
14-letter words containing n, i, p, o, e

  • be in the loop — If someone is in the loop, they are part of a group of people who make decisions about important things, or they know about these decisions. If they are out of the loop, they do not make or know about important decisions.
  • benzodiazepine — any of a group of chemical compounds that are used as minor tranquillizers, such as diazepam (Valium) and chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
  • beta-endorphin — a potent endorphin released by the anterior pituitary gland in response to pain, trauma, exercise, or other forms of stress.
  • beyond dispute — not open to dispute or question; settled
  • bioprospecting — searching for plant or animal species for use as a source of commercially exploitable products, such as medicinal drugs
  • bisphosphonate — any drug of a class that inhibits the resorption of bone; used in treating certain bone disorders, esp osteoporosis
  • bite one's lip — If you bite your lip or your tongue, you stop yourself from saying something that you want to say, because it would be the wrong thing to say in the circumstances.
  • blotting paper — Blotting paper is thick soft paper that you use for soaking up and drying ink on a piece of paper.
  • bodice-ripping — A bodice-ripping film or novel is one which is set in the past and which includes a lot of sex scenes. You use this word especially if you do not think it is very good and is just intended to entertain people.
  • bomb explosion — an explosion caused by the detonation of a bomb
  • bone porcelain — bone china.
  • bowstring hemp — a hemplike fibre obtained from the sansevieria
  • breaking point — If something or someone has reached breaking point, they have so many problems or difficulties that they can no longer cope with them, and may soon collapse or be unable to continue.
  • brownie points — a credit toward advancement or good standing gained especially by currying favor.
  • bubonic plague — Bubonic plague is a serious infectious disease spread by rats. It killed many people during the Middle Ages.
  • burn-in period — 1.   (testing)   A factory soak test intended to increase the chance that components that fail early due to infant mortality will fail before the system leaves the factory. 2.   (jargon)   When one is so intensely involved in a new project that one forgets basic needs such as food, drink and sleep. Excessive burn-in can lead to burn-out. See hack mode, larval stage.
  • businesspeople — a person regularly employed in business, especially a white-collar worker, executive, or owner.
  • businessperson — Businesspeople are people who work in business.
  • by appointment — If something can be done by appointment, people can arrange in advance to do it at a particular time.
  • capriciousness — subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable change; erratic: He's such a capricious boss I never know how he'll react.
  • captain cooker — a wild pig
  • carpet bombing — Carpet bombing is heavy bombing from aircraft, with the intention of hitting as many places as possible in a particular area.
  • carpet bowling — a form of bowls played indoors on a strip of carpet, at the centre of which lies an obstacle round which the bowl has to pass
  • carrier pigeon — any homing pigeon, esp one used for carrying messages
  • cephalosporins — Plural form of cephalosporin.
  • chancellorship — The chancellorship is the position of chancellor. Someone's chancellorship is the period of time when they are chancellor.
  • chase pointers — (programming)   To determine a chain of memory locations where each location holds a pointer to the next, starting from some initial pointer, e.g. traversing a linked list or other graph structure. This may be performed by a computer executing a program or by a programmer going through a core dump or using a debugger.
  • chemoreception — the response of a chemoreceptor to chemical stimuli
  • chlorpromazine — a drug derived from phenothiazine, used as a tranquillizer and sedative, esp in psychotic disorders. Formula: C17H19ClN2S
  • chondrophorine — relating to chondrophores
  • chopping knife — a knife for chopping meat, vegetables etc
  • choreographing — Present participle of choreograph.
  • chromoproteins — Plural form of chromoprotein.
  • chronicle play — a drama based on a historical subject
  • cinametography — Misspelling of cinematography.
  • cine projector — a machine which projects successive frames from a reel of film to create moving pictures
  • cinema complex — a building containing several cinemas
  • cinematography — Cinematography is the technique of making films for the cinema.
  • cinemicrograph — a motion picture filmed through a microscope.
  • circumspection — Circumspection is cautious behaviour and a refusal to take risks.
  • cleptomaniacs' — kleptomania.
  • clinopyroxenes — Plural form of clinopyroxene.
  • close position — an arrangement of a chord that has the three upper voices close together
  • co-chairperson — one of two or more joint chairpersons.
  • cocker spaniel — A cocker spaniel is a breed of small dog with silky hair and long ears.
  • coelanaglyphic — (of pottery) decorated with sunken relief
  • colour printer — a printer that prints in colour on paper
  • communism peak — a peak of the Pamir mountains, in NE Tajikistan. 24,590 feet (7495 meters).
  • companion cell — any of a number of specialized parenchymal cells adjacent to a sieve tube in the phloem of flowering plants, believed to regulate the flow of nutrients through the tube.
  • compassionable — exciting or deserving pity
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