
14-letter words containing n, i, r, e, b

  • tunbridge ware — decorative wooden ware, including tables, trays, boxes, and ornamental objects, produced especially in the late 17th and 18th centuries in Tunbridge Wells, England, with mosaiclike marquetry sawed from square-sectioned wooden rods of different natural colors.
  • turbine engine — a rotary engine that converts kinetic energy of a moving fluid (water, steam, air, or combustion products of a fuel) into mechanical energy
  • turbomachinery — machinery consisting of, incorporating, or constituting a turbine
  • turnip cabbage — kohlrabi.
  • un-subordinate — placed in or belonging to a lower order or rank.
  • unalterability — the state or quality of not being alterable or not being able to be changed
  • unattributable — to regard as resulting from a specified cause; consider as caused by something indicated (usually followed by to): She attributed his bad temper to ill health.
  • unbureaucratic — of, relating to, or characteristic of a bureaucrat or a bureaucracy; arbitrary and routine.
  • uncriticizable — to censure or find fault with.
  • undecipherable — to make out the meaning of (poor or partially obliterated writing, etc.): to decipher a hastily scribbled note.
  • undeliberately — carefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional: a deliberate lie.
  • under-building — to construct (especially something complex) by assembling and joining parts or materials: to build a house.
  • undersubscribe — to subscribe for less of than is available, expected, or required: The concert series is undersubscribed and may be cancelled.
  • undeterminable — capable of being determined.
  • undiscoverable — unable to be discovered or found out
  • undiscoverably — in an undiscoverable manner
  • universal bank — A universal bank is a bank that offers both banking and stockbroking services to its clients.
  • universal beam — a broad-flanged rolled steel joist suitable for a stanchion (axial load) or beam (bending load)
  • unmarriageable — suitable or attractive for marriage: The handsome and successful young man was considered eminently marriageable.
  • unpremeditable — capable of being premeditated
  • unrecognizable — to identify as something or someone previously seen, known, etc.: He had changed so much that one could scarcely recognize him.
  • unrecognizably — in an unrecognizable or unidentifiable manner
  • unreconcilable — capable of being reconciled.
  • unreconcilably — in an unreconcilable manner
  • unreproducible — to make a copy, representation, duplicate, or close imitation of: to reproduce a picture.
  • unrestrainable — to hold back from action; keep in check or under control; repress: to restrain one's temper.
  • unsplinterable — unable to be splintered
  • unsubordinated — noting or designating a debt obligation whose holder is placed in precedence below secured and general creditors: subordinated debentures.
  • upper sideband — the frequency band above the carrier frequency, within which fall the spectral components produced by modulation of a carrier wave
  • urinary tubule — any of the long, winding tubules of the vertebrate kidney in which urine is formed
  • user-definable — (of a facility on a computer) that can be defined or varied by the user
  • venturi (tube) — a short tube with a constricted, throatlike passage that increases the velocity and lowers the pressure of a fluid conveyed through it: used to measure the flow of a fluid, to operate instruments, as in aircraft, to regulate the mixture in a carburetor, etc.
  • verbena family — the plant family Verbenaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees having opposite or whorled leaves, clusters of irregular, sometimes fragrant flowers, and fleshy or dry fruit, and including the beautyberry, lantana, teak, verbena, and vervain.
  • vickers number — a numerical expression of the hardness of a metal as determined by a test (Vickers test) in which the sample is indented under a known pressure by the point of a diamond and the surface area of the indentation is divided into the amount of pressure applied.
  • virgin's-bower — any of several American clematis plants, esp Clematis virginiana, of E North America, which has clusters of small white flowers
  • virginia beach — a town in SE Virginia.
  • warbling vireo — a grayish-green American vireo, Vireo gilvus, characterized by its melodious warble.
  • wellingborough — a town in central England, in Northamptonshire. Pop: 46 959 (2001)
  • winding number — the number of times a closed curve winds around a point not on the curve.
  • without number — of too great a quantity to be counted; innumerable
  • women's libber — a movement to combat sexual discrimination and to gain full legal, economic, vocational, educational, and social rights and opportunities for women, equal to those of men.
  • word blindness — alexia.
  • yorkshire bond — flying bond.
  • zebra crossing — a street crossing marked with white stripes.
  • zero balancing — a therapy involving the manipulation of the patient's skeletal structure in order to restore the balance of energy, relieve pain, and maintain well-being
  • zingiberaceous — belonging to the Zingiberaceae, the ginger family of plants.
  • zinziberaceous — zingiberaceous.
  • zygobranchiate — of or relating to zygobranchs or the Zygobranchia genus
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