
18-letter words containing n, o, d, i, l

  • modulus of torsion — a coefficient of elasticity of a substance, expressing the ratio between the force per unit area (shearing stress) that laterally deforms the substance and the shear (shearing strain) that is produced by this force.
  • molecular medicine — the study of disease or injury at the molecular or cellular level.
  • mordovian republic — a constituent republic of W central Russia, in the middle Volga basin. Capital: Saransk. Pop: 888 700 (2002). Area: 26 200 sq km (10 110 sq miles)
  • moulding technique — the technique used to shape a material into a frame or mould
  • mousseline de soie — a thin, stiff silk or rayon fabric.
  • mozilla foundation — (body, web, open source)   The body set up by Netscape in January 1998 to coordinate development of the Mozilla browser and to provide a point of contact.
  • multi-user dungeon — Multi-User Dimension
  • multiply-connected — connected but not simply-connected.
  • nailed to the wall — [like a trophy] Said of a bug finally eliminated after protracted, and even heroic, effort.
  • national guardsman — guardsman (def 2).
  • needle-nose pliers — long thin pliers
  • negligent homicide — a criminal charge brought against people who, through criminal negligence, allow others to die
  • neuroendocrinology — the study of the anatomical and physiological interactions between the nervous and endocrine systems.
  • new zealand on air — the operational name for the New Zealand Broadcasting Commission
  • new zealand pigeon — a large fruit-eating native pigeon, Hemiphagia novaeseelandiae, of forest areas
  • non-contextualized — to put (a linguistic element, an action, etc.) in a context, especially one that is characteristic or appropriate, as for purposes of study.
  • non-denominational — of or relating to a denomination or denominations.
  • non-fundamentalist — (sometimes initial capital letter) a religious movement characterized by a strict belief in the literal interpretation of religious texts, especially within American Protestantism and Islam.
  • nonstriated muscle — smooth muscle
  • nord-pas-de-calais — a region of N France, on the Straits of Dover (the Pas de Calais): coal-mining, textile, and metallurgical industries
  • normally aspirated — A normally aspirated or naturally aspirated engine breathes air at atmospheric pressure.
  • norwegian elkhound — one of a breed of dogs having a short, compact body, short, pointed ears, and a thick, gray coat, raised originally in Norway for hunting elk and other game.
  • not take kindly to — not welcome
  • notifiable disease — any one of a number of infectious diseases of humans and animals, that must be reported to the public health authorities
  • oedipus at colonus — a tragedy by Sophocles, written toward the end of his life and produced posthumously in 401? b.c.
  • old low franconian — a Low German dialect of the Franks of the lower Rhine valley before c1100.
  • on delicate ground — in a situation requiring tact
  • on the danger list — critically ill in hospital
  • operation overlord — the codename for the Allied invasion (June 1944) of northern France
  • optical soundtrack — the final soundtrack on a motion picture, which appears as a band of black and white serrations along a strip of film to the left of the composite print. Light is shined through the serrations and is converted to audible sound.
  • organic solidarity — social cohesiveness that is based on division of labor and interdependence and is characteristic of complex, industrial societies.
  • organized religion — institutionalized religion, usually with a hierarchical clergy and rules to govern the means by which adherents participate
  • oriental almandine — a variety of corundum resembling almandine in colour and used as a gemstone
  • oxalosuccinic acid — an organic acid, C 6 H 6 O 7 , that is an intermediate formed by the dehydrogenation of isocitric acid in fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • parallel reduction — A form of applicative order reduction in which all redexes in an expression are reduced simultaneously. Variants include parallel outermost reduction and lenient reduction. See normal order reduction.
  • parathyroid glands — any of several small oval glands usually lying near or embedded in the thyroid gland.
  • passing modulation — a modulation of a temporary nature.
  • pectoral sandpiper — an American sandpiper, Calidris melanotos, the male of which, when courting, inflates its chest conspicuously.
  • percussion welding — a form of resistance welding in which the required pressure is provided by a hammerlike blow.
  • pescadores-islands — (used with a plural verb) Penghu.
  • phantom withdrawal — the unauthorized removal of funds from a bank account using an automated teller machine
  • phosphatidylserine — any of a class of phospholipids occurring in biological membranes and fats
  • physical education — systematic instruction in sports, exercises, and hygiene given as part of a school or college program.
  • piperonyl butoxide — a light-brown liquid, C 1 9 H 3 0 O 5 , used chiefly as a synergist in certain insecticides.
  • plane of incidence — a plane determined by a given ray, incident on a surface, and the normal at the point where the incident ray strikes the surface.
  • plate-glass window — a window that has glass which has been formed by rolling
  • platinocyanic acid — the hypothetical acid containing platinum and the cyano group, H 2 Pt(CN) 4 .
  • play second fiddle — be considered less important
  • point d'angleterre — a bobbin lace in which the design is worked out with either a needle or bobbin.
  • politically-minded — (of a person or group of people) interested in the way power is achieved and used in a country or society (through government, policy-making, etc)
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