
19-letter words containing n, i, f, t

  • genetic fingerprint — DNA fingerprinting.
  • gentile da fabriano — 1370?–1427, Italian painter.
  • give (free) rein to — to allow to act without restraint
  • give a person a fit — to surprise a person in an outrageous manner
  • give one credit for — to commend one for
  • go on the offensive — If you go on the offensive, go over to the offensive, or take the offensive, you begin to take strong action against people who have been attacking you.
  • grandfather's chair — wing chair.
  • gravitational field — the attractive effect, considered as extending throughout space, of matter on other matter.
  • great wall of china — a system of fortified walls with a roadway along the top, constructed as a defense for China against the nomads of the regions that are now Mongolia and Manchuria: completed in the 3rd century b.c., but later repeatedly modified and rebuilt. 2000 miles (3220 km) long.
  • greenhouse whitefly — See under whitefly.
  • greenstick fracture — an incomplete fracture of a long bone, in which one side is broken and the other side is still intact.
  • gross profit margin — A gross profit margin is a measure of the profitability of a company, that is calculated by dividing gross profit by net sales.
  • grosse pointe farms — a city in SE Michigan, near Detroit.
  • gulf of carpentaria — a shallow inlet of the Arafura Sea, in N Australia between Arnhem Land and Cape York Peninsula
  • halt and catch fire — (humour, processor)   (HCF) Any of several undocumented and semi-mythical machine instructions with destructive side-effects, supposedly included for test purposes on several well-known architectures going as far back as the IBM 360. The Motorola 6800 microprocessor was the first for which an HCF opcode became widely known. This instruction caused the processor to read every memory location sequentially until reset.
  • hang five (or ten) — to ride a surfboard with the toes of one (or both) feet draped over the front edge of the board
  • hang on the lips of — to listen to with close attention
  • have half a mind to — to have the intention of
  • have the makings of — show potential as
  • health professional — a person trained to work in any field of physical or mental health.
  • heat of sublimation — the heat absorbed by one gram or unit mass of a substance in the process of changing, at a constant temperature and pressure, from a solid to a gaseous state. Compare sublime (def 10).
  • hexafluoroplatinate — (chemistry) The univalent anion PtF6- prepared by reacting platinum hexafluoride with certain metals or other elements.
  • high-flying tippler — a variety of domestic pigeon bred mainly for flying
  • house of correction — a place for the confinement and reform of persons convicted of minor offenses and not regarded as confirmed criminals.
  • hyperbolic function — a function of an angle expressed as a relationship between the distances from a point on a hyperbola to the origin and to the coordinate axes, as hyperbolic sine or hyperbolic cosine: often expressed as combinations of exponential functions.
  • hyperfine structure — the splitting of the lines of an atomic spectrum, produced by the angular momentum of the nucleus of the atom.
  • hyperfocal distance — the distance, at a given f number, between a camera lens and the nearest point (hyperfocal point) having satisfactory definition when focused at infinity.
  • identification card — a card giving identifying data about a person, as full name, address, age, and color of hair and eyes, and often containing a photograph: for use as identification at a place of employment, school, club, etc.
  • identification mark — barcode or serial number
  • if i'm not mistaken — You use expressions such as if I'm not mistaken and unless I'm very much mistaken as a polite way of emphasizing the statement you are making, especially when you are confident that it is correct.
  • immigration officer — official administrating incoming foreigners
  • in commemoration of — in remembrance of
  • in consideration of — the act of considering; careful thought; meditation; deliberation: I will give your project full consideration.
  • in definite pronoun — a pronoun, as English some, any, somebody, that leaves unspecified the identity of its referent.
  • in the hope of/that — If you do one thing in the hope of another thing happening, you do it because you think it might cause or help the other thing to happen, which is what you want.
  • in the light of sth — If something is possible in the light of particular information, it is only possible because you have this information.
  • in the line of duty — If you do something or if it happens to you in the line of duty, you do it or it happens as part of your regular work or as a result of it.
  • in the nick of time — a small notch, groove, chip, or the like, cut into or existing in something.
  • in the person of sb — You can use in the person of when mentioning the name of someone you have just referred to in a more general or indirect way.
  • in the tradition of — If you say that something or someone is in the tradition of a person or thing from the past, you mean that they have many features that remind you of that person or thing.
  • in tune/out of tune — A person or musical instrument that is in tune produces exactly the right notes. A person or musical instrument that is out of tune does not produce exactly the right notes.
  • incomplete fracture — a fracture extending partly across the bone.
  • indefinite integral — a representation, usually in symbolic form, of any function whose derivative is a given function.
  • index of refraction — a number indicating the speed of light in a given medium as either the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to that in the given medium (absolute index of refraction) or the ratio of the speed of light in a specified medium to that in the given medium (relative index of refraction) Symbol: n.
  • index-tracking fund — an investment fund that is administered so that its value changes in line with a given share index
  • indian paint fungus — a common woody hoof-shaped fungus, Echinodontium tinctorium, found on conifers in western North America and believed to have been used as a dye by Pacific Northwest Indians.
  • inductive inference — grammatical inference
  • infantile paralysis — poliomyelitis.
  • inferiority complex — Psychiatry. intense feeling of inferiority, producing a personality characterized either by extreme reticence or, as a result of overcompensation, by extreme aggressiveness.
  • inflationary spiral — Geometry. a plane curve generated by a point moving around a fixed point while constantly receding from or approaching it.
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