
18-letter words containing n, o, d, i, a

  • magnetogasdynamics — magnetohydrodynamics.
  • maison-de-molieres — Comédie Française.
  • make no difference — to have no effect; not matter
  • make someone tired — to annoy or vex someone
  • make up one's mind — (in a human or other conscious being) the element, part, substance, or process that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges, etc.: the processes of the human mind.
  • malicious wounding — the intentional violent wounding or injuring of someone
  • mandelbrot, benoit — Benoit Mandelbrot
  • median lethal dose — the quantity of a lethal substance, as a poison or pathogen, or of ionizing radiation that will kill 50 percent of the organisms subjected to it in a specified time period. Symbol: LD 5 0.
  • medical dictionary — a specialized dictionary covering terms used in the health professions by doctors, nurses, and others involved in allied health care services. A dictionary with authoritative spellings and definitions is a particularly crucial resource in medicine, where a misspelling or misunderstanding can have unfortunate consequences for people under care. Print dictionaries in this field may be sorted alphabetically or may be categorized according to medical specializations or by the various systems in the body, as the immune system and the respiratory system. The online Medical Dictionary on Dictionary.com allows alphabetical browsing in the combined electronic versions of more than one authoritative medical reference, insuring access to correct spellings, as well as immediate, direct access to a known search term typed into the search box on the site: A medical dictionary reveals that large numbers of medical terms are formed from the same Latin and Greek parts combined and recombined.
  • medical profession — the body of people who work as doctors of medicine
  • medicine bow range — a range of the Rocky Mountains, in Wyoming and Colorado. Highest peak, Medicine Bow Peak, 12,014 feet (3662 meters).
  • medium of exchange — anything generally accepted as representing a standard of value and exchangeable for goods or services.
  • mental retardation — Usually Offensive. a developmental disorder characterized in varying degrees by a subnormal ability to learn, a substantially low IQ, and impaired social adjustment.
  • metabolic syndrome — Pathology. a group of medical conditions present simultaneously in a patient, as high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol levels, and an excess of abdominal fat, that increases a person's risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Also called insulin resistance syndrome.
  • mexican gold poppy — an annual wildflower, Eschscholzia mexicana, having orange-gold, cup-shaped flowers, found in dry, mountainous regions of western North America.
  • mineralocorticoids — Plural form of mineralocorticoid.
  • misunderestimation — (nonstandard) An inaccurate underestimation, or an act of misunderestimating.
  • modelling language — (language)   Possibly a kind of programming language designed for describing models and their behaviour. See also data modelling, object relational model, simulation, UML, VRML.
  • mohammed ibn-kasim — flourished early 8th century a.d, Muslim conqueror of the Sind region in India.
  • molecular medicine — the study of disease or injury at the molecular or cellular level.
  • mordovian republic — a constituent republic of W central Russia, in the middle Volga basin. Capital: Saransk. Pop: 888 700 (2002). Area: 26 200 sq km (10 110 sq miles)
  • morphine addiction — the fact or condition of being addicted to morphine
  • moving bed reactor — A moving bed reactor is a reactor in which a layer of catalyst in the form of granules is moved between a reaction area and a regeneration area.
  • mozilla foundation — (body, web, open source)   The body set up by Netscape in January 1998 to coordinate development of the Mozilla browser and to provide a point of contact.
  • nailed to the wall — [like a trophy] Said of a bug finally eliminated after protracted, and even heroic, effort.
  • national guardsman — guardsman (def 2).
  • neighborhood watch — a neighborhood surveillance program or group in which residents keep watch over one another's houses, patrol the streets, etc., in an attempt to prevent crime.
  • neuropsychodynamic — Of or pertaining to neuropsychodynamics.
  • new forest disease — an infectious eye disease causing acute eye pain in cattle
  • new zealand on air — the operational name for the New Zealand Broadcasting Commission
  • new zealand pigeon — a large fruit-eating native pigeon, Hemiphagia novaeseelandiae, of forest areas
  • nominative-address — a noun naming the person to whom one is speaking.
  • non-contextualized — to put (a linguistic element, an action, etc.) in a context, especially one that is characteristic or appropriate, as for purposes of study.
  • non-denominational — of or relating to a denomination or denominations.
  • non-discriminative — constituting a particular quality, trait, or difference; characteristic; notable.
  • non-fundamentalist — (sometimes initial capital letter) a religious movement characterized by a strict belief in the literal interpretation of religious texts, especially within American Protestantism and Islam.
  • non-identification — an act or instance of identifying; the state of being identified.
  • nonstriated muscle — smooth muscle
  • nord-pas-de-calais — a region of N France, on the Straits of Dover (the Pas de Calais): coal-mining, textile, and metallurgical industries
  • normally aspirated — A normally aspirated or naturally aspirated engine breathes air at atmospheric pressure.
  • northeast corridor — the long, narrow strip of land between Boston, New York City, and Washington, D.C., containing many adjacent urban areas.
  • norwegian elkhound — one of a breed of dogs having a short, compact body, short, pointed ears, and a thick, gray coat, raised originally in Norway for hunting elk and other game.
  • not take kindly to — not welcome
  • notifiable disease — any one of a number of infectious diseases of humans and animals, that must be reported to the public health authorities
  • obedience training — the training of an animal, especially a dog, to obey certain commands.
  • oedipus at colonus — a tragedy by Sophocles, written toward the end of his life and produced posthumously in 401? b.c.
  • office of readings — the first of the canonical hours; matins
  • old low franconian — a Low German dialect of the Franks of the lower Rhine valley before c1100.
  • on delicate ground — in a situation requiring tact
  • on the danger list — critically ill in hospital
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