
12-letter words containing n, i, f, t

  • soft landing — space vehicle
  • soft science — any of the specialized fields or disciplines, as psychology, sociology, anthropology, or political science, that interpret human behavior, institutions, society, etc., on the basis of scientific investigations for which it may be difficult to establish strictly measurable criteria.
  • solifluction — creep (def 22a).
  • somnifacient — causing or inducing sleep.
  • sorbefacient — inducing absorption
  • south-facing — facing towards the south
  • spanish foot — a carved pyramidal foot having fluted, concave sides usually ending in a scroll at the bottom.
  • spiflication — rough treatment
  • spitefulness — full of spite or malice; showing spite; malicious; malevolent; venomous: a spiteful child.
  • sportfishing — fishing with a rod and reel for sport, especially for saltwater sport fish from a motorboat.
  • stand in for — to substitute for
  • stand-offish — If you say that someone is stand-offish, you mean that they behave in a formal and rather unfriendly way.
  • stanniferous — containing tin; tin-bearing
  • stiff-necked — having a stiff neck; having torticollis.
  • student file — a file containing information about each student in a school, college, etc, such as demographic information and information about grades, etc
  • stuffing box — a device for preventing leakage of gases or liquids along a moving rod or shaft at the point at which it leaves a cylinder, tank, ship hull, etc.
  • stuffing nut — a large nut that is tightened to compress the packing in a stuffing box
  • stunt flying — the activity or practice of performing stunts in an aeroplane, such as special turns, etc, in the air
  • stupefacient — stupefying; producing stupor.
  • stupefaction — the state of being stupefied; stupor.
  • stupefyingly — to put into a state of little or no sensibility; benumb the faculties of; put into a stupor.
  • sub-function — the kind of action or activity proper to a person, thing, or institution; the purpose for which something is designed or exists; role.
  • subinfection — an act or fact of infecting; state of being infected.
  • subinfeudate — to grant (lands) by subinfeudation
  • sufficiently — adequate for the purpose; enough: sufficient proof; sufficient protection.
  • suit oneself — a set of clothing, armor, or the like, intended for wear together.
  • surf casting — the act, technique, or sport of fishing by casting from the shoreline into the sea, usually using heavy-duty tackle.
  • tank farming — hydroponics.
  • tank fighter — a boxer known for false shows of being knocked down or out in bouts the results of which have been prearranged.
  • terraforming — to alter the environment of (a celestial body) in order to make capable of supporting terrestrial life forms.
  • terrifyingly — to fill with terror or alarm; make greatly afraid.
  • the sniffles — a cold in the head
  • thereinafter — afterward in that document.
  • third finger — the finger next to the little finger; ring finger.
  • tightfitting — (of a garment) fitting closely to the contours of the body: tightfitting pants.
  • tin-fluoride — stannous fluoride.
  • titaniferous — containing or yielding titanium.
  • to open fire — If you open fire on someone, you start shooting at them.
  • tonic sol-fa — a system of singing characterized by emphasis upon tonality or key relationship, in which tones are indicated by the initial letters of the syllables of the sol-fa system rather than by conventional staff notation.
  • top grafting — grafting in the top, as of a tree, in order to replace existing branches with those of a more desired variety or form.
  • topping lift — a line for raising and supporting a spar, as a yard or boom.
  • torrefaction — to subject to fire or intense heat; parch, roast, or scorch.
  • traffic cone — conical road markers
  • traffic sign — notice to vehicles
  • transfection — the insertion into a cell of a bacterial plasmid that contains a foreign virus or genetic material.
  • transfermium — having an atomic number greater than 100, the atomic number of fermium.
  • transferring — to convey or remove from one place, person, etc., to another: He transferred the package from one hand to the other.
  • transforming — to change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose.
  • transformism — the doctrine of gradual transformation of one species into another by descent with modification through many generations.
  • transformist — an adherent of transformism.
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