
18-letter words containing n, o, s, e, h

  • hypermodern school — a style of chess characterized by control of the centre from the flanks
  • hypernationalistic — a person devoted to nationalism.
  • hypersensitization — Photography. to treat (a film or emulsion) so as to increase its speed.
  • hypersexualisation — Alternative spelling of hypersexualization.
  • hypersexualization — The act or process of hypersexualizing.
  • hypodermic syringe — a small glass piston or barrel syringe having a detachable, hollow needle for use in injecting solutions subcutaneously.
  • hypothesis testing — the theory, methods, and practice of testing a hypothesis concerning the parameters of a population distribution (the null hypothesis) against another (the alternative hypothesis) which will be accepted only if its probability exceeds a predetermined significance level, generally on the basis of statistics derived from random sampling from the given population
  • hysterical reasons — (Or "hysterical raisins") A variant on the stock phrase "for historical reasons", indicating specifically that something must be done in some stupid way for backward compatibility, and moreover that the feature it must be compatible with was the result of a bad design in the first place. "All IBM PC video adaptors have to support MDA text mode for hysterical reasons." Compare bug-for-bug compatible.
  • idylls of the king — a series of poems by Tennyson, based on Arthurian legend.
  • in another's shoes — in another's position
  • in one's own right — in accordance with what is good, proper, or just: right conduct.
  • in someone's shoes — an external covering for the human foot, usually of leather and consisting of a more or less stiff or heavy sole and a lighter upper part ending a short distance above, at, or below the ankle.
  • in the face of sth — If you take a particular action or attitude in the face of a problem or difficulty, you respond to that problem or difficulty in that way.
  • in the grip of sth — If a person, group, or place is in the grip of something, they are being severely affected by it.
  • in the interest of — the feeling of a person whose attention, concern, or curiosity is particularly engaged by something: She has a great interest in the poetry of Donne.
  • in the last resort — You use in the last resort when stating the most basic or important fact that will still be true in a situation whatever else happens.
  • in the name of sth — If you do something in the name of an ideal or an abstract thing, you do it in order to preserve or promote that thing.
  • independent school — (in Britain) a school that is neither financed nor controlled by the government or local authorities
  • inner automorphism — an automorphism that maps an element x into an element of the form axa −1 where a −1 is the inverse of a.
  • inter-relationship — reciprocal relation.
  • internet of things — a network of everyday devices, appliances, and other objects equipped with computer chips and sensors that can collect and transmit data through the Internet. Abbreviation: IoT.
  • interrelationships — Plural form of interrelationship.
  • iron (ii) sulphate — an iron salt with a saline taste, usually obtained as greenish crystals of the heptahydrate, which are converted to the white monohydrate above 100°C: used in inks, tanning, water purification, and in the treatment of anaemia. Formula: FeSO4
  • irreproachableness — The quality or state of being irreproachable; integrity; innocence.
  • jacksonville beach — a city in NE Florida.
  • james-lange theory — a theory that emotions are caused by bodily sensations; for example, we are sad because we weep
  • japanese artichoke — Chinese artichoke.
  • johannes gutenberg — Johannes [yoh-hahn-uh s] /yoʊˈhɑn əs/ (Show IPA), (Johann Gensfleisch) c1400–68, German printer: credited with invention of printing from movable type.
  • john birch society — an ultraconservative organization, founded in December 1958 by Robert Welch, Jr., chiefly to combat alleged Communist activities in the U.S.
  • johnny on the spot — a person who is ready and at hand whenever needed
  • johnny-on-the-spot — a person who is on hand to perform a service, seize an opportunity, deal with an emergency, etc.
  • josephson junction — a high-speed switch, used in experimental computers, that operates on the basis of a radiative phenomenon (Jo·sephson effect) exhibited by a pair of superconductors separated by a thin insulator.
  • keep one's chin up — the lower extremity of the face, below the mouth.
  • keep one's hand in — the terminal, prehensile part of the upper limb in humans and other primates, consisting of the wrist, metacarpal area, fingers, and thumb.
  • keep your shirt on — refrain from losing your temper (often used as an exhortation to another)
  • king of the castle — most powerful figure
  • king of the forest — the oak tree.
  • king-of-the-salmon — a ribbonfish, Trachypterus altivelis, of northern parts of the Pacific Ocean.
  • lagrange's theorem — the theorem that the order of each subgroup of a finite group is a factor of the order of the group.
  • last chance saloon — a place frequented by unsavoury or contemptible people
  • lay one's hands on — the terminal, prehensile part of the upper limb in humans and other primates, consisting of the wrist, metacarpal area, fingers, and thumb.
  • list comprehension — (functional programming)   An expression in a functional language denoting the results of some operation on (selected) elements of one or more lists. An example in Haskell: This returns all pairs of numbers (x,y) where x and y are elements of the list 1, 2, ..., 10, y <= x and their sum is less than 10. A list comprehension is simply "syntactic sugar" for a combination of applications of the functions, concat, map and filter. For instance the above example could be written: The term "list comprehension" appears in the references below. The earliest reference to the notation is in Rod Burstall and John Darlington's description of their language, NPL. David Turner subsequently adopted this notation in his languages SASL, KRC and Miranda, where he has called them "ZF expressions", set abstractions and list abstractions (in his 1985 FPCA paper [Miranda: A Non-Strict Functional Language with Polymorphic Types]).
  • literae humaniores — (at Oxford University) the faculty concerned with Greek and Latin literature, ancient history, and philosophy; classics
  • lonely hearts club — a club for people who are trying to find a lover or a friend
  • long-hours culture — The long-hours culture is the way in which some workers feel that they are expected to work much longer hours than they are paid to do.
  • loschmidt's number — the number of molecules in one cubic centimeter of an ideal gas at standard temperature and pressure, equal to 2.687 × 10 19.
  • louisiana purchase — a treaty signed with France in 1803 by which the U.S. purchased for $15,000,000 the land extending from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains and from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.
  • make sth one's own — If you make something your own, you become involved in it in such a way that people think of it as being related only to you or belonging only to you, rather than to anyone else.
  • maternity hospital — birthing facility
  • median lethal dose — the quantity of a lethal substance, as a poison or pathogen, or of ionizing radiation that will kill 50 percent of the organisms subjected to it in a specified time period. Symbol: LD 5 0.
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