
11-letter words containing n, o, s, l, u

  • situational — manner of being situated; location or position with reference to environment: The situation of the house allowed for a beautiful view.
  • skin colour — the colour of a person's skin, ie Black, White, etc
  • sleuthhound — a bloodhound.
  • slop around — to spill or splash (liquid).
  • slumgullion — a stew of meat, vegetables, potatoes, etc.
  • smouldering — burning slowly without flame, usually emitting smoke
  • social fund — (in Britain) a social security fund from which loans or payments may be made to people in cases of extreme need
  • social unit — a person or a group of persons, as a family, functioning as a unit in society.
  • soft launch — the launch of a website in stages, with regular updating
  • solanaceous — belonging to the Solanaceae, the nightshade family of plants.
  • soluble rna — a small RNA molecule, consisting of a strand of nucleotides folded into a clover-leaf shape, that picks up an unattached amino acid within the cell cytoplasm and conveys it to the ribosome for protein synthesis. Abbreviation: tRNA.
  • solutionist — a problem-solver
  • somnambular — relating to sleep-walking
  • soul-baring — confessing intimate thoughts
  • sound block — a small block of wood for rapping with a gavel.
  • sound-alike — a person or thing that resembles another in sound
  • southlander — a person from the south
  • speculation — the contemplation or consideration of some subject: to engage in speculation on humanity's ultimate destiny.
  • spiculation — formation into spicules.
  • splendorous — brilliant or gorgeous appearance, coloring, etc.; magnificence: the splendor of the palace.
  • spondulicks — money; cash.
  • sporulation — to produce spores.
  • stimulation — to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite: to stimulate his interest in mathematics.
  • stipulation — a condition, demand, or promise in an agreement or contract.
  • strenuously — characterized by vigorous exertion, as action, efforts, life, etc.: a strenuous afternoon of hunting.
  • struggle on — If you struggle on, you continue doing something rather than stopping, even though it is difficult.
  • subchondral — of or relating to cartilage or a cartilage.
  • subcolumnar — almost or imperfectly columnar.
  • subdiaconal — of or relating to a subdeacon.
  • sublimation — Psychology. the diversion of the energy of a sexual or other biological impulse from its immediate goal to one of a more acceptable social, moral, or aesthetic nature or use.
  • subluxation — a partial dislocation, as of a joint; sprain.
  • subnational — of, relating to, or maintained by a nation as an organized whole or independent political unit: national affairs.
  • subrational — less than or almost rational.
  • sulfonamide — sulfa drug.
  • sulfonation — the process of attaching the sulfonic acid group, –SO 3 H, directly to carbon in an organic compound.
  • sulfuration — to combine, treat, or impregnate with sulfur, the fumes of burning sulfur, etc.
  • summer-long — lasting all summer
  • supernormal — in excess of the normal or average: supernormal faculties; supernormal production.
  • suspicional — of or relating to suspicion, especially morbid or insane suspicions.
  • synsepalous — gamosepalous.
  • teaspoonful — the amount a teaspoon can hold.
  • tenaciously — holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold (often followed by of): a tenacious grip on my arm; tenacious of old habits.
  • tonal music — music that uses the diatonic system
  • tongue sole — tonguefish.
  • tongue-lash — to reprimand severely; scold
  • ultrasonics — the branch of science that deals with the effects of sound waves above human perception.
  • unabolished — not abolished or revoked
  • unanimously — of one mind; in complete agreement; agreed.
  • unapostolic — not apostolic; not related to or characteristic of the early Christian apostles or their subsequent apostles
  • unarousable — to stir to action or strong response; excite: to arouse a crowd; to arouse suspicion.
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