
17-letter words containing n, i, p, o, e

  • helicopter parent — a style of child rearing in which an overprotective mother or father discourages a child's independence by being too involved in the child's life: In typical helicopter parenting, a mother or father swoops in at any sign of challenge or discomfort.
  • heptanedioic acid — pimelic acid.
  • hoare powerdomain — powerdomain
  • holding operation — a plan or procedure devised to prolong the existing situation
  • holy roman empire — a Germanic empire located chiefly in central Europe that began with the coronation of Charlemagne as Roman emperor in a.d. 800 (or, according to some historians, with the coronation of Otto the Great, king of Germany, in a.d. 962) and ended with the renunciation of the Roman imperial title by Francis II in 1806, and was regarded theoretically as the continuation of the Western Empire and as the temporal form of a universal dominion whose spiritual head was the pope.
  • home improvements — improvements to one's home, such as new kitchens and bathrooms, central heating etc
  • hope against hope — the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best: to give up hope.
  • hospital gangrene — Pathology. a contagious, often fatal gangrene, especially involving amputation stumps and war wounds, occurring usually in crowded, ill-kept hospitals, and caused by putrefactive bacteria.
  • housekeeping cart — A housekeeping cart is a large metal basket on wheels which is used by a cleaner in a hotel to move clean bed linen, towels, and cleaning equipment.
  • hydrogen peroxide — a colorless, unstable, oily liquid, H 2 O 2 , an aqueous solution of which is used chiefly as an antiseptic and a bleaching agent.
  • hydrogen sulphide — Chemistry
  • hydroxytryptamine — (organic compound) Any hydroxy derivative of tryptamine, but especially 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin).
  • hyperalimentation — overfeeding.
  • hyperbolic cosine — one of a group of functions of an angle expressed as a relationship between the distances of a point on a hyperbola to the origin and to the coordinate axes; cosh
  • hyperbolic secant — a hyperbolic function that is the reciprocal of cosh; sech
  • hyperchlorination — Chemistry. to combine or treat with chlorine. to introduce chlorine atoms into an organic compound by an addition or substitution reaction.
  • hyperconnectivity — Hyperconnectivity is the use of many systems and devices so that you are always connected to social networks and other sources of information.
  • hyperinflationary — (economics) Having very high levels of inflation.
  • hyperpigmentation — coloration, especially of the skin.
  • hyperpolarisation — Alternative spelling of hyperpolarization.
  • hyperpolarization — The act or process of hyperpolarizing.
  • hypodermic needle — a hollow needle used to inject solutions subcutaneously.
  • hypophrygian mode — a plagal church mode represented on the white keys of a keyboard instrument by an ascending scale from B to B, with the final on E.
  • hyposensitization — The state or process of being reduced in sensitivity especially to an allergen.
  • i beg your pardon — You say 'Pardon?' or 'I beg your pardon?' or, in American English, 'Pardon me?' when you want someone to repeat what they have just said because you have not heard or understood it.
  • identity politics — political activity or movements based on or catering to the cultural, ethnic, gender, racial, religious, or social interests that characterize a group identity.
  • immunocompromised — having an impaired or compromised immune response; immunodeficient.
  • immunosuppressant — (pharmacology) Capable of immunosuppression, immunosuppressive.
  • immunosuppression — the inhibition of the normal immune response because of disease, the administration of drugs, or surgery.
  • immunosuppressive — capable of causing immunosuppression: immunosuppressive drugs.
  • immunotherapeutic — (immunology, medicine) Of a pharmaceutical, acting on the immune system to treat disease; used in immunotherapy.
  • impersonalization — to make impersonal: The dial system impersonalized the telephone.
  • impersonification — (archaic) the act of impersonating; impersonation.
  • implosion therapy — a form of behavior therapy involving intensive recollection and review of anxiety-producing situations or events in a patient's life in an attempt to develop more appropriate responses to similar situations in the future.
  • impressionability — easily impressed or influenced; susceptible: an impressionable youngster.
  • improper fraction — a fraction having the numerator greater than the denominator.
  • improper integral — Also called infinite integral. a definite integral in which one or both of the limits of integration is infinite.
  • improvement grant — a sum of money provided by a government, local authority, or public fund to finance the amelioration of a building, area of land, etc
  • imputation system — a former taxation system in which some, or all, of the corporation tax on a company was treated as a tax credit on account of the income tax paid by its shareholders on their dividends; discontinued from 1999
  • in a fit of pique — If someone does something in a fit of pique, they do it suddenly because they are annoyed at being not treated properly.
  • in forma pauperis — as a poor person; i.e. without paying court costs
  • in one fell swoop — to sweep through the air, as a bird or a bat, especially down upon prey.
  • in the process of — If you are in the process of doing something, you have started to do it and are still doing it.
  • in/into disrepair — If something is in disrepair or is in a state of disrepair, it is broken or in bad condition.
  • in/out of keeping — If one thing is in keeping with another, it is suitable in relation to that thing. If one thing is out of keeping with another, it is not suitable in relation to that thing.
  • inappropriateness — not appropriate; not proper or suitable: an inappropriate dress for the occasion.
  • inclusion complex — a solid solution in which molecules of one compound occupy places in the crystal lattice of another compound. Compare adduct (def 2).
  • incompatibilities — not compatible; unable to exist together in harmony: She asked for a divorce because they were utterly incompatible.
  • incomplete flower — a flower without one or more of the normal parts, as carpels, sepals, petals, pistils, or stamens.
  • incomprehensively — In an incomprehensive manner.
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