
26-letter words containing n, o, s, v, e

  • open database connectivity — (standard, database)   (ODBC) A standard for accessing different database systems. There are interfaces for Visual Basic, Visual C++, SQL and the ODBC driver pack contains drivers for the Access, Paradox, dBase, Text, Excel and Btrieve databases. An application can submit statements to ODBC using the ODBC flavor of SQL. ODBC then translates these to whatever flavor the database understands. ODBC 1.0 was released in September 1992. ODBC is based on Call-Level Interface and was defined by the SQL Access Group. Microsoft was one member of the group and was the first company to release a commercial product based on its work (under Microsoft Windows) but ODBC is not a Microsoft standard (as many people believe). ODBC drivers and development tools are available now for Microsoft Windows, Unix, OS/2, and Macintosh.
  • orbiting solar observatory — OSO.
  • provence-alpes-côte d'azur — metropolitan region of SE France: 12,124 sq mi (31,401 sq km); pop. 4,258,000; chief city, Marseille
  • public-service corporation — a private or quasi-private corporation chartered to provide an essential commodity or service to the public.
  • record management services — (operating system)   (RMS) Procedures in the VMS operating system that programs call to process files and records within files. RMS allows programs to issue GET and PUT requests at the record level (record I/O) as well as read and write blocks (block I/O). VMS RMS is an integral part of the system software; its procedures run in executive mode.
  • repetitive strain disorder — overuse strain injury
  • seven wonders of the world — the seven structures considered by ancient and medieval scholars to be the most wondrous of the ancient world. The list varies, but generally consists of the Pyramids of Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Phidias' statue of Zeus at Olympia, the temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Pharos (or lighthouse) of Alexandria
  • solemn league and covenant — an agreement (1643) between the parliaments of Scotland and England permitting the promotion of Presbyterianism in Scotland, England, and Ireland.
  • stamped addressed envelope — A stamped addressed envelope is an envelope with a stamp on it and your own name and address, which you send to someone so that something can be sent back to you. The abbreviation s.a.e. is also used.
  • take leave of one's senses — to go mad or become irrational
  • tennessee valley authority — TVA.
  • to be in raptures over sth — be highly delighted with
  • to be in the driver's seat — to be in a position of control
  • to be on a starvation diet — to be on a strict diet
  • to be pressed into service — To press someone or something into service means to use them temporarily for a particular purpose.
  • transport driver interface — (networking)   (TDI) Developed by SUN, IBM, and Microsoft (and others?), the TDI is a software interface between the protocols and application programing interface layers of the Windows NT network model.
  • traveling salesman problem — any mathematical problem that involves determination of the shortest path through several points.
  • universal communications x — (communications)   (UCX) A software implementation of the ubiquitous TCP/IP suite of communications protocols for Digital Equipment Corporation's OpenVMS operating system. Users of the UCX product can connect to heterogeneous networks to access and download files, send electronic mail, run and develop applications, and monitor activity.
  • universal resource locator — Uniform Resource Locator
  • universal time coordinated — incorrect term for coordinated universal time.
  • university of pennsylvania — (body, education)   The home of ENIAC and Machiavelli. Address: Philadelphia, PA, USA.
  • very long instruction word — (language, architecture)   (VLIW) Used to describe a machine code instruction set implemented using horizontal microcode. A horizontally encoded instruction word which encodes four or more operations might be considered "very long". VLIW architectures are sometimes classified as a type of static superscalar architecture. They are static in the sense that which units operate in parallel is determined by the instruction rather than by dynamic scheduling at run time. Producing code for VLIW machines is difficult; trace scheduling is a helpful compiler technique. The most famous VLIW machine was built by (the late) Multiflow Computer, Inc.
  • victoria and albert museum — a museum of the fine and applied arts in London, originating from 1856 and given its present name and site in 1899
  • visual-aural (radio) range — a radio range that sends out signals as an aid to air navigation; esp., a very-high-frequency range that beams four signals, two for reception by the ear and two for viewing on an indicator
  • voluntary service overseas — an organization that sends young volunteers to use and teach their skills in developing countries
  • what someone is driving at — If you ask someone what they are driving at, you are asking what they are trying to say or what they are saying indirectly.
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