
16-letter words containing n, o, s, e, h

  • hypercorrectness — The state or condition of being hypercorrect.
  • hyperstimulation — to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite: to stimulate his interest in mathematics.
  • hypervitaminosis — an abnormal condition caused by an excessive intake of vitamins.
  • hypnagogic state — the drowsy period between wakefulness and sleep, during which fantasies and hallucinations often occur.
  • i see no x here. — (games)   Hackers (and the interactive computer games they write) traditionally favour this slightly marked usage over other possible equivalents such as "There's no X here!" or "X is missing." or "Where's the X?". This goes back to the original PDP-10 ADVENT, which would respond in this wise if you asked it to do something involving an object not present at your location in the game.
  • icositetrahedron — a solid figure having 24 faces.
  • immersion heater — a small electric coil used to heat a liquid, as a cup of water, in which it is immersed.
  • immethodicalness — Lack of method; the quality of being immethodical.
  • in lockstep with — progressing at exactly the same speed and in the same direction as other people or things, esp as a matter of course rather than by choice
  • in plain clothes — not wearing a uniform
  • in the course of — If something happens in the course of a particular period of time, it happens during that period of time.
  • in the same boat — a vessel for transport by water, constructed to provide buoyancy by excluding water and shaped to give stability and permit propulsion.
  • in the shadow of — very close to; verging upon
  • in the short run — to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground.
  • in the spotlight — prominently featured
  • in the throes of — If you are in the throes of doing or experiencing something, especially something difficult, you are busy doing it or are deeply involved in it.
  • in the worst way — bad or ill in the highest, greatest, or most extreme degree: the worst person.
  • incomprehensible — impossible to understand or comprehend; unintelligible.
  • incomprehensibly — impossible to understand or comprehend; unintelligible.
  • inharmoniousness — The quality of being inharmonious.
  • inhospitableness — The quality of being inhospitable.
  • invisible shadow — (in architectural shades and shadows) a three-dimensional space occupied by the shadow projected by a solid and within which a surface is in shadow.
  • jacques bonhomme — the contemptuous title given by the nobles to the peasants in the revolt of the Jacquerie in 1358 and adopted by the peasants in subsequent revolts.
  • john the baptist — the forerunner and baptizer of Jesus. Matt. 3.
  • josephson effect — a high-speed switch, used in experimental computers, that operates on the basis of a radiative phenomenon (Jo·sephson effect) exhibited by a pair of superconductors separated by a thin insulator.
  • judaeo-christian — of or relating to the religious writings, beliefs, values, or traditions held in common by Judaism and Christianity.
  • kamerlingh onnes — Heike [hahy-kuh] /ˈhaɪ kə/ (Show IPA), 1853–1926, Dutch physicist: Nobel Prize 1913.
  • kamerlingh-onnes — Heike (ˈhaɪkə). 1853–1926, Dutch physicist: a pioneer of the physics of low-temperature materials and discoverer (1911) of superconductivity. Nobel prize for physics 1913
  • keratoacanthomas — Plural form of keratoacanthoma.
  • kick one's heels — If you are kicking your heels, you are having to wait around with nothing to do, so that you get bored or impatient.
  • lead by the nose — the part of the face or facial region in humans and certain animals that contains the nostrils and the organs of smell and functions as the usual passageway for air in respiration: in humans it is a prominence in the center of the face formed of bone and cartilage, serving also to modify or modulate the voice.
  • league champions — the team that has come top of the league
  • lick one's chops — Usually, chops. the jaw.
  • lighthouse point — a city in NW Florida.
  • lightning stroke — a discharge of lightning between a cloud and the earth, esp one that causes damage
  • lobe-finned fish — any fish that has rounded scales and lobed fins, as the coelacanth.
  • lonely hearts ad — an advertisement placed by someone who is trying to find a lover or a friend
  • long-established — having a long history; old
  • lord howe island — an island in the S Pacific, E of Australia: a dependency of New South Wales. 5 sq. mi. (13 sq. km).
  • lose one's shirt — a long- or short-sleeved garment for the upper part of the body, usually lightweight and having a collar and a front opening.
  • louisiana french — French as spoken in Louisiana; Cajun. Abbreviation: LaF.
  • macpherson strut — an automobile suspension-system component that consists of a strut combined with a spring and shock absorber and connects the wheel to the frame of the vehicle.
  • magnesiochromite — (mineral) A chromite species with the formula MgCr2O4.
  • magnetochemistry — the study of magnetic and chemical phenomena in their relation to one another.
  • man of the house — the male head of a household.
  • man on horseback — a military leader who presents himself as the savior of the country during a period of crisis and either assumes or threatens to assume dictatorial powers.
  • manhood suffrage — the right of adult male citizens to vote
  • marsh cinquefoil — a variety of cinquefoil, Potentilla palustris, that grows in marshy areas
  • mechanochemistry — the field of chemistry that deals with the direct conversion of chemical into mechanical energy.
  • mechanoreceptors — Plural form of mechanoreceptor.
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