
17-letter words containing n, i, r, e, b

  • cerebral accident — a disturbance of the blood supply to parts of the brain because of blockage or hemorrhage, causing unconsciousness, paralysis, etc.; stroke
  • charles lindbergh — Anne (Spencer) Morrow, 1906–2001, U.S. writer (wife of Charles Augustus Lindbergh).
  • cistern barometer — a mercury barometer in which the lower mercury surface has a greater area than the upper.
  • civil libertarian — a person who actively supports or works for the protection or expansion of civil liberties.
  • clear box testing — white box testing
  • clumber (spaniel) — a short-legged spaniel with a heavy body and a thick coat of straight, white hair marked with yellow or orange
  • collaborativeness — Quality of being collaborative.
  • combine harvester — A combine harvester is a large machine which is used on farms to cut, sort, and clean grain.
  • comprehensibility — capable of being comprehended or understood; intelligible.
  • condensing boiler — an energy-efficient boiler that makes use of what would otherwise be waste heat
  • congo-brazzaville — a republic in W Central Africa: formerly the French colony of Middle Congo, part of French Equatorial Africa, it became independent in 1960; consists mostly of equatorial forest, with savanna and extensive swamps; drained chiefly by the Rivers Congo and Ubangi. Official language: French. Religion: Christian majority. Currency: franc. Capital: Brazzaville. Pop: 4 492 689 (2013 est). Area: 342 000 sq km (132 018 sq miles)
  • contrasuggestible — responding or tending to respond to a suggestion by doing or believing the opposite
  • countersubversive — Also, subversionary [suh b-vur-zhuh-ner-ee, -shuh-] /səbˈvɜr ʒəˌnɛr i, -ʃə-/ (Show IPA). tending or intending to subvert or overthrow, destroy, or undermine an established or existing system, especially a legally constituted government or a set of beliefs.
  • cross the rubicon — If you say that someone has crossed the Rubicon, you mean that they have reached a point where they cannot change a decision or course of action.
  • cry in one's beer — to lament or complain in a maudlin manner
  • dagestan republic — a constituent republic of S Russia, on the Caspian Sea: annexed from Persia in 1813; rich mineral resources. Capital: Makhachkala. Pop: 2 584 200 (2002). Area: 50 278 sq km (19 416 sq miles)
  • debt rescheduling — the process of changing the time frame or deadline for the repayment of debt, usually to ease the burden on the debtor
  • denominate number — a number associated with a unit of measurement.
  • deoxyribonuclease — DNase.
  • desoxyribonucleic — Alternative spelling of deoxyribonucleic.
  • dietrich von bern — Theodoric of Verona: the name of the eastern Gothic emperor Theodoric as it appears in German legends.
  • differentiability — The ability to be differentiated.
  • discreditableness — Quality of being discreditable.
  • dishonourableness — Alternative spelling of dishonorableness.
  • distribution line — A distribution line is a line or system for distributing power from a transmission system to a consumer that operates at less than 69,000 volts.
  • doberman pinscher — one of a German breed of medium-sized, short-haired dogs having a black, brown, or blue coat with rusty brown markings.
  • double refraction — the separation of a ray of light into two unequally refracted, plane-polarized rays of orthogonal polarizations, occurring in crystals in which the velocity of light rays is not the same in all directions.
  • double track line — a railway line with double track
  • downwardly mobile — See under vertical mobility (def 1).
  • downwardly-mobile — See under vertical mobility (def 1).
  • drive-by download — an incidence of an unwanted program being automatically downloaded to a computer, often without the user's knowledge
  • drive-by shooting — an incident in which a person, building, or vehicle is shot at by someone in a moving vehicle
  • east siberian sea — a part of the Arctic Ocean, between Wrangel Island and the New Siberian Islands. 352,520 sq. mi. (913,000 sq. km).
  • egyptian brackets — (programming, humour)   A humourous term for K&R indent style, referring to the "one hand up in front, one down behind" pose which popular culture inexplicably associates with Egypt.
  • english breakfast — An English breakfast is a breakfast consisting of cooked food such as bacon, eggs, sausages, and tomatoes. It also includes toast and tea or coffee.
  • examination board — an organization that sets and corrects exams
  • executive burnout — a total loss of energy and interest and an inability to function effectively, experienced by some executives as a result of excessive demands upon their resources or chronic overwork
  • exhibition centre — a large building in which major trade fairs are held
  • first-degree burn — a burned place or area: a burn where fire had ripped through the forest.
  • flexible response — a military strategy that enables the response to an attack to be adapted to the nature and strength of the attack
  • flowering tobacco — any plant belonging to the genus Nicotiana, of the nightshade family, as N. alata and N. sylvestris, having clusters of fragrant flowers that usually bloom at night, grown as an ornamental.
  • frostbite sailing — the sport of sailing in temperate latitudes during the winter despite cold weather.
  • gibbs free energy — the thermodynamic function of a system that is equal to its enthalpy minus the product of its absolute temperture and entropy: a decrease in the function is equal to the maximum amount of work available exclusive of that due to pressure times volume change during a reversible, isothermal, isobaric process.
  • goldbeater's skin — the prepared outside membrane of the large intestine of the ox, used by goldbeaters to lay between the leaves of the metal while they beat it into gold leaf.
  • golf ball printer — IBM 2741
  • greenland halibut — a flatfish, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, similar and related to the halibut
  • haemoglobinometer — an instrument used to determine the haemoglobin content of blood
  • have a bearing on — If something has a bearing on a situation or event, it is relevant to it.
  • have it in for sb — If someone has it in for you, they dislike you and try to cause problems for you.
  • have on the brain — If someone has something on the brain, they keep thinking about it.
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