
23-letter words containing n, o, s, t, a

  • to call someone's bluff — If you call someone's bluff, you tell them to do what they have been threatening to do, because you are sure that they will not really do it.
  • to change for the worse — If a situation changes for the worse, it becomes more unpleasant or more difficult.
  • to clap eyes on someone — To clap eyes on someone or something, or set or lay eyes on them, means to see them.
  • to come to a sticky end — If someone comes to a sticky end or meets a sticky end, they suffer very badly or die in an unpleasant way.
  • to force someone's hand — If you force someone's hand, you force them to act sooner than they want to, or to act in public when they would prefer to keep their actions secret.
  • to get ahold of oneself — to force oneself to become calm and sensible after a shock or in a difficult situation
  • to have feelings for sb — to be emotionally or sexually attracted to
  • to have your hands full — If you have your hands full with something, you are very busy because of it.
  • to hell in a handbasket — to one's doom
  • to jump to a conclusion — If you say that someone jumps to a conclusion, you are critical of them because they decide too quickly that something is true, when they do not know all the facts.
  • to keep someone company — If you keep someone company, you spend time with them and stop them feeling lonely or bored.
  • to keep your nose clean — If you keep your nose clean, you behave well and stay out of trouble.
  • to make your skin crawl — If something makes your skin crawl or makes your flesh crawl, it makes you feel shocked or disgusted.
  • to meet someone halfway — If you meet someone halfway, you accept some of the points they are making so that you can come to an agreement with them.
  • to pay through the nose — If you say that you paid through the nose for something, you are emphasizing that you had to pay what you consider too high a price for it.
  • to rest on your laurels — If someone is resting on their laurels, they appear to be satisfied with the things they have achieved and have stopped putting effort into what they are doing.
  • to rise to the occasion — If you say that someone rose to the occasion, you mean that they did what was necessary to successfully overcome a difficult situation.
  • to run someone to earth — If you run someone or something to earth, you find them after searching for them for a long time.
  • to save someone's bacon — If someone or something saves your bacon, they get you out of a dangerous or difficult situation.
  • to send someone packing — If you send someone packing, you make them go away.
  • to shake someone's hand — If you shake someone's hand or shake someone by the hand, you shake hands with them.
  • to stick in your throat — If something sticks in your throat, you find it unacceptable.
  • to wipe the slate clean — If you wipe the slate clean, you decide to forget previous mistakes, failures, or debts and to start again.
  • to your heart's content — as much as you please
  • tongass national forest — a temperate rainforest in SE Alaska that also harbors more than two dozen communities, including Juneau: largest US national forest. 17 million acres (69,000 km).
  • trans-siberian railroad — a railroad traversing Siberia, from Chelyabinsk in the Ural Mountains to Vladivostok: constructed by the Russian government 1891–1916. over 4000 miles (6440 km) long.
  • transcendental equation — an equation that involves transcendental functions.
  • transcendental function — a function that is not an algebraic function.
  • transplantation antigen — a histocompatibility antigen identified by its effect on the rejection of transplanted cells or tissues.
  • transverse presentation — presentation in which the fetus is turned with its long axis across the mouth of the uterus, at right angles to the axis of the birth canal.
  • tread on someone's toes — the action of treading, stepping, or walking.
  • treat someone like dirt — If you say that someone treats you like dirt, you are angry with them because you think that they treat you unfairly and with no respect.
  • trellis code modulation — (TCM) A modulation technique with hardware error detection and correction.
  • trials and tribulations — difficult experiences
  • trigonal trisoctahedron — a trisoctahedron whose faces are triangles.
  • triple expansion engine — (formerly) a steam engine in which the steam is expanded in three stages in cylinders of increasing diameter to accommodate the increasing volume of the steam
  • turn a cold shoulder to — to treat with disdain; snub
  • turn-and-slip indicator — bank-and-turn indicator.
  • twenty-second amendment — an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1951, limiting presidential terms to two for any one person, or to one elected term if the person has completed more than two years of another's term.
  • unconditional discharge — the release of a defendant without having to spend time on parole or probation
  • unconstitutional strike — a stoppage of work which violates the dispute procedure agreed between the employer and the trade union or trade unions concerned
  • unincorporated business — a privately owned business, often owned by one person who has unlimited liability as the business is not legally registered as a company
  • unipress software, inc. — (company)   A developer and distributor of Unix software. They produce PC-UNIX connectivity software, development tools and applications and provide technical support and maintenance, porting services, training and consulting.
  • united states air force — the permanent or regular military air force of the United States, established in 1947 as a separate service under the authority of the Department of Defense: a branch of the U.S. Army before 1947. Abbreviation: USAF.
  • united states of brazil — former official name of Brazil.
  • university of minnesota — (body, education)   The home of Gopher. Address: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
  • urban conservation area — an urban area that is protected, preserved and carefully managed
  • van der waals' equation — an equation of state relating the pressure, volume, and absolute temperature of a gas, taking into account the finite size of the molecules and the attractive force between them.
  • variable contrast paper — printing paper in which the contrast of the image is controlled by the color of the printing light.
  • vestibulocochlear nerve — either one of the eight pairs of cranial nerves that supply the cochlea and semicircular canals of the internal ear and contribute to the sense of hearing
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