
18-letter words containing n, o, c, e

  • bone of contention — If a particular matter or issue is a bone of contention, it is the subject of a disagreement or argument.
  • bottom dead center — Bottom dead center is the point at which the piston of an engine is nearest to the axis of the crankshaft. On a vertical engine, this is the lowest point that the piston reaches.
  • bottom dead centre — the position of the crank of a reciprocating engine when the piston is at its nearest point to the crankshaft
  • boundedly complete — (theory)   (Or "consistently complete") In domain theory, a complete partial order is boundedly complete if every bounded subset has a least upper bound.
  • brand-name product — A brand-name product is one which is made by a well-known manufacturer and has the manufacturer's label on it.
  • breach of contract — the act of breaking the conditions of a contract
  • break your silence — If someone breaks their silence about something, they talk about something that they have not talked about before or for a long time.
  • brightness control — a control that enables the brightness of the image on a television screen, computer monitor, etc to be adjusted
  • bring someone luck — If you say that something brings bad luck or brings someone good luck, you believe that it has an influence on whether good or bad things happen to them.
  • broadcasting house — any of a number of buildings in the UK from which the BBC broadcasts or has broadcast
  • bromochloromethane — chlorobromomethane.
  • bullnose stretcher — bull stretcher (def 1).
  • bullnose-stretcher — Also called bullnose stretcher. a brick having one of the edges along its length rounded for laying as a stretcher in a sill or the like.
  • burrell collection — a gallery in Glasgow, noted for its collection of paintings, textiles, furniture, ceramics, etc
  • business education — education for general knowledge of business practices.
  • c-reactive protein — a globulin in the blood produced by the liver in response to inflammation
  • cabernet sauvignon — a black grape originally grown in the Bordeaux area of France, and now throughout the wine-producing world
  • cabinet government — parliamentary government.
  • calcium propionate — a white, water-soluble powder, CaC 6 H 10 O 4 , used in bakery products to inhibit the growth of fungi.
  • california current — a cold current originating in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, flowing SE along the coast of W North America.
  • california rosebay — a Pacific coast shrub or tree (Rhododendron californicum) of the heath family, with rosy or purplish flowers
  • call into question — to raise a question or doubt about
  • calling convention — (programming)   The arrangement of arguments for a procedure or function call. Different programming languages may require arguments to be pushed onto a stack or entered in registers in left-to-right or right-to left order, and either the caller or the callee can be responsible for removing the arguments. The calling convention also determines if a variable number of arguments is allowed.
  • cap of maintenance — a ceremonial cap or hat worn or carried as a symbol of office, rank, etc
  • cape breton island — an island off SE Canada, in NE Nova Scotia, separated from the mainland by the Strait of Canso: its easternmost point is Cape Breton. Pop: 132 298 (2006). Area: 10 280 sq km (3970 sq miles)
  • capital allowances — the money spent by a company on fixed assets which can be taken off the profits of the company before tax is imposed
  • captain james cookFrederick Albert, 1865–1940, U.S. physician and polar explorer.
  • carbonic anhydrase — an enzyme in blood cells that catalyses the decomposition of carbonic acid into carbon dioxide and water, facilitating the transport of carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs
  • carbonic-anhydride — carbon dioxide.
  • carboxyhaemoglobin — haemoglobin coordinated with carbon monoxide, formed as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning. As carbon monoxide is bound in preference to oxygen, tissues are deprived of oxygen
  • carcinoid syndrome — the systemic effects, including flushing, palpitations, diarrhea, and cramps, resulting from increased blood levels of serotonin secreted by a carcinoid.
  • career development — a progression through a series of jobs, each with more responsibility and a higher income than the last
  • carolina chickadee — a chickadee, Parus carolinensis, of the southeastern U.S., resembling but smaller than the black-capped chickadee.
  • carolina jessamine — a vine, Gelsemium sempervirens, of the southern U.S. and Central America, of the logania family, having glossy, lance-shaped leaves and fragrant yellow flowers: the state flower of South Carolina.
  • carpenterworm moth — any moth of the family Cossidae, as Prionoxystus robiniae of the U.S. and southern Canada, whose larvae bore into the trunks and branches of oaks, locusts, and other trees.
  • cash-for-questions — of, involved in, or relating to a scandal in which some MPs were accused of accepting bribes to ask particular questions in Parliament
  • castration complex — an unconscious fear of having one's genitals removed, as a punishment for wishing to have sex with a parent
  • cat's cry syndrome — a complex of congenital malformations in human infants caused by a chromosomal aberration and in which the infant emits a mewing cry.
  • catalogue raisonne — a descriptive catalogue, esp one covering works of art in an exhibition or collection
  • catalonian jasmine — a shrub, Jasminum grandiflorum, of India, having crimson-tinged, fragrant white flowers, grown as an ornamental and for perfume.
  • catch one's breath — When you catch your breath while you are doing something energetic, you stop for a short time so that you can start breathing normally again.
  • catherine of siena — Saint. 1347–80, Italian mystic and ascetic; patron saint of the Dominican order. Feast day: April 29
  • cationic detergent — a type of detergent in which the active part of the molecule is a positive ion (cation). Cationic detergents are usually quaternary ammonium salts and often also have bactericidal properties
  • cauliflower fungus — a large edible white to yellowish cauliflowerlike mushroom, Sparassis radicata, widely distributed in North America.
  • causa sine qua non — an indispensable condition; requisite.
  • ceiling decoration — a plaster moulding for the centre of a ceiling; other decoration, such as coving
  • cellular automaton — (algorithm, parallel)   (CA, plural "- automata") A regular spatial lattice of "cells", each of which can have any one of a finite number of states. The state of all cells in the lattice are updated simultaneously and the state of the entire lattice advances in discrete time steps. The state of each cell in the lattice is updated according to a local rule which may depend on the state of the cell and its neighbors at the previous time step. Each cell in a cellular automaton could be considered to be a finite state machine which takes its neighbours' states as input and outputs its own state. The best known example is J.H. Conway's game of Life.
  • cellular telephone — a mobile phone
  • center of symmetry — a point within a crystal through which any straight line extends to points on opposite surfaces of the crystal at equal distances.
  • central government — the government of a state or country
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