
13-letter words containing n, o, s, l, u, t

  • restimulation — the act or process of stimulating again; reactivation
  • resublimation — Psychology. the diversion of the energy of a sexual or other biological impulse from its immediate goal to one of a more acceptable social, moral, or aesthetic nature or use.
  • revolutionise — to bring about a revolution in; effect a radical change in: to revolutionize petroleum refining methods.
  • revolutionism — a belief in revolution or revolutionary ideas
  • revolutionist — a person who advocates or takes part in a revolution.
  • saint columba — Padraic [paw-drik] /ˈpɔ drɪk/ (Show IPA), 1881–1972, Irish poet and dramatist, in the U.S. from 1914.
  • sansculottism — (in the French Revolution) a revolutionary of the poorer class: originally a term of contempt applied by the aristocrats but later adopted as a popular name by the revolutionaries.
  • school outing — a short trip that a school organizes for schoolchildren, usually during the school day, to a place of interest such as museum or art gallery
  • self-conquest — the act or state of conquering or the state of being conquered; vanquishment.
  • self-doubting — lacking in confidence
  • sententiously — abounding in pithy aphorisms or maxims: a sententious book.
  • sexualization — to render sexual; endow with sexual characteristics.
  • shoulder knot — a knot of ribbon or lace worn on the shoulder, as by men of fashion in the 17th and 18th centuries, by servants in livery, or by women or children.
  • silver tongue — the characteristic of being skilful at persuading people to believe what they say or to do what they want them to do
  • single-tongue — to play (any nonlegato passage) on a wind instrument by obstructing and uncovering the air passage through the lips with the tongue
  • sinistrocular — favoring the left eye, rather than the right, by habit or for effective vision (opposed to dextrocular).
  • situationally — manner of being situated; location or position with reference to environment: The situation of the house allowed for a beautiful view.
  • skeletogenous — forming a skeleton, or parts of one
  • slow puncture — a small hole in a tyre, from which the air escapes very slowly, so that at first it is not obvious that there is any problem with the tyre
  • small fortune — a large sum of money
  • solidungulate — having a single, undivided hoof on each foot, as a horse.
  • solvent abuse — Solvent abuse is the dangerous practice of breathing in the gases from substances such as glue in order to feel as if you are drunk.
  • soul-stirring — arousing excitement and enthusiasm; uplifting
  • sound blaster — (hardware)   The best known family of sound cards for the IBM PC from Creative Labs.
  • south holland — a province in the SW Netherlands. 1086 sq. mi. (2810 sq. km). Capital: The Hague.
  • southern alps — a mountain range in New Zealand, on South Island: the highest range in Australasia. Highest peak: Mount Cook (also known as Aoraki or Aorangi), 3754 m (12 316 ft)
  • southern blot — a procedure for identifying and measuring the amount of a specific DNA sequence or gene in a mixed extract, as in testing for a mutation or a virus: DNA strands from the person or organism under study are cut with restriction enzymes, separated by gel electrophoresis, transferred to special filter paper, and hybridized with a labeled DNA probe.
  • spontaneously — coming or resulting from a natural impulse or tendency; without effort or premeditation; natural and unconstrained; unplanned: a spontaneous burst of applause.
  • stenopetalous — having narrow petals.
  • stenophyllous — having narrow leaves.
  • stentoriously — stentorian.
  • stoloniferous — producing or bearing stolons.
  • strangulation — Pathology, Surgery. to compress or constrict (a duct, intestine, vessel, etc.) so as to prevent circulation or suppress function.
  • subadolescent — younger than or not quite adolescent
  • suballocation — an allocation made from a previous allocation
  • subcollection — the act of collecting.
  • subdelegation — a group or body of delegates: Our club sent a delegation to the rally.
  • subemployment — insufficient employment in the labor force of a country, area, or industry, including unemployment and underemployment.
  • subinvolution — (of organs) a partial return to normal size
  • sublanceolate — (of leaves, etc) almost spear-shaped
  • subpopulation — the total number of persons inhabiting a country, city, or any district or area.
  • suction valve — a nonreturn valve in a pump suction to prevent the pump draining or depriming when not in service
  • suffocatingly — to kill by preventing the access of air to the blood through the lungs or analogous organs, as gills; strangle.
  • sulfonmethane — a colorless, crystalline compound, C7H16O4S2, used in medicine as a soporific and hypnotic
  • sunspot cycle — the cycle, averaging in duration slightly more than 11 years, in which the frequency of sunspots varies from a maximum to a minimum and back to a maximum again.
  • suntan lotion — cream that protects against the sun
  • supernational — tending to involve, or extending authority over, more than one nation; international; supranational.
  • superrational — beyond the scope or range of reason; intuitional.
  • supplantation — to take the place of (another), as through force, scheming, strategy, or the like.
  • suppositional — the act of supposing.
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