing with serious matters in a spirit of broad and somewhat cynical good humor.
  • paramagnetism — a body or substance that, placed in a magnetic field, possesses magnetization in direct proportion to the field strength; a substance in which the magnetic moments of the atoms are not aligned.
  • paranormality — the state of being paranormal
  • parking meter — a mechanical device for registering and collecting payment for the length of time that a vehicle occupies a parking space, consisting typically of a timer, actuated by a coin that a driver deposits upon parking, set in a headpiece mounted on a pole.
  • parliamentary — of or relating to a parliament or any of its members.
  • parliamenting — parliamentary debating
  • partitionment — the act or fact of being partitioned
  • party machine — the internal organization of a political party, which decides its policies and directs its activities
  • passementerie — trimming of braid, cord, bead, etc., in any of various forms.
  • patch pumpkin — pumpkin
  • pathognomonic — Medicine/Medical. characteristic or diagnostic of a specific disease: a pathognomonic sign of pneumonia.
  • patternmaking — a person who makes patterns, as for clothing or metal castings.
  • pedestrianism — the exercise or practice of walking.
  • pentatonicism — the use of a five-tone scale.
  • penthemimeral — (of a caesura) occurring after the first penthemimer of a poetic line, i.e. in the middle of the third foot
  • penultimately — in penultimate position; lastly except for one
  • perambulation — to walk through, about, or over; travel through; traverse.
  • perfectionism — any of various doctrines holding that religious, moral, social, or political perfection is attainable.
  • phalansterism — a model of society in which members of a community live in the same space and share common belongings
  • phantasmality — the condition or character of being incorporeal and illusory
  • phenmetrazine — a compound, C 1 1 H 1 5 NO, used chiefly to control the appetite in the treatment of obesity.
  • phenomenality — highly extraordinary or prodigious; exceptional: phenomenal speed.
  • phonocamptics — the branch of acoustics dealing with echoes
  • photodynamics — the science dealing with light and its effects on living organisms.
  • photoemission — photoelectric effect.
  • physostigmine — an alkaloid, C 1 5 H 2 1 N 3 O 2 , used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease to raise the level of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and also as a miotic in glaucoma.
  • piezomagnetic — involving or relating to the production of a magnetic field by applying a mechanical stress to certain crystals
  • plant kingdom — the plants of the world collectively.
  • plastic money — credit cards, used instead of cash
  • platiniridium — a natural alloy composed chiefly of platinum and iridium.
  • platinum disc — (in Britain) an album certified to have sold 300 000 copies or a single certified to have sold 600 000 copies
  • platyhelminth — any worm of the phylum Platyhelminthes; a flatworm.
  • pneumatolysis — the process by which rocks are altered or minerals and ores are formed by the action of vapors given off by magma.
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