
12-letter words containing n, i, r, e, b

  • unprofitable — being without profit; not showing or turning a profit: a series of unprofitable ventures.
  • unprohibited — to forbid (an action, activity, etc.) by authority or law: Smoking is prohibited here.
  • unrealizable — incapable of being made actual or real, as an ideal or ambition: His dream of military glory was unrealizable.
  • unreimbursed — to make repayment to for expense or loss incurred: The insurance company reimbursed him for his losses in the fire.
  • unrelievable — to ease or alleviate (pain, distress, anxiety, need, etc.).
  • unremediable — capable of being remedied.
  • unremittable — to transmit or send (money, a check, etc.) to a person or place, usually in payment.
  • unrepairable — that cannot be repaired: Some old clocks are unrepairable.
  • unrequitable — to make repayment or return for (service, benefits, etc.).
  • unresistible — not able to be resisted or opposed
  • unretainable — to keep possession of.
  • unreversible — capable of reversing or of being reversed.
  • unreviewable — a critical article or report, as in a periodical, on a book, play, recital, or the like; critique; evaluation.
  • unriddleable — (of a puzzle) not decipherable
  • unshrinkable — not able to contract or become smaller in size
  • unslumbering — not sleeping
  • unsubscribed — not subscribed
  • unsurvivable — able to be survived: Would an atomic war be survivable?
  • unverbalized — not verbalized or put into words
  • unverifiable — to prove the truth of, as by evidence or testimony; confirm; substantiate: Events verified his prediction.
  • urobilinogen — a colourless substance produced by bacterial degradation of the bile pigment bilirubin in the intestine and which produces urobilin when oxidized
  • van riebeeck — Jan, full name Johan Anthoniszoon van Riebeeck. 1619–77, Dutch colonial administrator. Founder of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope (1652)
  • variableness — apt or liable to vary or change; changeable: variable weather; variable moods.
  • venerability — commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity; worthy of veneration or reverence, as because of high office or noble character: a venerable member of Congress.
  • venturi tube — a device for measuring the flow of a fluid, consisting of a tube with a short, narrow center section and widened, tapered ends, so that a fluid flowing through the center section at a higher velocity than through an end section creates a pressure differential that is a measure of the flow of the fluid.
  • verbal irony — irony in which a person says or writes one thing and means another, or uses words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of the literal meaning.
  • vertebration — vertebrate formation.
  • vibratiuncle — a slight vibration
  • vigee-lebrun — (Marie Anne) Élisabeth [ma-ree an ey-lee-za-bet] /maˈri an eɪ li zaˈbɛt/ (Show IPA), 1755–1842, French painter.
  • villeurbanne — a city in E France, near Lyons.
  • wakeboarding — (sports) A water sport where a rider on a small board is towed by a motor boat, and attached by a cable.
  • web designer — a person who plans, designs, creates, and often maintains websites.
  • web scraping — the extraction and copying of data from a website into a structured format using a computer program: Hackers pose a threat with techniques like web scraping. Our search engine uses web scraping to index sites.
  • white bryony — a climbing herbaceous cucurbitaceous plant, Bryonia dioica, of Europe and North Africa, having greenish flowers and red berries
  • wind turbine — a turbine powered by the wind.
  • windbreakers — Plural form of windbreaker.
  • winter blues — a feeling of depression or deep unhappiness associated with experiencing the cold and darkness of winter
  • winter break — a period of vacation between semesters of colleges, universities, or other schools and usually including the winter holidays.
  • winterbourne — a channel filled only at a time of excessive rainfall.
  • wrecking bar — pinch bar.
  • youngberries — Plural form of youngberry.
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